The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

Heritage-Angler wrote:
pcray1231 wrote:
Tuesday is looking awfully likely for me. I envision getting there around lunchtime.

Cool. Zippity and I will meet you at the campground, and we'll fish until it's time to head over to the fire house for WING NIGHT.

Maybe Brian can meet us there if he can't sneak out any earlier.

I should be good to fish all day tuesday, looking forward to those wings too.
byf wrote:
I would like to join you on this venture. I would be getting a tent site and bringing my wife along. I work until 9:30pm Friday, so instead of setting my tent up in the dark we would arrive Saturday morning. What would be a good time to arrive so we can hook up with a group to fish with? Also are we fishing special reg areas? ie. do I need to crush barbs?

not sure how long your drive is, but I think that even if you arrive at midnight Friday, you'll have plenty of help setting up a tent! there will be a ton of people at the pavilion
Midnight? Plenty help available but no promises that it'd resemble a tent at the end!
I should be good to fish all day tuesday, looking forward to those wings too.

Sweet! Looking forward to it guy.
I should be good to fish all day tuesday, looking forward to those wings too.

Lookin forward to meeting you! We should agree right here and now that politics are off limits for discussion, lol.
And whatever you do Mario, don't mention Penn State or any other college football when fishing with Pat. Over wing and beer it probably would be OK.
yet another dumb question - but how big is the grill in the pavilion, can a number of people cook on it at the same time, or does it require a bit of planning to get a spot ?

i wondering if i should invest $60 in a camp stove

two weeks tomorrow !

Actually that is a good question. I was thinking along those lines as well and considering hosing off an old portable propane grill I have. or purchase a small charcoal grill (charcoal way better than propane).

I'm guessing that there will be fire rings at the camp site, but good question about at the pavilion. I've never been to this campground. Was to the other before Jack got us all kicked out. :p
pcray1231 wrote:
I should be good to fish all day tuesday, looking forward to those wings too.

Lookin forward to meeting you! We should agree right here and now that politics are off limits for discussion, lol.

Deal. I did meet you last year, if you remember I had some good stuff in a mason jar.
It's a little early to tell... but I DON'T BELIEVE IT!
Clear mason jar, or big green jug? If you were the green jug guy, I'll say whatever you want me to say, and vote for whoever you want me to vote for, just bring me more of that!!!!

In my defense, I don't remember much. I hit it a little too hard last year. That cannot be repeated due to health concerns.

For the others, the grill is a fairly nice stainless gas grill. It's not huge, but decent sized. It has been generally lightly used. I don't think it got used at all for dinnertime last year. I used it late night to finish off the marinated meats I made. They were better on the fire, but it was slow and I had a lot left to do. I had no competition for the grill.

There are fire rings at each site. The pavilion itself has a large fire pit which will most likely be blazing on Friday and Saturday evenings, weather permitting of course. They usually keep that one roaring pretty good. I did cook over it last year but it's not an ideal cooking fire.
I would recommend bringing a cooker along if it is convenient. The pavilion grill can probably be used in partnership with someone else and of course, if more than one person needs use of it, they can take turns.
Hahahaha yeah I was green jug guy.
Thanks Jack - nothing better than fried bacon of a morning ;-)

i've tried cooking on fire rings before. you have to watch the wood like a hawk. a PITA
There are grills located around the campgrounds. Maybe one or more could be moved for the festivities? GG
I'll be bringing a portable gas grill over on Thursday evening.
For those that were at the Fish and Chips event, you'll know the size. It's got a full sized cooking surface, but does not have a lid.
Goals for 2014 JAM,

1. Meet some new forum members.

B. Fish Saturday morning.

3. See if gfen is really as hot as she is in her avatar.
turkey wrote:
Goals for 2014 JAM,

3. See if gfen is really as hot as she is in her avatar.

No one can drink that much. :lol:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
turkey wrote:
Goals for 2014 JAM,

3. See if gfen is really as hot as she is in her avatar.

No one can drink that much. :lol:

Nearly fell outa my chair. :lol: