New Flies just off the vise

sorry guys but the wild versus native debate with STEELHEAD makes about a much sense as saying a kid raised in a group home couldn't grow up to be a pro bowler.Apples and oranges.
I looked up Baileys west coast steelhead patterns out of curiosity.
Almost all wooly bugger or egg pattern versions .
30 years ago they tended to be colorful versions of trout flies[pre bugger days].
Ramcatt steelhead eat everything they would eat as if they were in the stream their whole life. They eat emerald shiner and other baitfish out in the lake. They eat stoneflies, freshwater shrimp, crayfish and eggs. So how did they learn all of this in a hatchery? I think not. Maybe you should think before you post it might help you out. As for the Letort thats why guys come on here to share information and new fishing areas. A lot of people are from all over the state and don't get to hear/fish other waters.
gfen wrote:
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
You didn't see when I spot burnt a particular stream in A-town loaded with big stocked pelletheads did you? :lol:

Pfft, you mean the infamous Alientown Steelhead Alley? That was my thread, sir! MINE! You just brought infamy to the lower portion. :)

Since we're all sharing secret flies, this is mine, I like to think of it as a Pennsylvania-Dutch nymph:

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
BrookieBuster101 wrote:
An ego is the largest roadblock to learning.

As I understand there is no ego in fly fishing. Was I lead amiss?!
Mhanes the smolt is what imprints not the eggs. Though they were collected from hatchery water they were only eggs. Wherever the smolt it released it will imprint that area.
Mr. steelhead watches Mr. walleye and Smallmouth eat, and thinks GEE I wonder if thats good I'll think I'll try some.........mmmmmmmm.......Maybe now I won't starve to death, thanks guys !!!!!!!!
A stocked fish release in stream x learns to eat natural food items quickly (or they will die) this doesn't make them wild.

Oh and I have fished Erie, a few times and I don't see what's so difficult, I've landed over 20 fish everytime. Not worth a 4 hour drive though.

It's clear your inexperience in fly fishing has been brought to light in this thread. That and your logic about flies and steelhead too.
sorry guys but the wild versus native debate with STEEHEAD makes about a much sense as saying a kid raised in a group home couldn't grow up to be a pro bowler.Apples and oranges. I looked up Baileys west coast steelhead patterns out of curiosity. Almost all wooly bugger or egg pattern versions . 30 years ago they tended to be colorful versions of trout flies[pre bugger days].

You mean wild vs stocked?

Difference is West Coast Steel are wild and head to sea.
East Coast spend their whole life in fresh water and are stocked.

They are smaller on average and do not get as chrome as the West version.

BelAirSteve wrote:
gfen wrote:
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
You didn't see when I spot burnt a particular stream in A-town loaded with big stocked pelletheads did you? :lol:

Pfft, you mean the infamous Alientown Steelhead Alley? That was my thread, sir! MINE! You just brought infamy to the lower portion. :)

Since we're all sharing secret flies, this is mine, I like to think of it as a Pennsylvania-Dutch nymph:

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

Thank you for quoating this. I missed the original post. Went back and found it. THAT is a regular old LOLLERCOASTER!
If they eat your jelly cord type caddis that is a perfect point in case have you ever seen a purple caddis larva or a glow in the dark stonefly in the wild?

The real skill with steelhead comes in landing them. If a fish has spent any part of its life in a hatchery it is not wild. by definition wild is born and raised in a streams without the help of man.
knew a guy who used to work the steelie hatchery. Used to take a leak in the smolt tanks every day. I guess they imprinted that as home too.
seriously... go read some books... travel, fish, and learn
then maybe in 10yrs we can have this discussion
The smolts imprint is then in a 6 foot wide concrete runway most likely at the Hatchery. The month or two they spend in the tribs.
All fish have millions of years of genetic info that can't be taken away from being raised in a hatchery. That is something that can't be taught. The fish no matter where they are raised know what to eat. They are born with this knowledge.
Man, and I thought I took bashing on here once and a while.

Now that I have made light of this, let the Bashing of LRSAbecker commence...............

edit: Surprised gfen or jdaddy has not posted picture of bodonkadonk for bashing LMAO
Ramcatt dance puppet dance.
Pacific is bigger that great lakes but they are the same fish-and of course not all west coast steelhead are wild-you get the same"tell by the Fins"expertise out there.
your shoe is untied there LRSABecker.
Leteras discovered spell check or was pulling leg-