Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
Sal, for being tops on your list of people you hate and not respond to I just love how you research all of my posts to find one that fits your logic lacking argument in painting me as a troll. For the record I take no offense to anything posted about me nor to I hate those who have a negative view on my post.

First and foremost I am an unashamed card carrying member of the NRA and I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd admendment. Never minced my words in this regard.

But!!!, I also have a dislike for what I call the "kill them all and let god sort it out" sector of the gun owning community. I do not think these people have the mental aptitude needed for such a great responsibility that carrying a firearm requires. I also don't want them being my mouthpiece or representative for my gun rights. This behavior only hurts us normal everyday gun owners.

In that sense I also do not think someone so easily put in fear of their life by a homeless person DOING NOTHING but being close to you has the right mental aptitude to bear the responsibility of carrying a loaded instrument of death. Giving stink eyes and patting a make believe gun only deepens my belief that you may not be best suited to carry a gun.

Your description of the businessman in the car, as I read your account, was nothing. But to you there is mayhem, conspiracies and cover ups taking place.

instead of looking up past posts of mine I would suggest a better use of your time would be to get a dog. They are great security.
Ok that I will respond to since you still seem to misunderstand and are a little more clear in your comments.

My account of the homeless man was NOT just him being near me. He followed me, was trying to hide behind trees, was watching and stalking me. I'm sorry but in my eyes a person whom does this is up to nothing good, but again you seem to cut this out.

I also do not see punching a teenage girl in the face as nothing. You may if you like but I do not. Of course I was not in danger here but it makes me think....
If a guy is willing to abuse a girl in public, what next.

I do not see conspiracy everywhere. To suggest as much is ridiculous.
Handled guns for years into my mid 20's and never shot anyone to this day. Imagine that.
For the record I don't hate you but feel no more need to converse with you either.
I did not search your posts but used the search function for carrying on this site to garner more information. That thread came up and I found it funny.
Please have a good day.

Oh and fwiw,
Fox gave the best advice on this thread. You are right that it will change everything and I do try to immerse myself in nature while out there in the jungle.
I'm still researching and considering but your words ring in my head. I thank you for your input. Heavy stuff.
Fox did offer some profound words, and many of them I agreed with.

Here's one that I didn't agree with entirely, but did agree with his point.

Strapping on a gun to go out in the world will change the way you view others and that is the most profound change it will make.

I agree that is likely true for some, but not all. ... And if you do think that carrying a gun will change the way you view others, then I recommend not carrying. You are likely just doing it out of unknown fear.

I can say with a great amount of certainty that it would not change how I view others. It might however cause me to be more mindful of my own actions.

In other words, I might cause me to be less of a smartass. I like being a smartass.;-)

I found when I had a carry permit and was I became much more mellow because I had nothing to fear but did blast the two rattlesnakes I saw on a road in the aptly named Rattlesnake hills.
Conversely when I was permitted to carry a fly rod the trout had a LOT to fear or very little depending on which pea brained version you believe.