Quill Gordon Summit (NCPA Jam) April 26th-28th - 2013

Well of course, if it gets him a spot in the cabin.

Just talked to my dad about it, and he's game again. For those who were there last year, this will delight you all, I'm sure.
Is the date official - Friday the 26th through Sunday the 28th?
(I'd like to edit the title line)
In, probably come up Thursday after work.
I'd like to say I'm in, but I can't fully commit to that date. Hope to be there though. My wife has some follow up medical tests scheduled the week leading up and assuming everything is ok I should be able to make it.

Squatch - Assuming I'm ok to go, I could probably take off Friday and we could travel together if you'd like.
In. Done. Did it.

The sooth sayer says I will be sick that Friday from work!
I was just gonna suggest that to you, Swattie. I'm hoping that Thursday I can knock off around 3-4pm. Usually on Thursdays I'm out of here by 4:15pm. We can be rollin into Potato City by 8:30!

For room and board, as I said in the beginning, I will be opening up my cabin for the crew this year. Its in Potato City, not far from Potter County Family Campground, where some stayed last year. It was a great group of guys last year, and now that I've met most of you, I'm very comfortable opening up my camp. We usually ask for $5 per night from guests of members, which goes in our general fund and helps pay the utilities and other expenses of the cabin throughout the year. This is hardly rigid though. We're laid back like that.

There are beds for 8 (16 if you want to have bed buddies...no thanks!), 3 sofas, ample floor space for sleeping bags, etc. and plenty of room out back if anyone wants to pitch a tent.

As Wetfly said, we'll talk about food and stuff. We have a big old flat top stove from a diner that we can use to cook big ole' community meals and stuff. We'll get into that later.
Sasquatch. I'm in, if you open the door Thursday I may roll into the lobby , work on the complementary items and have a chat at the concierge desk. :)
The cabin is reserved and my time off is submitted! Concerning Thursday, I took that day off as well. So, Swattie maybe that effects your plans to truck it up w/ me, but we can work that out later. The camp will be opened on Thursday late morning/early afternoon!
We gonna hit "the pine"? ;-)
THE Pine, where the sun don't ever shine!

I'm definitely open to stream suggestions! Was it Genessee Forks that is 8 miles of Class A public access wild brown/brook water? I definitely want to give that one a run!
csoult, pine-apple and the rusty spinner after the dinner
I'll probably be at my cabin, maybe I'll stop over to meet you guys. Git yer hiney in the Piney!
If any of you are even thinking that you might come to this, or want to meet some other people to fish with, I have one thing to say. COME TO THIS MINI JAM. All of these guys are great guys, and very welcoming. You may be thinking that it would be awkward to go and hang out with people that you don't know. Well, not this group. Not at all. You will have fun. I don't get anything if you guys come other than to expand my group of friends. I just want you to know that you are all welcome.
Good message, Coty. I went to every Jam I first attended a little tentavely, but never regreted it. I even met Bruno for the first time moments before we drove 8.5 hours to the Smokey Mountains: memories that will last a lifetime.
Disagree, everybody is a Ah%&3. Especially that squatch.
Just for that, Becks, you sleep in the back cabin yard! I got a special spot for you...its right next to the pipe that is used to drain the water system ;-)