Quill Gordon Summit (NCPA Jam) April 26th-28th - 2013

I place the blame in Turkey
Officially out. Not sure how I overlooked my wife's birthday being Friday...
Swattie87 wrote:
Officially out. Not sure how I overlooked my wife's birthday being Friday...

And that's a conflict, how? :)

Last major event for me (anniversary), the wife tagged along on a backpacking trip and was graciousness enough to allow me to go off "for an hour to fish", which somehow turned into three..

We don't celebrate birthdays, other than I use mine as a day to say that I'm giving myself a birthday present by going fishing.
Too bad swattie, catch up with you at the main jam
Can I bring a female guest? Will you?
I thought I'd give this a little bump, because I'm getting pumped for this mini-JAM. Winters are long in upstate NY; well they feel longer. It's persistent, it's either winter or 'winter is coming'. Once the second week of February hits, thing start feeling like this.

I ordered a nice vise, some materials, and have created a list of flies to start working on for this jam. I can't wait to be back fishing in the waters of PA again, Western NY is really the pits for inland trout.

Also, I hope les is indeed coming, because he's beyond legit. I'll share a pipe with him any day.
I hope Les comes too. I'm ready to get up into those hills, that's for sure.

Wny has very good inland trout fishing, mostly in the southern part of the state. Get a copy of the sanders fishing guide for wny, thats a good start. It does get tough in the winter, but there is a spring creek in wny that fishes well all year. There are lots of very good inland streams within a 90 minute drive from buffalo, or Rochester. (the west and east borders of wny).
moon1284 wrote:

Wny has very good inland trout fishing, mostly in the southern part of the state. Get a copy of the sanders fishing guide for wny, thats a good start. It does get tough in the winter, but there is a spring creek in wny that fishes well all year. There are lots of very good inland streams within a 90 minute drive from buffalo, or Rochester. (the west and east borders of wny).

Yeah, but they're 90 minutes away.

If I'm going to drive 90 minutes, I might as well drive the extra hour to fish the Delaware River or any of the Central PA streams.

And this spring creek you speak of, I think I know it, and access is becoming an issue.
Agree on the u del being in a separate league. Not sure of any access issues on the spring creek and i fish it often. Im talking about the one between exits 46 and 47 on the thruway (actually its the only spring creek i know of in ny). Central pa is nice too, i like the Cumberland valley most. Wny has lots of wild trout and more wild rainbows than most places in pa. Like i said before there is very good trout fishing in wny, don't write it off or you will miss out.
After my first successful brookie outing on Saturday, I'm super excited for this jam now. Also, just saw the post about some Russian jack-donkey spamming this thread and I wanted to make sure all the info was still here.
Mods said it was taken care of, but every time I open page 8 of this thread, Malwarebytes sez it is blocking the same IP address as before. No other pages are affected. I wonder what it is about this page...

Edit: check out post 106. I copied that link and tried to open it in a new window. Bam. Same message from Malwarebytes. Will report this in my original thread. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread...
I don't get any alert from my anti-virus software, but I eliminated the embeded animation just in case. Sorry wsender.
JackM wrote:
I don't get any alert from my anti-virus software, but I eliminated the embeded animation just in case. Sorry wsender.

My bad, I didn't realize the link was nefarious.

Also, I'm pumped for the jam too. I started tying for the jam over the weekend and the itch is growing!

Would like anything from Upstate when I come down?
I'm thinking we should start talking about food and drink. The cabin has a fully loaded kitchen, I say going communal is the best. Everyone bring stuff to share and pitch into the giant pot. We have two fridges, we can all contribute and keep them well stocked over the weekend!
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I'm thinking we should start talking about food and drink. The cabin has a fully loaded kitchen, I say going communal is the best. Everyone bring stuff to share and pitch into the giant pot. We have two fridges, we can all contribute and keep them well stocked over the weekend!

Sounds like a good idea. Is there a grill at all?
If I can make it, I will bring a crockpot full of pork tenderloin and sauerkraut.
There's a big industrial flat top stove and a gas oven as well. Plus lots of storage space for food, and a microwave if anyone pre-makes something. Also a BIG dining room table for community meals.