New Flies just off the vise

PA collects the eggs from the streams raises them in their hatchery and then releases the smolts. They go out into the lake then return on spawning runs. How are they not wild? Is it because PA has a hand in making sure they reach a size that helps them have a better chance of survival when being released? If you ask me they are close to wild fish if not better.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Lmfao @ sandfly ;-)

No problem?

The problems you would face on that stream, using that approach would be immense. While I do not claim to be a Letort expert, I have been some what of a regular there for quite sometime. It is by far the most technical stream in PA besides, 2 other cousins.
Catching just one or two fish can be considered having a good day on the Letort. My opinion does count for something, while I'm not expert like Vince or Charlie, I have now had multiple double digit fish days on that stream.

But do you have secret patented flies? Have you ever lost a feesh? That's what I thought.

That approach on Falling Spring and Big Spring might work. Not on the Letort. While Falling Spring and Big Spring contain a fair amount of weeding (Falling Spring having more than
Big Spring) the Letort is a very "weedy" stream.

FSB is getting on up there toward the headwaters. It's really helping the fish out as well. It will be interesting to see how BS responds to the project work.

In the middle of summer, after a long dry spell, means nothing if anything for flow as you indicated. The Letort is a true limestone spring creek and rely on little storm groundwater recharge to keep it flowing. It will however have the "weeds" on full bedding and taking long roll casts will likely result in lots of hang ups using a underwater fly like you tie.

The roll casts are out. Nymphing the channels is possible with practice. Sculpinating the channels . . . .

If you tie your own leaders, it will be a complete mess to clean out of the knots.

I am about done with hand tied leaders for that and other reasons. Either gonna use 14' Rios or get into furled. Just so everyone knows.

Even if you dont, it is likely that you will get hung up on some sort of vegetation. Being a true limestone spring it is of almost a 0 gradient and is very low in the flood plain. The currents are extremely deceptive and you have to have timing, observation and patience when casting to a fish.

Deceptive? That is an understatement. I am sure you have sat there and watched the debris float around in the current. It's amazing.

Finally, long casts on the Letort can and IMO are bad because of the fish you didnt notice between you and the water you are trying to hit. Once your line hits the water over top of those fish, they will scatter and take off like mini rockets. Sending an entire 50 yard stretch up and downstream of you useless by spooking all the other fish.

Absolutely correct. I saw a guy earlier this year get all bent out of shape because there were active risers and a very nice bwo hatch. He is slapping out casts to reach the far bank, mending every 3 seconds because of the current. I just kept on walking, much further up stream. That was my first and only double digit day there, though my sample size is probably on 15 days. I got lucky.

There are little, if any, fast moving water to hit active fish. In all my years fishing this stream, I have counted roughly 6 riffles in the watershed from Bonnybrook downstream way past Harmony Hall Drive (minus the Army War College that Ive never fished).That is almost the entire watershed.

That sounds about right. BTW, let's get passes or whatever and hit the War College one day.

The secret to this stream is stealth. You will need to approach the fish and get fairly close to it before casting. This will solve multiple problems. One, you will be able to observe exactly
what the currents underneath the surface are actually doing by watching the vegetation sway. This will give you your timing in order to drift the fly down to the fish without getting hung up on the weeds. Second, this will eliminate the amount of vegetation obstacles you will face between you and the fish.

Note: You frequently only get one drift on these fish so make it count.

You will then get a better drag free drift and if the fish actually takes, you will have less hang ups during the fight. The large browns in the Letort, once hooked, will immediately head to the nearest clump of cover to hang you up. It really is a bit of a conundrum.

I have not had that problem. With the large fish that is. I hope to some day.

The water is gin clear and very flat. Letort fish will see you coming miles away but without attempting to approach the fish from a low profile, failure is almost certain. Letort browns are a different beast altogether when fishing PA.

Note that wading is almost always out of the question as well in my experience.

You said to pick the situation and I did. I picked the most technical stream in PA, it is obvious that you have little to no experience on this kind of water and I'm not taking a shot at you. I have little to no experience with Steelhead. I'm certain you could out fish me or show me a thing or two up there in Erie,
just like I could show you some tricks down this way. The point is, that is why we are here, to learn from one another. If you are unwilling to hear others opinions, after asking for that opinion, then what is the point?

You have experience with Wild Bills Allentown Steelhead. Pretty much the same thing.

Yes I;dr. ;-)

x 2 now.
Leteras wrote:
NY is ten times worse that PA. If you fish NY you have to have a lot of guys go with you and lock up a section of river.

That statement is patently false. There is a hell of a lot more open water in NY, the streams are much larger, actually have holding water and spread the fishermen out much more. Ya, the FFO on SR is a nightmare, as is some of the other areas during salmon. However I fished the SR, during the peak of steel last year, THREE WEEKENDS in a row, and could almost always find water we were fishing by ourselves.
Leteras wrote:
I don't know why everyone knocks steelhead on here. I have seen many guys go home without as even a hit on their flies in Erie. They are a lot harder to catch than everyone makes them out to be. Just because it is a stocked fish dose not make it any less fun to catch. I know there are a lot of wild only guys on here. Fishing is fun in general whether it is a stocked or wild fish. I would rather catch fish than to beat the water all day and come home empty handed.

