Newbie Brush-up Day - June 22

Since firstcap cannot make it up(no doubl hand rod playing around).If you would let me join you guys I would love to join you guys, especiqlly since there are tons of brookie streams in the Allegheny national forrest but I dont kniw what to look for to find them.
Pcray that sounds like a lot of fun. If no one takes you up on being the noob, I'd be interested. But I'd also like to see what is going on at the brush up first before I committed. If someone there has something to offer which I really need to learn, which is beyond likely, I'd rather focus on that.

I really like fly fishing, but crashing through unknown forests is a life long passion.

In other news, I am planning to arrive by 9.
DJBerg, you were first, you're in. And I know "a little" about the ANF (I know the western ANF region better than anywhere).
Meeting j55 there around 8. I can't stay long since I have a golf tourney and beer to drink.
krayfish wrote:
Meeting j55 there around 8. I can't stay long since I have a golf tourney and beer to drink.

Now there's a man who keeps his prorities straight.
I am a trained professional. Do not attempt it on you own. LMAO
I'll be the short guy in the obnoxiously large fishing vest that's about to burst carrying an obnoxiously yellow short rod ha. Also hoping to arrive around 8ish depending on how friday night goes.....
I'll be she short guy with an angry look and virtually zero personality. LOL. Honda with Simms sticker on the back.

*** disclaimer ***
If you show up with bamboo or glass, it's obvious you don't know my position on them. If I pull in and you are wearing tweed, I will not stop my vehicle or even wave. Also want to bring your sense of humor since fishing is fun.
Yeah tall guy, grey ball cap,, waist highs and punk rock shirt ,maybe camera in hand maybe rod. F350 crew powerstroke(probably parking far away). Might have a chest/back pack maybe a little box and a big orange backpack.
DJBerg wrote:
Also any one that will be there against having thier photo posted on here let me know and ill shy away from shooting you. That is if I get my camera gear out. If im actually catching fish it may not come out. But by my fishing averages ill be shooting some photos lol.

That is probably the most respectful thing I have ever read on this forum. I wish other people would be as kind as you in that area. Unfortunately with Facebook, Twitter and other social media, people feel they have the right to post video and pics with no discrimination. It's quite discerning.

Hats off.
If you show up with bamboo or glass, it's obvious you don't know my position on them.

Just for that, mine's coming out. :) It might actually surprise you!!!
Thanks jdaddy, I try to mind people, but this forum deserves the best I guess. I've said it before, and I know ill say it again but its hands down my favorite site on the web. Reason being is the people, evrryones super helpful and nice, no lifeless internet d*cks...

I really respect this place and its members. Seriously AWESOME!!!
I'm a lifeless internet d-bag. Is that close enough?

I'll bring ice packets for the bamboo squad. I imagine your arm will be sore after swinging the 3 1/2 pound monstrosity around for a few hours. Since Mr. Peabody broke my "way back machine", I'm unable to reach a time frame where bamboo and glass are valid means of casting a fly. I expect that bamboo users will arrive in a horse drawn cart just to keep things consistent. You'll have to excuse me when I pull up in a horseless carriage (complete with air conditioning) and whip out my graphite fly pole. I'm from the future. Wait a minute, that $hit's been around for 30 years. I can't wait for my golf tournament later in the day, maybe I'll get out the old hickory shafted bats. Fiberglass rod users should be in the appropriate attire as well.....bell bottom waders with platform wading boots. Everything will be groovy, ya dig? LMAO

Anybody old enough catch the Bullwinkle reference?
haha, to be fair, I only have one boo, and plenty of graphite. The boo is heavy, as it's long for a boo. It's got some backbone, even by graphite standards, and is not slow actioned. Not the best high stick nymphing tool out there (which is why I also have graphite sticks), but I do find that it's my best dry fly rod.

It is the superior tool, for certain situations. Newer tech is not always better. I own no tweed, but plenty of camo.
If you every fish the Methodist pool on the WB of the D and during May, you will see the old guy from Canada. He spends and entire month fishing a 400 stretch. He does it with a 10'-11'bbamboo rod and silk line. He does nothing but swing wets. My buddy Josh was talking to him and he insisted that Josh cast his rod. Josh is a pretty good caster. Took a couple of casts and reeled in. As he handed to the guy, he said "oh my God. That thing sucks". LMAO. Knead offered a go with it and said "no thanks". They make cordless phones. Don't expect me to go old school and get a corded one. :-D
Will be there around 9ish. Driving silver chevy rent a car (damn truck in the shop) look for the fly rod sticking out the window. Fishing the lehigh at sunrise.
If I get up early enough, I might be tossing muppet babies in the LL.
I'll be in a Grey Nissan Pathfinder. I'll be the short fat Irishman and I talked a taller fat Irishman to join me.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
I won't be able to make it till 10ish. I will be up all night and morning doing homework that is due at 7am. See ya guys when I get there.
Just passed billboard for platinum gentlemens club which makes fishing look a lot less appealing. Good thing they don't open at 6 am.