Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
I too would like to see the Kray video. I wonder what flavor gum was in the woman's purse that took a swing at Andy's wife, Carnac the magnificent? I mean poopdeck????

Well I'm dropping the mic on this topic. I'm sure by page 10 I will be the one that was beating the kid with a homeless man. Don't worry though because I'll save my image and "be the hero" by shooting everyone in every situation now. On my section of River? Dead. Not serving breakfast anymore? Double dead.

See ya around.
krayfish2 wrote:
He grew his rod on the bank

kray - Do you know where I can get some Orvis Helios seeds? Gonna put a few in planters on my deck this Spring. Look for them in the swap forum come September.

Glad you didn't get bonked out there either of those times...casting to another guy's Rainbow. If that was a Gemmie who knows what woulda happened!
Yes. We should all carry guns. The homeless in remote areas of of PA are a real threat.... and then there's the hungry bears.

Sal-Here's what I really think. Know what you are getting into. You should carefully make the decision to own and carry any gun. Give it some time. And definitely get proper training. Emotion should not be a big part of the decision. Keep it well out of reach of children if you get one. And realize how you will be distracted from smelling the flowers along the path, or noticing the bugs when you have a gun on your possession. And how you respond to others in your travels. It will change your perspective.

Heard kray is mounting a 50 cal on the bow for this season. he is looking for a gunner since he'll be rowing and untangling lines. Those violent fly fishermen up there are really out of hand.
*threw his rod on the bank. LOL. But, if he would have dropped trau and started....... That would have been an interesting way to handle the situation. I'll have to try it next time.

No gun mounted on the boat. We have floated in the past with a big circular clown horn in the boat. Seriously. When a guy yells "thanks for rowing over my fish and ruining things for everyone!". When I 'squeeze the bulb' (honk, honk) and just wave frantically.....it confuses them. Never had a response. Maybe they think I'm "special needs" or just deranged. LOL. FWIW, I'm as courteous a boater as you will find. I always ask the angler which direction they'd like me to go or hop out and walk the boat behind the fishermen. To show their appreciation, they continue to cast snagging me in face. Maybe I'll just float where I want this year and adopt the "eff em" attitude.

No need to take offense to what some have posted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.....even if it's wrong. LOL. I've seen people go 'over the top' with their kids at the store and I've also seen parents that needed to out a beat down on their out of control children. Homeless people creep me out and don't trust them. Addicts are a different story. Though many may not be violent.....you never know how bad they need a fix. Stealing is their specialty. Lock car, hide everything and fish in pairs if possible
Well i do not carry on the stream, but i do think some places i would be better off with one. some of those places i refuse to fish alone and always have someone with me. as a precaution due to junkies and homeless. I was followed by a junkie for almost a half a mile on the walk out once with a friend. it was a fairly busy walk/bike trail. pretty unnerving when you have no idea what they have on them (needles, gun, whatever).

But for all you that say "why do you need a gun", here is something that just happened.

moon1284 wrote:
Don't carry or have a gun. If I did carry I would not display or act as if I had a gun unless I was 100% going to use it. I don't think displaying a gun to scare someone is a smart defense strategy (or smart in general).

I fully agree with you. Nobody would even know I was carrying unless I absolutely felt like I had to use it, which I would hope would be never.

I had an experience where I accidentally got near a bear and her cubs and I was truthfully terrified for a little while out deep enough into the woods that it would of taken quite a while to find me. I fish alone a lot and my wife is not an outdoorsy person at all so she really only knows the general area I am going like 'Laurel Highlands'. The odds of actually encountering a bear are slim as hell, I know, but you never know what you will encounter in the PA wilds.
People who are scared and see danger around every corner are not the people I want carrying guns. People who see normal everyday occurrences and assume they or somebody else is on deaths door step should not be carrying guns. People who don't have a gun but act aggressive and imply they have a gun towards somebody just minding their own business should not carry a gun.

Please, in the name of all lawful gun owners who exercise common sense, intellect, and maturity while exercising their right, please sal do not carry a gun.
PocketWater wrote:

I had an experience where I accidentally got near a bear and her cubs

Ive been in the this situation once before while small game hunting years ago. I was in the valley and my old man and brother were walking along the ridge. It was super thick and brushy where I was. I couldnt see my old man, but he could see me. Heard a bunch a of noise ahead of me, assumed it was deer. Wrong. It was a mother bear and cubs. I never saw them, but my old man watched them from the top of the hill. Fortunately for me, they ran the other way. Scary thing if you're not expecting it.

foxtrapper1972 wrote: And realize how you will be distracted from smelling the flowers along the path, or noticing the bugs when you have a gun on your possession. And how you respond to others in your travels. It will change your perspective.