I personally enjoy steelhead fishing quite a bit. Thats how I got started fly fishing when I was 8 years old. But the challenge is in the conditions. (Too hot, too cold, waters too high, waters too low Ect.) The fish are not there to feed, they are there to mate. Anything that enters their little personal space bubble gets nailed. And thats why flashy patterns work, because they are noticeable.

Now I know others before me have tried logic with you in vain, but just listen. You love steelhead. You are probably competent at catching them. But Pennsylvania has 66 other counties with more than just steelhead. With exposure to different scenarios, you broaden your knowledge base. I have been blessed with the opportunities to fish all over the state. I have learned to be adaptive. Listen to the old timers, they put the hours in to find out how to catch fish EFFECTIVELY. For them a 20 fish day is not uncommon and, at least in my mind, Ill listen and apply whatever it is that they say they do so that maybe that could be me in time.

You sound like Donnald Trump with your "who else coulda done it? Huh?" Well you just look like a fool. An ego is the largest roadblock to learning. But from that little post I can see you arent here to learn you are here to cause trouble.

I dont care if you read this, I dont care if you change, but quit stirring stuff up on here. I personally want to learn from these guys as I have done for the past 2 years but you are just a distraction, and I would like to politely ask you to stop.

Lets see if logic and reasoning work this time.... I have my doubts.

PA collects the eggs from the streams raises them in their hatchery and then releases the smolts. They go out into the lake then return on spawning runs. How are they not wild? Is it because PA has a hand in making sure they reach a size that helps them have a better chance of survival when being released? If you ask me they are close to wild fish if not better.

f-ing hell
just when i think you can't make a dumber post
imprinting, smoltification process, ladder in the food chain, natural feeding habits... all things lacking in the lake erie water shed

the most important years of the fish's life is spend in a concrete raceway eating dog food... your lack of knowledge of a fish that you claim to know everything about is mind blowing
Bottom line is that any water is fishable if you can read it and you know how to approach it. You guys make it out like this water was created by the hand of God and no one can do well there. "On the third day God created the Letort and said go forth and fish my divine pool." haha
Ramcatt the smolt is released at the right age where it can still imprint how do you think they know where to return. That was a dumb thing you just said.
Bottom line is that any water is fishable if you can read it and you know how to approach it. You guys make it out like this water was created by the hand of God and no one can do well there.

That is the very problem with the Letort. Its is not all that approachable and it is nearly impossible to read the water.

If you believe in God, then the Letort was created by him/her. *shrugs*
Leteras wrote:
You guys make it out like this water was created by the hand of God and no one can do well there. "On the third day God created the Letort and said go forth and fish my divine pool." haha

You are suggesting this is not true?
I don't know i'll fish it and let you know. haha
Actually it was the second day that God separated the waters from each other, fish were created on the fifth day I believe, and since man wasn't created until the 6th day, the command to fish the Letort was not given until then. Heretic.
If the water is that challenging/good I'll have to put it on my fishing list.
"Ramcatt the smolt is released at the right age where it can still imprint how do you think they know where to return. That was a dumb thing you just said."

please tell me where i got into specfics of imprinting in relation to stocked smolts age and return locations

The watershed lacks the deversity for imprinting they just swim south.. also the naturaly behaviors of of a young fish trying to survive and eat in a stream enviroment is void in stocked lake erie fish... the curiosity of a natural fish is also gone... instead the actions of sitting on the bottom and pellets are all they know
Letackeras quacked---
You guys make it out like this water was created by the hand of God and no one can do well there. "On the third day God created the Letort and said go forth and fish my divine pool." haha

Yep that's right the hallowed water, and the Beaverkill in NY. Now don't forget that !!!

And there are miles of Ny. waters that are not crowded if you know where to go.

It's that easy !
leterass- had you ever heard of the letort before this thread? honestly?
If PA steelhead were so wild and still imprinted on what stream to return to why is it that you catch sop many PA steelhead in NY and Ohio? Wild Trout do and will return to the stream they were born year after year. If they were as good as wild steel then 100% of them would go to Trout Run and the other hatchery designated streams where their eggs were collected at.

I am thinking the Letort might have had some of the devils handy work with the way those currents mess with you.
:lol: it wasn't already?

Actually it was the second day that God separated the waters from each other, fish were created on the fifth day I believe, and since man wasn't created until the 6th day, the command to fish the Letort was not given until then. Heretic.

I'm sure, that the Letort flowed through the middle of the garden. The apple tree was located in Vince's Meadow and Tricos hatched all day buy the billions.

Eve screwed it all up :p

"I gave you a rib woman and you did this?! There was fish to be had!" - Adam



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