Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
PennKev wrote:
Nothing in the original post suggest this incident posed any real thread to Sal. Judging by what was written in the OP the guy hurried up and drove off as soon as he realized Sal was there. No confrontation, no exchange of threats, nothing. Just hurried up and left.

Getting an ID on the car and calling the cops was probably the right thing to do if you feel there was something going on that warrants it.

However, attempting to follow or at least intending to follow these people? Really? Geez.

Do me a favor. Don't get a gun. This is exactly the sort of mind set that will lead to it being used.


Bada Bing Bada Boom! You nailed it.
"People who are scared and see danger around every corner are not the people I want carrying guns. People who see normal everyday occurrences and assume they or somebody else is on deaths door step should not be carrying guns. People who don't have a gun but act aggressive and imply they have a gun towards somebody just minding their own business should not carry a gun.

Please, in the name of all lawful gun owners who exercise common sense, intellect, and maturity while exercising their right, please sal do not carry a gun."
Posted on: Today 9:07

Troll obviously read nothing I wrote. I never did any of the things You listed above. You are on the list of people I don't respond to anymore. Beg as you may, I already started steps to acquire my first firearm. Gl, gg, gn

I am so stupid that I would rather open my wallet and offer a prospective perpetrator the contents thereof than pull a firearm and threaten to shoot or shoot. That's just me, because I guess I am a wimp.
For now I will leave my fate with whatever man or beast I encounter on PA trout streams.

Sal- Since you say it will be your first gun I am wondering if you have someone (other than a store clerk) who might help you to get started in a safe way?
UncleShorty wrote:
Spot on, five weight, spot on.

"I didn't think he had a gun."

Only a fool would risk his life on "I didn't think..." Only a fool would pretend he was armed when he wasn't.

It seems to me that a lot of these "carry guys" watch a lot of TV & John Wayne movies...

Now I'm NOT against people carrying. If you are law abiding it's your, and my, right.

But when I read foolishness like "I didn't think he had a gun." and "if he got out of the car with a gun in his hand I'd try to pull mine..." I wonder if these people have had any training in reality.

I've had more training and time than most in handguns and light weaponry in general. Being mentally prepared is the more important tool. Never draw/pull a weapon on a man that already has one in his hand. I don't care how fast you think you are. Never fake that you have a weapon. That is just about sure way of getting yourself killed regardless of what kind of shoes the joker has on. It ain't the movies and it ain't TV. Tnx for the Kudos Shorty. Sound like you have been experienced.

It's MY first gun, but I've shot guns all my life with my family. I not wet behind the ears but if you most know, I have registered for some courses so far that is it.

I really got to get off the website. I'm about tired of being treated like an idiot
wildtrout2 wrote:
Sal, why did you set yourself up like this? lol

Its SOP with him to post like this and then wonder why he gets the responses he does. Its a shake my head deal if I ever saw one. If one puts themselves out there you are going to get a multitude of responses back from the masses. Grow some rhino skin and live with it or stop posting things that you know full well are controversial. Oh, SOP, standard operating procedure. SNAFU, FUBAR, etc. I hope I don't have to explain the last two. What in the world for responses did you think you were gonna get on this? And then have the stones to whine about it.... Whatever.
Its funny that there seems to be more guys on here that are encouraging Sal's choice of getting a firearm and practicing his right to carry, but the anti-gun crowd is too loud and obnoxious so they seem to be the majority.

At the end of the day, you don't carry? GREAT! you carry? GREAT! let people do what they please.
Sal, I'm also one of those "not gonna carry" people, and I am fairly confident I would have done the exact same thing as you did.

It's like a reflex.

I completely understand. Something to think about.

BTW, I only skimmed over the thread.

Jack wrote:
I am so stupid that I would rather open my wallet and offer a prospective perpetrator the contents thereof than pull a firearm and threaten to shoot or shoot. That's just me, because I guess I am a wimp.

I don't think it makes you a wimp (yeah, right). LOL. I just think you're a non-confrontational type which is perfectly fine.

On most days.....I'd rather cave a guys head in with a fencepost than give him $5 out of my wallet. There are some lost souls that do tug at my dead / blackened heart. I might give them a few $$ or buy them some lunch (but only if they are begging for it). I'm not out looking for trouble but if it comes down to 'you or me', I'll die trying.

When married, some enormous guy said something ignorant to my wife. I called him on it and demanded an apology. He said, "Dude, I'll crush you. It wouldn't even be close". I agreed that he would destroy me......I also bet him that I'd take one or two of his teeth with me before he put me in the hospital. "If I don't get a few shots in, you can bet I'll be back when you least expect it and even the score. You going to apologize or not?" He said I'll apologize if you just go away. The wife got an apology, I left with all my teeth and will call that a victory. I'm like a little Jack Russell LMAO.
moon1284 wrote:

How would carrying a gun help that situation?

I'd rather get my #censor# kicked then kill someone because they are doing donuts.

Me too but the point is, if it makes a person feel better & safer packing versus walking and hoping nothing bad happens, what's wrong with that as long as the packer is responsible?

