New Flies just off the vise

god, i havent been on this site in months. i clearly have been missing out!
gettin the popcorn out for this one...
Ramcatt you obviously know little about steelhead fishing. So anything you say guys on here should take with a grain of salt. I know I do when you post. Also as for steelhead not taking a fly aggressive on there own is just crazy. Steelhead are not subtle fish. Anyone that wants to experience this is more than welcome this fall to meet me on the creek for some fishing. I don't mind fishing with new people. So if anyone is game just let me know.
it amazes me that steelhead eat some of the things they do. I think the west coast "wilds" (a lot of those fish are not streambred either) are even worse. I mean they will eat anything from a zebra midge in size 18 to a one ounce crankbait and anything between. And what's up with their obsession with dayglo/neon colors? Really selective. Yup

You're anthromorphizing the fish, don't do that.

They don't care WHAT they eat, they're fish. Its food. It goes in their mouth and they do it. As long as its edible, or appears to be so, it will go in their mouth.

ya mean a dog would not only be happy eating the same food every night but would probably go for the familiar ?
Go watch The Underwater World of Trout and get back to us. Here Ill even give you a link to amazon

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3

I think you just need to get rid of the attitude and be open to learning. You dont know it all and people wanna help you.
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
Ramcatt you obviously know little about steelhead fishing. So anything you say guys on here should take with a grain of salt. I know I do when you post. Also as for steelhead not taking a fly aggressive on there own is just crazy. Steelhead are not subtle fish. Anyone that wants to experience this is more than welcome this fall to meet me on the creek for some fishing. I don't mind fishing with new people. So if anyone is game just let me know.

you actually made me laugh on that one

i never said anything about "steelhead"... i was referring to your tactics and the type of fish you target

i realize that you are young with very little exposure to the world
and sometimes reading your posts i almost feel bad for you... until you start your BS

its threads like this why i hardly ever post here anymore i have learned alot from this site why dont everyone keep their own 2 cents if you dont like someone dont comment for those who dont like trolls im on its nice but id much rather post here because there are alot of decent people here on this forum too bad we cant ignore the troll types like a blocking filter of some kind would be nice
Well anyone that cares to try out this can fish with me this fall. Bring the usual flies like sucker spawn and crystal meths after the fish have been pressured for weeks and I'll fish different flies they have't seen and make a believer out of of you. I am not being ****y but I have done well with this approach. I am just saying to keep your minds open and try something unconventional.
I could care less about being able to catch steel. Yeah they are fun but really they are the retards of the trout world. You want to say you are a good fisherman invest some time on some of the wild brown trout limestoners. If you can catch those trout like you say you can catch steel then you are onto something. Not being ****y? Dude you are calling guys out to fish with you so they can see how it’s done so to speak! Give me a break! You can have the Erie Tribs they are just too crowded for my liking. I will continue to head further north if i really want to fish for steel.
steelhead out west are totally different fish and they are worth fishing for compared to the ones in erie. You would have a hard time getting one to hit there. As for me the salt and smallies are a lot better than those aquarium fish in erie.
Yeah I agree the true native steel out west are a totally different beast.
flipnfly wrote:
its threads like this why i hardly ever post here anymore i have learned alot from this site why dont everyone keep their own 2 cents if you dont like someone dont comment for those who dont like trolls im on its nice but id much rather post here because there are alot of decent people here on this forum too bad we cant ignore the troll types like a blocking filter of some kind would be nice

Do they use punctuation, capitalization and other technical silliness there?
See, now its getting ugly.

Let's all get along, here's some hot steelhead patterns:



Sorry if I would rather catch a 10 pound steelhead as opposed to a wild 6 to eight inch brookie. I am just not into wasting my time on minnows. Also it dose not mater if the fish is "wild" or stocked. If you know how to fish you can catch them. Trout are not very bright and if you have what they want and present it to them they will take it. But if you are one of those "dry fly only purists" I could see why a wild trout might outsmart you.
Trout in Limestone Springs grow bigger than 6-8 inches.
Leteras wrote:
Sorry if I would rather catch a 10 pound steelhead as opposed to a wild 6 to eight inch brookie. I am just not into wasting my time on minnows. Also it dose not mater if the fish is "wild" or stocked. If you know how to fish you can catch them. Trout are not very bright and if you have what they want and present it to them they will take it. But if you are one of those "dry fly only purists" I could see why a wild trout might outsmart you.

We get it dude you know everything, your best tier and best fisherman ever, now do us all a favor and go find someone who cares because we're not worthy!
I know where there's a fish near 10 lbs in a CV limestoner. Come on over here and see if you can fool him with one of you patented patterns. My guess would be a big 'no'.