How so?
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Are a lot of outdoorsmen being murdered lately? And when was the last time a hungry bear went after a fisherman in PA? Coyotes? Mountain Lions? Dopesmokers? Rattlesnakes?

In the past two years, I've had:

1. a biiiiig black bear start wading out to me in the middle of Loyalsock. 30 yards.
2. one bobcat walk up on me in archery season. Ten feet away. (I ground hunt)
3. Copperhead nest on the banks of the Loyalsock (I will never go to that spot again)

Mountain lions are here. Neighbor got one on a game camera several months ago.
There is another option....

Bear spray. If it stops a griz, it'll stop a bum.
This is better than the Cabin fever thread in the OT forum.
There is another option....

Bear spray. If it stops a griz, it'll stop a bum.

yep, only 10 bucks on Amazon.


foxtrapper1972 wrote: And realize how you will be distracted from smelling the flowers along the path, or noticing the bugs when you have a gun on your possession. And how you respond to others in your travels. It will change your perspective.

steveo wrote:
How so?

It is a matter of focus. For example: If a realtor drives down a street he will notice business possibilities. An artist drives the same street and notices how beautiful the light looks falling on the brick buildings. Also differences in intention. Entering the woods carrying a camera or a flyrod or a gun, each is a different experience from just walking. Each situation will mean the person is seeking/anticipating different possibilities/outcomes. If you are carrying a gun it requires attention and focus. There is nothing casual about it. If you do not want to have the responsibility of that attention and focus then you should not carry a deadly weapon. Sal seems like he is seeking immersion in nature. (Just a hunch based upon many of his posts).
The distraction of carrying a deadly weapon might very well detract from the experience he values.

I have hunted deer for over 40 years. I can tell you that after the season is over I am relieved to just take a walk again without a gun. I don't have to think so much. It is tiring to keep in mind all the safety issues required to carry a firearm.

None of us should take carrying guns lightly despite what fear mongering media, NRA and gun manufacturers tell us.
I dont' post on the regular here, so many if not most will either not even read this or do more than skim and toss it, but...
You should take all emotion out of the decision to carry or not carry, emotions can cause irrational decisions on both sides of the argument. Should you decide to carry, realize you don't need a permit in PA and can open carry. Yes, it is legal to walk down the street with a holster on your hip. If you choose this course, also realize that the owner of any business you enter has the right to tell you you can't openly carry in their establishment. Another thing that should be done, aside from becoming very, very proficient with the firearm, is to learn the laws and how they apply to you and how they will be manipulated against you should it come to that. There are classes out there that will teach just these things. Things like what to say after a confrontation, who to talk to or not talk to, when it is or isn't ok to pull the weapon out, what actually constitutes clear and present danger etc.
Carrying is a very large decision that carries a VERY large amount of responsibility along with it, and despite everyone having the right, I don't believe that everyone actually should. There are some people out there that really should not even think about it.
Bear spray would work but a tazer gun would be soooo much more fun. I want to hear someone yelling "stop stinging me". Warms the heart.
You dont wanna hear someone yell 'don't taze me bro' haha
Midge22 wrote:
Well i do not carry on the stream, but i do think some places i would be better off with one. some of those places i refuse to fish alone and always have someone with me. as a precaution due to junkies and homeless. I was followed by a junkie for almost a half a mile on the walk out once with a friend. it was a fairly busy walk/bike trail. pretty unnerving when you have no idea what they have on them (needles, gun, whatever).

But for all you that say "why do you need a gun", here is something that just happened.


Here is something a little closer to home, at least for me:



How would carrying a gun help that situation?

I'd rather get my #censor# kicked then kill someone because they are doing donuts.
If you're carryin', this is now inside your realm of possibilities:

I have no problem w/ any of you wanting to carry, or any of you not wanting to carry. I'm sure I fish w/ people all the time who are carrying and I'm unaware of it. I personally have never felt in danger while fly fishing, except for my own big butt bumbling through streams and whatnot, and the occasional loose dog.

I am, however, considering carrying bear spray. I have no interest in killing anyone. I think I would only do it to save my wife or childrens' lives, certainly wouldn't kill to save my own life. However, bear spray seems to be a great, non-lethal option for self preservation.

Plus, there was one time when I encountered an unleashed rottweiler. Now I'm not a dog-breed discriminator, but this dog had to be well over 100lbs and he was charging right at me. Having the owner yelling from 40 feet away, "don't worry he's just saying hi!" does NOTHING to reassure me. Everyone says "oh my dog won't bite..." Yeah well, SOMEONE'S dog bites haha! I wish I would have had bear spray that day, if nothing else just to say to the owner, "I have bear spray and if you don't get your dog under control quick, he's gettin' dropped"