Newbie Brush-up Day - June 22

Ok i got ya. Sounds fun. I am eager to learn from the more experienced guys out there.
Did we decide on a time frame for this shindig?
Stagger_Lee wrote:
Did we decide on a time frame for this shindig?

Yeah - it's the time frame your kitchen pass isn't. :lol:

Seriously, it's up to da Fox - think he mentioned something about 10AM til ?
Wait, this is next Saturday? Why am I confused and thought it was in July? Plan on being there, just need to figure out what we all are bringing for food, or we going somewhere to eat?

Nevermind, fish and chips thing confused me.
This is the new I refresher day...the fish and chips is 7/27 (I think). I was messed up on dates too...
Yea, I looked over the whole thread and figured it all out. Man I am a smarty.
I guess winning that turny really took it's toll on ya!! AAh SBecker? Maybe ya need a agent or manager to keep track of your events for ya?

I'm off to the great Colorado River that weekend. I know I'll be missing some great trout fishing.
Cut Shane some slack ... he's all excited over the big US Mens World Cup qualifying win last night
Who did they beat, Vatican City?
I'll be at this one. I'll probaby get there earlier (about 7am) to fish. I'm probably experienced enought to get someone into fish if help is needed otherwise I'll just fish w/ you guys as I don't need an instructor or help. Looking forward to it.
Will it be too early for tricos? What do you anticipate as far as bugs on the water other than midges and terrestrials?
Grand-kids are coming in for the weekend, so I can't make this one. :-(

On the plus side, if the weather is good, I'll take the grands for their first boat ride! :)
Is this open to friends of paflyfish members as well??? A friend I've been flyfishin with this year seems interested and he fishes the LL a bunch anyway.

He might actually be a member on here by now as I keep telling him about this site and I know his brother is on here also.
Is this open to friends of paflyfish members as well???


One of the intended goals of our Newbie events is to attract new members to paflyfish. Members, friends, family, and the general public - it's all good. And it's ALWAYS free to attend.

We're all about sharing knowledge, learning, making new friends and fishing buddies, and of course, having fun!

No registration or signup required. Show up when you want, leave when you want - no pressure at all.
paparise wrote:
Will it be too early for tricos? What do you anticipate as far as bugs on the water other than midges and terrestrials?

There's been reports of some tricos already, but nothing heavy. The "benchmark" for tricos has been traditionally around the 4th of July. We could see caddis, paraleps, olives, maybe some late sulphurs and cahills too. Terrestrials are a good bet, as well as the ever present midges. Craneflies too.....

Away fishing for a week and have not been keeping up with things, thanks H-A for keeping up.

Just caught up on the thread. Two things, this is NOT the Fish N Chips event, that will be held on July 27th, same place. Second, we will officially start at 10am outside the fly shop. I'll be there early also to try to fish a bit but this is about and for the Newbies, so if you get there early and see me come up and say hi, and start firing questions.

There is no set agenda on topics. We will go over anything you need us to go over. I think H-A put that out there, as well. Delta-Dog has a prior committement but he is trying to rearrange things to also be there. The event is open to PAFF's and their friends as well as "lurkers" who have not yet joined us but are thinking about doing so.

See you next week.

To give everyone as much info as possible and in case you cannot get there at 10, we have decided that we will go from 10 to 1. So if you can't get there early you'll know how long we will be there and hopefully you can spend some time with us. You are not expected to stay with us the entire time either. We encourage you to get some pointers on questions you have and then wander off to the stream to practice.

Ok so after a great bunch of family planning I will be attending after all. Cant wait to meet some of these people from here. Plus I get a get away from the family driving card! Or at least from here to allentown, but ill sill be makint the rest of the trek home sunday morn.
Guys and Gals, I just want to get an idea of who is coming as a newbie and who is coming to help out. Also, if you are coming as a newbie for advice, either PM me or post here what it is you would like brush-up help on. I want to make sure we have you covered. I'm willing to bring my tying stuff if anyone has tying questions, too.

Everyone's plans change so I don't want to go back through this thread and use it as a list, so please post again. Doesn't have to be a long post, can be something like:

FoxGap239 is coming as a newbie and would like help in walking in waders without tripping.
Heritage Angler is coming to help out, and would like help having camera ready when Foxgap239 trips. :cool: