Newbie Brush-up Day - June 22

Got their later and missed what sounds like could've been a very memorable day for Stags but that will happen sooner then later.

it was definitely an awesome day to say the least. wish i could have met ya but life has its priorities, hope the mrs got through it moderately well at least.
I had a fun time and learned a few things so it was all worth it. It was great to get a meet a few people too. Thanks to Foxgap and Volksnurse for taking the time to give me some help too!
DJBerg wrote:

Stagger wrote:
Got their later and missed what sounds like could've been a very memorable day for Stags but that will happen sooner then later.

it was definitely an awesome day to say the least. wish i could have met ya but life has its priorities, hope the mrs got through it moderately well at least.

Yea .. she chilled out by 12ish and I headed up shortly afterward. No way we were going to drop off in 2 cars (what I intended on doing) and left abt 12:30 ... got to the LL arnd 1:30ish. Ole stagger was a lill upset on the ride up but the rest of the day of fishing cured all dat!
Hey Andrew - What are the odds of you sneaking out to fish tricos on the LL during the week?

I'm thinking meet around 7AM and be done before lunchtime. Lemme know if this is do-able for you, and we'll set up an outing. Maybe da Fox can join us for an epic morning.


Not this week but could make it happen next or another. Problem is, with one child away, wife is working fulltime in the summer and she gets out of the home early ... I send my son off to camp most days. That means I'd get up to the LL arnd 9:30 ... Fish still risen to tricos arnd that time?

She does have a handful of summer fridays so we can look at those as well once I know. Also def plan on being at the fish and chips and being up there EARLY!

Tried fishing so drys and def can uses some casting help .
I had a great time as well thanks Ed for the help with the Trico's man those are difficult to tie on.

Special thanks to Volksnurse who took me to the kiddie pool. I managed to catch a couple on the nymph you gave me!

Thanks again everyone for your time, I'm looking forward to another trip later this week.


Again, thanks for the flies last year. They worked well and the ones I tied did also. Now, I know the offer to Andrew wasn't directed to me, but I'm jumping in. I have always had an aversion to real small flies, but would love to give the Tricos a shot.....especially with someone who knows what he's doing.

I have a very flexible schedule. Just need a nearby hotel room to make it that early. I've fished a number of times with George (Foxgap). We're actually fishing in California in September. Great guy. Would be great to coordinate a Trico outing with you guys.....Andrew included.....if he can stand fishing with one of our resident liberals.
H-A, this week might be tough but I'm looking at possibly next Tuesday. Love to have Andrew and/or John (Englishprof) tag along.

EP, Hotel? Come on dude, I know you can do early! Besides, we wouldn't have to be on stream until around 7:30 or 8, unless you wanted to hit my super secret inchworm spot before we go for tricos!!!! :-D
EP .. You met me (didn't fish together) last year @ Valley and thought I was alright for an "anarchist". ;-)

I'll fish with anyone no matter of their beliefs and when the time comes for me to teach ... I'll even pass it on to a lefty hipster tho I may mess with him a lil. :lol: Now get me tanked @ a bar and start talking politics ... all bets are off (lol)

Damn ... I'd even fish with SBeck(ham) and he's a soccer loving fruit-pop!

Let me know sooner then later if Tues will work but again, I def won't be there until 9:30ish if I can do it .... not sure what that (time) means re: tricos. If not; I'll try to get with the better 1/2 (EP she has NYC liberal tendencies) and see what days she is taking off.

I ain't no dude!!!!! LOL. I might be able to go next Tuesday. What the hell's wrong with a room. Sure you could get one up there for about $19.00 a night. I'll go to your secret inch worm spot, sure.

Andrew, I love a good anarchist now and then. Despite the name, they're harmless. By the way, I have a cat named Beckham. Gift from my soccer playing daughter when she left him with me and moved to California.
It sounds like stagger really needs to teach me whats up at Valley and lesson to my political rantings for a while! I"m sure he would love it.
Stick with EP, Foxy, Ed or some of the guys who actually know wtf they are doing 2 teach u bout Valley and ffishing in general ... Considering we had a good music discussion on Sat; politics, economics, etc, stick with me and I'll set u right >>>> just leave it over here:

The OT Jam Forum

or over a good summer brew :pint:
The $19.00 room may be for an hour up there.....
KeithS wrote:

The $19.00 room may be for an hour up there.....

Do they have a Tarzan and Jane themed suite?
You guys can coordinate this thing with da Fox - I'm available any morning you choose.

Andrew - right now the trikes are on the water by 9:30. There's still some action to be had with sunken spinners after that though. A beetle works great all day as well - even during the trico hatch. ;)

$19 for a room? Good luck with that. :-o
Possibly. It's too exotic for me.
No. Just private.
Glad you got into some fish! Now we need to work on phiend!

forksfishing wrote:
I had a great time as well thanks Ed for the help with the Trico's man those are difficult to tie on.

Special thanks to Volksnurse who took me to the kiddie pool. I managed to catch a couple on the nymph you gave me!

Thanks again everyone for your time, I'm looking forward to another trip later this week.

Will 18x tippet and size 48 flies be adequate?????