How many hunters here?

FarmerDave wrote:

I hear that, but I kinda like the cold when it comes to deer hunting. This is why I haven't gotten heavy into bow hunting. It's too warm, and the bugs eat you alive. I'd rather have snow on the ground and ice hanging off of my beard than those blood sucking deer files. then If I did shoot a deer, I would have to haule it to a processor. I normally process the deer myself, but don't have the facilities to do it in warm weather.

Thats one reason most archery hunters wear face masks though.

Warm weather deer processing requires, a large cooler, 3 bags of ice, and quartering it within a few hours of the harvest. Then finish processing it the next day or later that same day. I've harvested and finished processing a deer before in the same day a couple of times, its relatively easy and when you get a couple deer per year as I do, you get pretty fast with a knife.

However once you get to the rut, when most of the bucks are harvested the weather is normally just as cold as it is in rifle season.
shipnfish2006 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:

I hear that, but I kinda like the cold when it comes to deer hunting. This is why I haven't gotten heavy into bow hunting. It's too warm, and the bugs eat you alive. I'd rather have snow on the ground and ice hanging off of my beard than those blood sucking deer files. then If I did shoot a deer, I would have to haule it to a processor. I normally process the deer myself, but don't have the facilities to do it in warm weather.

Thats one reason most archery hunters wear face masks though.

Warm weather deer processing requires, a large cooler, 3 bags of ice, and quartering it within a few hours of the harvest. Then finish processing it the next day or later that same day. I've harvested and finished processing a deer before in the same day a couple of times, its relatively easy and when you get a couple deer per year as I do, you get pretty fast with a knife.

However once you get to the rut, when most of the bucks are harvested the weather is normally just as cold as it is in rifle season.

Yea, I should wear a face mask when it is like that, but I don't like it. I find it doesn't help all that much but will admit i should get a better one htat fits over my hat. And the deer flies bite right through lighter shirts, too. Those deer flies really suck. Plus I just don't find it as enjoyable to hunt in warmer weather.

When I said I would have to haul it to a processor, it was a poor choice of words. I wouldn't actually have to, but would want to. I have cut them up in warmer weather. But after that big boy a couple years ago, I said to myself that I wouldn't do that again. There was tons of snow when I shot it, but it got up to about 70 the next day. Had to work quick. Small ones are another story and no problem. I have also cut up quite a few over the years. I'm from a big family and we practically lived on the stuff for half the year.

the picture below shows what I feel is perfect deer hunting weather.

This deer was bigger than it looks. I'm 6'6" and 300+ the deer was well over 200, but I didn't weigh it.
Definitely an older deer right there. Nice dark, thick rack. I don't doubt you one bit on that buck. Nice one! I didn't get to hunt much that rifle season because all I had left was a doe tag and my main goal was trying to put my dad on a good buck. Did you get him on the last week of the season? I remember the first saturday was still snow free, then the second saturday I remember dragging a deer out on a sled.

I know it is hard to tell from the picture, but that is an Ohio deer. you can tell by the "O" under it's tail.

Seriously, I shot it on my own property which is only a few miles across the state line in Ohio where we only have a one week gun season corresponding to your first week. I believe I shot it on Saturday in 2005 (not last season), but it may have been Friday. Shot it just to the inside part of his right eye which is exactly where I was aiming. That is why I have the head turned slightly in the picture. I actually snuck up on him. When he popped his head up from behind a log, the only good shot i had was the head. I figured I wanted a clean kill, and may want to get it mounted, so I picked that shot wouldn't mess up the front of the skull and would poke a clean hole out the back. That is with a 12 guage slug, too. How's that for a good shot? OK, it was only at about 10 yards, but still... ;-)

19.5" spread (inside measurement, but you knew that).

I have a spruce tree that gets torn up every stinkin year by the deer, and I think that explains the dark rack.

the big boy last year had a spread that was probably pushing 30 inches, and was much taller, but only had 8 points. As far as I know, nobody got him, but like i said earlier, I haven't seen him yet this year.

I figured you meant the 2005 season from your previous posts, thats the season I was recalling. I've never used a slug gun before but I have seen what it looks like to put a .300 mag in the face, hence why my second biggest buck didn't get mounted. It was a bad second shot after a double lung on the first, but I had to shoot before it went into a development with a lot of antis. Regardless I got ripped out by some guy for shooting "his" deer that he fed and what not. I chased that deer all archery season long and I spotted him the last friday of the rifle season bedded down and I knew that was my chance. I was within safe boundaries and everything, I'm just mad at myself for not taking a "drop" shot on the first shot.

19.5, very nice!

Ok, spruce tree explains the dark rack. I was out running yesterday and saw 3 different bucks in a 1/2 mile stretch. It has me starting to anticipate the season already. I do know the 3 big bucks I saw last archery season made it, I just haven't made out to that area to scout yet this year.
Some of my favoite memories from my childhood are tagging along with my Dad every September for dove hunting. I was the retriever and once I turned twelve, he had to go buy a real dog. I've killed enough deer to satisfy myself, but I still go because I would rather sit in a tree than sit in an office.

