Quill Gordon Summit (NCPA Jam) April 26th-28th - 2013

Sas, I went over the thread and didn't see it, but is there an address and any information I need to know about the cabin?
There's no real address that I know of, its a bit back off off Rt 6. If anyone needs directions or a refresher from last year as to the location, PM me. Depending on when you're coming up, maybe its best that we have a meet up spot at a diner or streamside or something, and then all head over to camp together? Thoughts from anyone there last year as to how to get everyone back to the camp?
If it helps, its not far from Potato City Country Inn. A few hundred yards up on Rt 6 from there. That puts you in the general location! Everything else is by landmarks.
I was planning on coming down after work on Friday, and it should take me about 3 hours to get there. I didn't go last year, so I don't really know the area that well, or at all. Perhaps you can create a marker on Google Maps and then share it?
I'll just stand in the woods and yell!
Yep, and I'll stand next to Biker with a cold beverage in my hand in case he gets hoarse.

And I will be down in the creek with Chooch playing in the water. Just yell if ya need me to take over.
That dog has a name squatch. CHOOCH!
Squatch, I will likely bring the Choochster. Otherwise I have no reason to act responsibly, and nobody wants that, really.
I was just thinking about last year and how I almost didn't make it down the road to Lyman. That was close.

I was just thinking about last year and how I almost didn't make it down the road to Lyman. That was close.

a little icy was it ?? could be worse this year.....

chaz, I am up for fishin sun, mon, tues...

I would never open my camp up to people I didn't believe were upright folk.

does that include Me ?????????????
Sas - if I come, is pipe smoking allowed?

tl and hp
Les, I bring my pipe! No smokin' in the cabin (so they say...), but pipe smoking is welcome in my book!
No ice on Lyman last year...I'll let Coty expand on that.

While I loved the all-day excursion on the Pine last year, one of the great things about that area are the miles and miles of open mountain streams. For those who will be up earlier (Thursday and Friday), let's think about some of those streams that we'd like to hit. There are so many within 15-20 minutes of my camp, and an uncountable amount within an hour or so.
Don't forget the beaver ponds :)


Bug Sandfly to have some of these(Orange Butt McGee) ready.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
No ice on Lyman last year...I'll let Coty expand on that.

I was stupidly and unbelievably hung over..... I think that covers it pretty good. I also fished through it though.
You did! I thought you were gonna ralph, but you kicked that hangover's arse.