The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

Okay - Just made the reservation for the campsite (tent) for the Jam! Dan (Moonbeam) and I will be heading over for the Jam, with plans to arrive on Thursday evening and leave Sunday am.

Really looking forward to this event!
I know you guys do a pot luck kind of thing on Saturday night. I'm Driving up from Cleveland and just have a basic cooking set-up. Would a couple of cases of decent beer be a good contribution? Or is some kind of snack food or I don't know other beverage preferred? If beer is cool does the campground prefer cans, if I can find something decent in a can, which is doubtful? Or are bottles cool? And can I bring beer from out of state or is that a no, no in PA? Thanks again all for your help. And I'm looking forward to it.
I cannot wait for the Jam!! This weather has me in such a great mood.
Haligator wrote:
I know you guys do a pot luck kind of thing on Saturday night. I'm Driving up from Cleveland and just have a basic cooking set-up. Would a couple of cases of decent beer be a good contribution? Or is some kind of snack food or I don't know other beverage preferred? If beer is cool does the campground prefer cans, if I can find something decent in a can, which is doubtful? Or are bottles cool? And can I bring beer from out of state or is that a no, no in PA? Thanks again all for your help. And I'm looking forward to it.

there is always a ton of food and beer, bring whatever you want. cans or bottles doesn't matter, and no problem bringing out of state beer, I know pa has some strange laws, but we aren't THAT bad!!LOL!
Yeah, pot luck isn't required, but appreciated. Do as much or as little as you'd like. Beer is fine.

Do keep in mind the pavilion is where the food will be at. It may not be right by your campsite. It does have electricity, a gas grill, and a fire pit which will be burning nearby, weather permitting.

Also keep in mind timing. Main food evening is Saturday. Most guys stay out till dark fishing, then often a long hike and drive back to the campsite. Get in late, and are immediately hungry! You, presumably, will be one of those guys. Often stuff that takes a lot of preparation at the time of isn't the best idea.

Common ways to combat this:

1. Just do chips, beer, or something you don't really have to prepare.
2. Do a cold plate, which can be prepared ahead of time.
3. Do a crockpot type thing, where you can prepare ahead of time and then put it on to heat while you go fishing, and it's hot and ready when you get back.
4. Skip fishing on Saturday night in favor of a socialization evening (works better for those who may be there multiple nights).
5. Buck the trend. Don't do anything for the main food time. Provide a later night thing, or a breakfast, or something like that.
Thanks again!
What's the shower situation for tent campers? Sould I just bring a solar shower & wet wipes? Or do they actually have showers and toilets?
There is a bath house that is quite camper friendly.
yup, nice showers and toilets
Showering and toileting at odd hours helps with the whole privacy and comfort thing. I usually shower at about 430 AM. Then I go to bed. :cool:
Glad to see somebody else plans on being up to watch the sunrise....haha
Yeah, as campgrounds go, the shower/toilet situation is about as nice (clean) as it gets.

Only 2 toilets and 1 shower, though. I'm sure that's plenty most of the time for that campground. Much of their business is campers and cabins with their own facilities, so the toilets cover only tenters and primitive cabins which are usually quite empty. But at jam time, we fill em up, specially late Saturday and Sunday morning.
I just wanted to throw out that I will be staying at Poe Paddy this weekend. I won't make it over to the Jam site, but if anyone wants to stop by mid-day Saturday for a cold beverage and a bite to eat if you are in the area on Penn's Creek, message me and I'll let you know my campsite number. I should be chillin at a campfire waiting for the evening rise.
Hello. My name is Daniel Brannon. I am new to fly fishing and was wondering if there was any room for me to join this class. I live here in Lewistown Pa and would not need a room. Thank you
Hello Daniel and Welcome to the Jungle!

This event is not really a class, but a gathering of like-minded folks to share a sport we all love.

That being said, I'm sure you will be welcomed.
Welcome Daniel,there are no strangers at The Jam,just folks we haven't met . GG
Hey Daniel, Go to an Orvis shop and sign up for a free fly fishing 101 class. They are great and free. Also, Orvis has good fly casting/knot tying videos on their website, as does youtube. But the Orvis stuff is easier to locate. And - has videos by Joan Wullf who is a world renowned casting instructor, and I highly recommend her free videos. These are great to get you started. Then come out to the Jamboree and get some pointers and have some fun. I'm new to the Jamboree but it's a social thing and they seem like fun, helpful people. Look me up if no one else will help, but I'm sure they will. And look me up anyway. My name is Hal. It's not hard and it's a lot of fun.
Thank You all for the help. I greatly appreciate everyone's advice and help.
Daniel45 wrote:
Hello. My name is Daniel Brannon. I am new to fly fishing and was wondering if there was any room for me to join this class. I live here in Lewistown Pa and would not need a room. Thank you

The jamboree is not a class, but there is oodles of knowledge there and some of it is organized into teaching lessons. On Friday and/or Saturday nights, anywhere from 9 pm to 1030 pm, you may catch a speaker or two giving tips. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, you are likely to encounter people in the grassy play area, showing off casting techniques or just lawn casting different rods.

The way the event works is that beginning Friday and ending Sunday, a group of like-minded fly anglers join together at a CG. The planners of the event rent the pavilion so the entire group can have a place to meet and socialize. Of course individuals and groups often come up early in the week or leave later in the following week. The majority of the "event" takes place between 300 pm Friday until about noon of Sunday. These are the hours that the pavilion is available for staging activities and meeting as well as just shooting the breeze, cooking a meal or whatever your pleasure might be.

In the evenings, after fishing, the pavilion will become populated by fellow participants, some arriving early, others later. When there are volunteer experts that can give an informative and entertaining presentation, they are invited to do so at these evenings gathering, or the morning gatherings. The morning gatherings are for coffee, socializing and staging for the day's fishing. Often, the night before, groups or individuals make acquaintances and plans for the following day and use the morning coffee gathering to meet up and set out.

There is no formal structure or sponsorship of the event. It just so happens that the moderating staff and owner make the arrangements for the pavilion and then we hold a voluntary raffle to raise funds for a kitty that pays out for the pavilion, firewood and coffee supplies. There is no "fee" or obligation to join us. Any excess money from the raffle is typically donated to a fly fishing or conservation oriented cause.

All participants are expected to deal directly with the CG and to obey their rules. At the pavilion, participants should keep their behavior within the realm of decency and obedience to CG rules.

This particular CG has been very understanding of our event. They have permitted music into the late evening hours and, of course, tolerate an expected level of noise from a gathering of this size. That said, we all should do our part to behave appropriately and attempt to keep the noise level down as we move into "sleeping hours" for the rest of the CG patrons.

The event is open to anyone, since the CG is public and PAFF does not rent anything other than the pavilion. Come and enjoy, behave appropriately, respect others and I Guaranty you will have a great time.