The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

And so the weather report changed.... now that's more like it. Thunderstorms!!!
ryguyfi wrote:
And so the weather report changed.... now that's more like it. Thunderstorms!!!

Nice! :) I was gonna do the tent again this year, then when IRBPhisin and Lefty got a cabin, first thing I said was "what the heck, no way we're gonna get good weather again". Bring. The. Rain. I need an excuse to avoid Penn's. ;-)

Some one person should commit to starting the coffee at about 530 AM. If anyone wants to arise earlier, they can make arrangements the night before to start the brewing earlier. At camp coffee that is ready when you awake, even if cooked for an extra hour or so, is way better than waiting a half hour for your first cup.

I bring a French Press on all outings. If the coffee isn't made when I awake, I am about 8 minutes away from my first cup and then can hold out for the community brew.
now that's more like it. Thunderstorms!!!

I coulda told you that a year ago!! It's freakin May. The weather will always be "nice" with a chance of rain, lol. If you don't like the weather, just wait an hour....

Still some danger, but overall, I'm liking the weather set up.
JackM wrote:
Some one person should commit to starting the coffee at about 530 AM. If anyone wants to arise earlier, they can make arrangements the night before to start the brewing earlier. At camp coffee that is ready when you awake, even if cooked for an extra hour or so, is way better than waiting a half hour for your first cup.

I bring a French Press on all outings. If the coffee isn't made when I awake, I am about 8 minutes away from my first cup and then can hold out for the community brew.

I have no problem getting up at 5:30am to start the coffee. I'll be up on Thursday. Someone show me what to do, and I'll take care of it. The only downside is, I'm car pooling w/ someone, so after I start the coffee, I won't have a car to head out fishing!

Jack you will be in charge of starting the coffee before your turn in each morning.
Average days of rain in May in Pennsylvania: 9.

Average days of rain on the weekend between Mothers' Day and Memorial Day: ALL.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I have no problem getting up at 5:30am to start the coffee. I'll be up on Thursday. Someone show me what to do, and I'll take care of it. The only downside is, I'm car pooling w/ someone, so after I start the coffee, I won't have a car to head out fishing!

It's will still be dark at 5:30 trust me.
I'm coming up Thurs evening and leaving early Sunday AM. Looking forward to catching up with all of you!
Looks like my plans have changed. My friends 50th is on the 17th. I thought it was the 10th. I promised a brisket and pulled pork. I am gonna have to set up my smoker Friday night. I should arrive at the campground Friday night around 11, sleep in my vehicle and fish Saturday until 3 or 4. My wife will not be joining me as someone has to mind the fire. I will try to bring something for the raffle.
I was awake at 5:30am today...there was enough light to fish!

Seriously, I will gladly get up and start coffee if its a need. I'm an early riser anyway, and enjoy mornings. Just show me how to start the dumb thing!
5:30? I've been promised that our cabin will have a smaller machine, so I'm hoping to have a couple cups in me by then. Not planning on fishing that early though, so I will be more than happy to back you up Sasquatch.
Sounds like the deal is done. If I am awake I'll help watch you guys make the first urn's worth.
JackM wrote:
Sounds like the deal is done. If I am awake I'll help watch you guys make the first urn's worth.

in-between pitching tents and taking showers.......
I volunteer Farmer Dave,I'll be his accomplice. GG
Osprey told me that he might be coming too and will help out if Jack doesn't get him too wasted the night before, ... and he doesn't get lost.
JF_ wrote:
in-between pitching tents and taking showers.......

So its that kind of party?
Jeeze,thats all we need Pete to show up. Not in my lifetime. GG :p :p
I am out... too many kids activities and I've been told I'm also running a 5K with my daughter!

Catch one for me, then drink several...

Ryan... I'd still like to try the reel sometime soon. We'll have to hook up locally...
Hey everyone, I didn't think I was going to be able to make this but now it's looking like i might be able to swing it. Does anyone know if it's too late to make a reservation? I just need a tent site.