Quill Gordon Summit (NCPA Jam) April 26th-28th - 2013

All depends on how my other trips pan out, busy time of year, too many places to fish and not enough weekends!
No other trip like this, though! Just the opportunity to stay at my cabin is worth the trek up, Biker!
ha ha! I believe you!
Just a head's up, I'm still working out my saturday schedule for 2013, as soon as it is solidified, I can pick a weekend in April and go for it.

Rock and roll.
OK, how about a mix.
I'm interested, but there's absolutely no way I can know availability that far ahead.
The God Country,

I hope I can make it for the jam. Great location, fine water.
Great memories. I wish to stay more than 3 days. The cabin has its own character and flavor not to mention its own smell and personality.

I have freeze/grab the frame from the last year footage.


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hahahahahahahaha! That's a classic shot, dude.

I would love to stay longer than three days, but vacation doesn't allow. I'll be able to take off Friday, that's it. So I'll be arriving in God's Country on Thursday at some point. Any time you want to show up after that, you're welcome!

Date still pending...
Happy Anglers:

Biker don’t be shy, there is enough room for all, including your bike.
Pics from footage: Quill Gordon Summit 2012



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don't know after seeing THAT crew! kidding, I'd love to attend, just gotta get all my weekends organized. depending on the date, might incorporate it into a week-long pa fishing vacation I'm planning on taking next year. load up the truck, campout, fish, drink, eat, repeat while working my way around the state a bit, hitting some areas I've not fished much.
Yeah that's my dad w/ a $600 Sage and a $25 Medalist ;-)

Okay provisionally scheduled the weekend of April 27! This is pending approval from my supervisor
that would be perfect, I can do my trip to penns the previous weekend, fish various creeks all week, then head up and join you guys! my 2013 gypsy fishing tour is taking shape.
Yeah its a great weekend for it! I'll be up that Thursday evening if anyone is interested. The cabin will be open to all!

Planing on coming Thursday evening after work if that's OK. Would like to make it a 3 day trip this year. It was a good time last year, looking forward to it again this year. I'll be watching for the date you pick. Maybe when we see how many guys that comment, maybe we can put a menu together since you have great cooking facilities.
Good idea Wetfly! We gotta get Skybay up there! Need that good Polish cookin.

I'll probably be able to be up in Potter between 8-9pm, depending on how early I get off work that Thursday. Right now, plan on the weekend of April 27
I for now am game. Would be able to get up there early Friday. Would probably bring my cousin if that was cool. However this all depends on my school work load due the following week.