My spare time is rare and I don't get out to do my hobbies as much as I would like. I always tell my wife, if I have to pick between hunting/fishing or golf, I pick hunting/fishing.
lostboy wrote:

My spare time is rare and I don't get out to do my hobbies as much as I would like. I always tell my wife, if I have to pick between hunting/fishing or golf, I pick hunting/fishing.

I know exactly what you mean. I gave up golf and a few other things several years ago. I think the wife would like me to give up the hunting and fishing as well, but it aint happening. It is all I have left. If she doesn't like it, she knows where the door is, and I've told her that.
Nice buck Dave. Love those Woolrich jackets too. Nothing better in the cold than those in my opinion. Hard to believe it was 70 degress the next day when looking at that picture.

Oh, by the way, I love to hunt. Deer, squirrel, grouse, ringneck, turkey, (only in the fall) raccoon, and fox. You name it, I'll hunt it. Don't forget those groundhogs and coyotes, great tune ups for those head shots in deer season.
By the way, do you guys really see a lot of antis? I've never met one while hunting. Here in the mountains, there's not much call for them. I have however, engaged in a few heated hunting discussions with coworkers. Most of which I usually win.
guttrap wrote:
.... I have however, engaged in a few heated hunting discussions with coworkers. Most of which I usually win.

I wonder if the co-workers think you "usually win?" Maybe we should survey them. :lol:
Never saw an anti in the woods, but almost all of my hunting has been on private land.

I run into some at work, and there are a lot of them in the burbs. I can't say for sure i win all the arguments, because I don't think any of them have changed their opinion. But one thing that is for sure is most of them don't have a clue.

I used to work with an anti-gun person. He was an intelegent guy (masters in physics), but not when it comes to this subject. He once said to me that it would be OK if a farmer used a gun to protect his livestock from predators. I guess nobody ever told him that there are no wolves or mountain lions in Ohio. He also said it was not OK for that same farmer to use a gun to protect himself or his family from human predators. Hmmm. How can you argue with that kind of logic.

Never try to teach a pig to dance...
Sever years ago, the burb where i used to live passed a law of no hunting, even though there were several farms and large areas of private land where it was safe to hunt with a bow. After about 3 years, the changed the law to allow some bow hunting (on 10 acre or larger pieces of land) because the traffic accidents involving deer had tripled.

I didn't really care one way or the other, because I wouldn't enjoy hunting in an environment like that. However, it was at least somewhat effective at controlling the deer population.
I guess you're right. If changing their opinion is the goal, I probably lost most of them. Either way, I usually go out of the arguments feeling like I've made the most sense, even if they think otherwise.

I would be interested though in hearing that guys logic for his opinion on animal vs. human predators. That is just some really weird thinking.
I don't care who shoots animals, but from my point of view, I would say that motor vehicle/deer collisions are just as effective at controlling populations, though they seem to be more costly and the meat sometimes can get badly mangled. :cool:
I don't hunt, but I'm not against hunting. Some people I've met have had difficulty understanding that distinction.
guttrap wrote:
I guess you're right. If changing their opinion is the goal, I probably lost most of them. Either way, I usually go out of the arguments feeling like I've made the most sense, even if they think otherwise.

I would be interested though in hearing that guys logic for his opinion on animal vs. human predators. That is just some really weird thinking.

Well, I kinda helped paint himself into that corner. Ideally, he would like to see all guns outlawed. then he presented compromises.

Here is anoher one. He was against hunting, but said if hunting was necessary, all hunting weapons should be kept in an armory untill they were needed and then returned. Like I said, no clue.
JackM wrote:
I don't care who shoots animals, but from my point of view, I would say that motor vehicle/deer collisions are just as effective at controlling populations, though they seem to be more costly and the meat sometimes can get badly mangled. :cool:

Jack, I take it you never had a friend or loved one hit a deer with a motorcycle.

The truth is, more people are killed by deer in this country than any other animal. Of course that includes collisions.
troutbert wrote:
I don't hunt, but I'm not against hunting. Some people I've met have had difficulty understanding that distinction.

Really??? I don't see why. I certainly don't have any difficulty with it. I know a lot of people who feel that way. Of course most of them are women. :p
This will be my 32nd year hunting in PA. In that time I've taken 14 bucks and 12 does. I've also taught my son to hunt (See his first buck below, age 12). I've recently lost my enthusiasm for deer hunting since the game commision decimated the population in the "big woods" counties of north central PA. The last 2 seasons I did not see a deer on opening day.

I have grown to appreciate the bear hunting in PA, we have some of the best black bears in the world in this state. I haven't got one yet, but I did have a shot at one 3 years ago. My dad hit one last year, but another party put the bear down. We'll get one before too long...