Newbie Brush-up Day - June 22

Caught this guy, among others, at the newbie brush up day. After the trico's were done and the fish were down, I dead drifted a #10 Whooly Bugger through a pool and he took it on the first drift. Called it a day after that.


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krayfish wrote:
If you every fish the Methodist pool on the WB of the D and during May, you will see the old guy from Canada. He spends and entire month fishing a 400 stretch. He does it with a 10'-11'bbamboo rod and silk line. He does nothing but swing wets. My buddy Josh was talking to him and he insisted that Josh cast his rod. Josh is a pretty good caster. Took a couple of casts and reeled in. As he handed to the guy, he said "oh my God. That thing sucks". LMAO. Knead offered a go with it and said "no thanks". They make cordless phones. Don't expect me to go old school and get a corded one. :-D

That guy was parked there (methodist pool) last week when i was there. I have talked to him before. The poor guy fishes the most hours on the river and catches the least amount of fish. I saw him on the Oatka creek in Rochester, NY last year and spoke with him in the parking lot. He was in awe of my hatch reel and tippet spool...LOL. I thought that guy was a lunatic but the more I think about it he has about the best life someone who loves to flyfish could have.