The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

I'm disappointed and surprised that no one has started the Jam Food thread. I've been waiting for it and I should have just done it myself. Is anyone still planning to contribute to the smorgasbord on Saturday evening? I'm a foodie and I don't drink so the array of options that people bring is a highlight to Saturday night for me. I'll be bringing a cheese tray to contribute to spread. If no one else is pitching in then I guess I'll just have to eat it all myself. Don't stand down wind of me on Sunday!
Wow... after having to drive through the deluge that is headed your way, I can't say that I'm too disappointed that I won't be there. Still... Have fun everyone, drink one (or a couple) for me, and be safe!
Are there still campsites available? If not would anyone want to split a site with me? I'll have a small tent and or a hammock to sleep in.
Slay, give them a ring:
geebee wrote:
even with heavy rain, will the upper parts of the limestoners still fish ?

fishing creek, spring creek, cherry run , elk creek etc ?

the rain looks like it hits around 8pm tomorrow night and lasts til 4-5pm Friday.

i'm not bothered about fishing in the rain, nor hatches, but i want to be able to fish !

another thought, if the rivers are no go, is it worth bringing up the float tube and trying some small ponds, any spring fed ponds up there

There are no spring fed ponds. Poe Lake is stocked but it's a mediocre stockie lake. I wouldn't bother with the float tube.

If the limers go way up and get muddy, the best bet is to fish the forested freestone streams. They often fish very well after a storm raises water levels.

And monitor the limers. When they go from muddy to "chalky green" that's a very good time to fish. Some limers clear quicker than others.
If you are still planning on coming and don't have a place to stay pm me. I might have an opportunity available for you.
There may be browns running up the newly formed river at the campground!!
I truly think that PAFF should rent itself out to drought stricken parts of this country because we can schedule events that bring rain with the best of them!

I really hope you all get some good fishing in but the big boys will be into next week before they are really fishable! Hey, at least the beer will be cold and the weather will be nice.

Enjoy guys, hopefully one of these years I can make it to one of these.
Murph wrote:
If you are still planning on coming and don't have a place to stay pm me. I might have an opportunity available for you.

i'm glad you guys found somewhere dry to stay - have a cold one for me ( i woke up with a viral infection in my sinus, so i backed out).

Its like a demolition derby up
here...everything is wrecked. It rained hard hard from ten last night until 5am. This is no longer a fishing event.
Attention turned to food, drink and tying ?
I think even the brookie streams will be blown out...

As of 09:30 this morning:

Penns: 7370 cfs
Spring: 615 cfs
Kish: 5840 cfs

Its like a demolition derby up here...everything is wrecked. It rained hard hard from ten last night until 5am. This is no longer a fishing event. Posted on: Today 9:19

^^^^ THIS IS AN UNDRESTATEMENT ^^^^ :lol: : :lol: :lol:

I think what he meant to say was EVERYBODY !!!! :pint: :pint: :pint:

GOOD TIMES !!!!!!!
What a bummer man! Creeks are all at flood stage. That was one helluva storm last night!!!
Sorry about the weather killing the fishing opportunities for you guys. I was returning from a business/golf/fly fishing trip to the Homestead in Hot Springs, VA yesterday, and was going to work my way up towards State College and maybe meet some of you streamside. Saw the weather reports and decided to head towards home instead. Maybe next year. Get home safe.
First to get alcohol poisoning wins.
the timing really sucks - no rain last week or next week...

my next chance to get up there will be August or Memorial Day weekend - does Spring fish through the summer ?
Penns and Elk creek have Coburn boxed in right now. Just a FYI
Penns is a blown out roaring river boys hope the beer is cold. I fished last night before dark trout were rising everywhere they might be in selinsgrove in the river by now lol