How many hunters here?

Here are a few things I think we can agree on.

1. Reducing the herd would indeed reduce the numbers of human/deer interactions including auto accidents.

As someone who was hit by a deer on rt 30 2 weeks ago in Greensburg but struggled to find deer in Clinton county last weekend, I kind of disagree with that...Thin the herd where? In the state forest...NO!! In Developed area? Perhaps....the problem is NOT that the herd is large or is moving into our neighborhoods. The problem is that we keep moving into their neighborhood. Then they have to move. Where I was hit by the deer there is very little hunting available.
tomgamber wrote:

As someone who was hit by a deer....Where I was hit by the deer....

When I had my collision, it was I who hit the deer, but it cut right in front of me without yielding the right-of-way and withouot signaling its intentions all while ignoring a clearly visible Deer Crossing sign 100 yards up the road.
tomgamber wrote:
Here are a few things I think we can agree on.

1. Reducing the herd would indeed reduce the numbers of human/deer interactions including auto accidents.

As someone who was hit by a deer on rt 30 2 weeks ago in Greensburg but struggled to find deer in Clinton county last weekend, I kind of disagree with that...Thin the herd where? In the state forest...NO!! In Developed area? Perhaps....the problem is NOT that the herd is large or is moving into our neighborhoods. The problem is that we keep moving into their neighborhood. Then they have to move. Where I was hit by the deer there is very little hunting available.

Tom, I covered that exception elsewhere. The game commission by their own admission said it is very difficult for them to control deer populations in Urban or suburban areas. It is up to the municipalities. And it certainly is not their fault that you moved to the deer's neighborhood. :-D

I grew up in NWPA, and there were deer everywhere at the time. However, I never hit one with a car. Moved to Connecticut after college and bumped one with a car. Eventually moved back to NWPA for 6+ years. Never hit any. Eventually moved to the burbs over here in Ohio, and BOOM. Had one dance a jig on the roof of my T-Bird before it ran off and left dents on my right fender, hood, and roof. Hit another one a couple years ago with the same car, but that was the first one I hit in a rural area. I don't think that one ran off. Well, at least part of him didn't run off until it rained. :roll:
guttrap wrote:

I've never seen a bigfoot but Capt Matt claims he has. I'd like to believe in it, I've just seen no proof thus far. Although I do trust Capt Matt's judgement, I'm just wondering if he possibly had a few too many cold one's that day.

Dont bring me or bigfoot into this.
CaptMatt wrote:
Dont bring me or bigfoot into this.

Screw bigfoot CaptMatt (figuratively). I want to come down to Florida so you can put me on a sea monster!
FarmerDave wrote:
Tom, I covered that exception elsewhere.

I'm sure you did...when I came home the other day it was
already 3 pages long...No, I didn't read it all

I grew up in NWPA, and there were deer everywhere at the time. However, I never hit one with a car.

Actually I still haven't hit one...As I said it hit me...I was driving down rt 30 eastbound on the inside lane near the median (jersey barriers) and the deer (according to the lady behind me...I never saw a thing) ran across the west bound lane jumped over the median and my face was where he had planned on landing. There is little hunting in the area but there is much house building. Hunting would not have prevented my accident.

I've lived in Idaho, SWpa, Eastern Pa, went to college in Clarion and drove more than 300 miles some days when I worked TV news and I have never hit a deer.
FarmerDave wrote:
CaptMatt wrote:
Dont bring me or bigfoot into this.

Screw bigfoot CaptMatt (figuratively). I want to come down to Florida so you can put me on a sea monster!

We have those too. We call em Tarpon!