The Official Spring Jamboree May 16-18, 2014 Announcement

Im waiting with "baited" breath on Gfen's response!!!!!!
I have some coffee to donate to the urn masters. Who should I contact? GG
We will have the coffee pot there friday night and likely have coffee too but more is always better. Perhaps if you are up early Art you could be the Coffee starter. Or we could have Jack do it before he goes to bed.

JackM wrote:
I would recommend bringing a cooker along if it is convenient. The pavilion grill can probably be used in partnership with someone else and of course, if more than one person needs use of it, they can take turns.

Its a pretty decent sized grill.
GG, The coffee starter would be great. I will be bringing the big urn and supplies up with me on Friday. I think with all the water in the one last year it took over 35 minutes to perk up. For some reason I found it very difficult to get up at o dark hundred and turn it on. Mo was no help either morning.

I'll be perfectly sober all weekend, so if you need any help let me know :pint:
I likely will be as well and am an early riser. Between me and Sasquatch, we can likely get it done.

Art is not an early riser even when sober.;-)
Hey guys, I am new to this event and wanted to ask a few questions. The post on the main page seemed to say this would be going on at the Little J as well, which is closer to me. I won't be camping overnight so I would like to save my drive to Penn's for the following weekend (when my wife and I WILL be camping there.) If it is going on at the Little J, where would I go to meet up with everyone, and if not, would it be worth the drive to Penn's to attend? I would like to meet up with a good group who enjoy fly fishing as much as I do!
psychobeagle12 wrote:
Hey guys, I am new to this event and wanted to ask a few questions. The post on the main page seemed to say this would be going on at the Little J as well, which is closer to me. I won't be camping overnight so I would like to save my drive to Penn's for the following weekend (when my wife and I WILL be camping there.) If it is going on at the Little J, where would I go to meet up with everyone, and if not, would it be worth the drive to Penn's to attend? I would like to meet up with a good group who enjoy fly fishing as much as I do!

I'm sure there will be folks heading to the little J to fish, but this event is very loosely organized. The only official thing about it is everyone staying at the campground, other than that, people head out, either solo, or more likely with others, and fish the area streams. Some target the small stuff, others target the big stuff, others do it all.
saying that, it's really hard to say if and when anyone would be heading to the little J. someone might chime in here and let you know they are headed that way, but their plans could change with the weather/stream conditions. I think the only sure fire way to meet up with folks would be to meet at the campground in the morning, drink some coffee, and find out where folks are going.
OK, I may not do mornings and just because I turn into a toad at 10:00 pm.that doesn't mean I can't help. GG
I see... I've never been out to the Little J, so I am unfamiliar as to whether there is a campground out there at which to meet... Hopefully someone will be headed out that way! I would really like to give it a shot out there, especially if I can meet up with some guys who are good at this sport :)
Yeah, I echo the above. The jam is really a get together that occurs at the campground, not streamside. All it consists of is the moderators reserving a pavilion for 2 nights, plus organizing coffee, a raffle, perhaps a speaker, picking up some wood for a group fire, and inviting all of us to make our own arrangements.

There is not an organized fishing excursion.

Members merely meet up (generally at the campground) and form informal groups, and go out fishing on their own, to wherever they'd like, whenever they'd like.
The jam occurs at 7 Mountains Campground. It's along 322 at the peak of the mountain, SE of State College and north of Lewistown. It is probably another hours drive beyond the LJR for you. But hey, we got people coming from a lot further than you. Plenty of Pittsburgh and Philly people, and even Ohio and Florida will be represented.

All arrangements are on your own. Most stay at the campground, either tenting or in cabins. There are always a few who stay elsewhere, especially the locals, and drive out to the campground to meet up with people. If most concerned about finding someone to fish with, Friday evening/night is probably when the most plans are made for Saturday, and thus most important time to be there. If just wanting to meet people and have a good time, Saturday night will be most crowded with most activities. Typically 9 p.m. to midnight. By this time, though, most of the actual fishing is over. Some do some fishing on Sunday but it's certainly a "winding down fast" thing.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
OK, I may not do mornings and just because I turn into a toad at 10:00 pm.that doesn't mean I can't help. GG

But when does it wear off.;-)

Of course you can help. You can make sure Sasquatch or myself get up early enough to make coffee. :p

We could just crash PaulG's campsite over at that other campground at zero dark thirty. I hear he makes great coffee.
FD I'm bringing my coffee maker for the cabin, I usually prepare it before going to bed and hit the button when getting up
Well Sasquatch, it looks like you are on your own.;-)
Anyone have an opening at their tent site for Thursday night? I'll probably just sleep in my vehicle for that night, but will need to be at a site and follow the rules. I will pay my share. My roommates for the weekend wont be up until Friday.
I currently have only Friday-Sunday reserved, but plan on going Tuesday-Sunday (if not earlier, now). So I have to call and extend my reservation. I'll do so probably at lunchtime today.

It is a tent site. My tent is full. But there's always plenty of parking, and you're welcome to park at our site and crash in the car (or bring your own tent if you want).
Thanks, I got it taken care of.