I have been carrying for years and have been in a LOT of situations where a cowboy would have drawn or shown their weapon, including donnybrooks in adjacent hotel rooms and a road rage situation where the OTHER guy flashed a weapon! In all of the situations, I have NEVER drawn my weapon or even flashed it (which is beyond stupid) but knowing it was available made me feel a lot better had things escalated.

It analogous to having 2000 flies in your box or carrying a net in case you hook a bruiser. You may not need the flies or the net, but knowing you have them "just in case" makes you feel better when you venture out.

I don't think about my gun when I carry it and it doesn't prevent me from enjoying my surroundings. Maybe that's because I have been carrying for so long that I don't think about it because I don't expect I’ll have to use it. When I venture into bear country, I know 1000% that if a bear wants to kick my butt, I will pee my pants, eat my bear bell and cry, most likely using the gun to commit suicide. However, when I have it with me, I still feel safer and that lets me enjoy my traipse into the woods even more.

Bottom line: being alert to your surroundings and avoiding places or situations that can be dangerous is the most important survival skill to master. I lived, worked and played in NYC (and not always in the best of neighborhoods) for many years and never had an incident because I was on my toes 150% of the time. My friends and acquaintances who got careless weren’t always as lucky. I only wish I could have carried legally when I was there because even though it wouldn’t have changed any outcomes, it would have saved me a few grey hairs and some nightmares.

When I have to travel to places in PA I’d rather avoid like Center City Philadelphia, Allentown, Reading, Lancaster, Harrisburg (where only the young or naive think nothing bad will ever happen), I am glad I can legally have a little piece of mind in my pocket, even though I don’t expect I’ll need it. The same goes for fishing locations that attract folks who aren’t there to fish or exchange pleasantries.

I don’t know Sal from Adam but I have a feeling this is where his head is at. If it makes him feel safer, better or more relaxed knowing he has a firearm available for a much more extreme situation, what’s the harm?

If you don’t agree with the premise of piece of mind, that’s OK too but make sure to leave that net and the 2000 flies at home.
I don't carry, but I like to be with friends who do. I like them to carry a net too. Maybe I'll get some bear spray too so they can be better equipped. However, I myself do carry 2000 flies.
krayfish2 wrote:

When married, some enormous guy said something ignorant to my wife. I called him on it and demanded an apology. He said, "Dude, I'll crush you. It wouldn't even be close". I agreed that he would destroy me......I also bet him that I'd take one or two of his teeth with me before he put me in the hospital. "If I don't get a few shots in, you can bet I'll be back when you least expect it and even the score. You going to apologize or not?" He said I'll apologize if you just go away. The wife got an apology, I left with all my teeth and will call that a victory. I'm like a little Jack Russell LMAO.

Well, it wasn't me!

BTW, you are starting to sound like my little brother. ;-)

I remember once saying something really ignorant to a girl who happened to also be the girlfriend of a good friend. Actually I was good friends with both of them. He strongly objected and rightfully so.

I apologized, IMMEDIATELY. Not because I was afraid of the guy, but because what I said was completely wrong. It made him look like a hero, but everything was fine after that, or so I thought.

Unfortunately he must have thought I was afraid of him because within a week he caught me when I was in a bad mood over something else so I had to kick his arse. I let him take the first punch, but I didn't think he would actually take me up on it.

Nobody was hurt but I did dent his car with his head.;-)
lestrout wrote:
I don't carry, but I like to be with friends who do. I like them to carry a net too. Maybe I'll get some bear spray too so they can be better equipped. However, I myself do carry 2000 flies.

At the jam, I usually fish with Gulfgreyhound. I'm sure he doesn't carry, but at least I don't have to be faster than the bear.
FarmerDave wrote:
lestrout wrote:
I don't carry, but I like to be with friends who do. I like them to carry a net too. Maybe I'll get some bear spray too so they can be better equipped. However, I myself do carry 2000 flies.

At the jam, I usually fish with Gulfgreyhound. I'm sure he doesn't carry, but at least I don't have to be faster than the bear.

Just wait till I get my new knee,eat my dust! Lol G G
gulfgreyhound wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
lestrout wrote:
I don't carry, but I like to be with friends who do. I like them to carry a net too. Maybe I'll get some bear spray too so they can be better equipped. However, I myself do carry 2000 flies.

At the jam, I usually fish with Gulfgreyhound. I'm sure he doesn't carry, but at least I don't have to be faster than the bear.

Just wait till I get my new knee,eat my dust! Lol G G

Almost fell outa my chair laughing. :pint:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I I wish I would have had bear spray that day, if nothing else just to say to the owner, "I have bear spray and if you don't get your dog under control quick, he's gettin' dropped"

So you can get sued for the vet bills.

Only in America

Had the same thing happen to me Sunday. 4 dogs of varying breeds loose and a good 100 yards ahead of their at the time out of sight owner. I could barely hear the owner yelling at them in the distance.

Three were medium sized 30-40 lb dogs that were wagging tails, kept their distance, and seemed friendly enough. The fourth was at least double their size and looked like a Boxer mixed with a Rotty or something. He was well ahead of the other three and ran straight to me barking incessantly, hackles raised. I stood still as tall as I could and puffed out my chest and kept my hands at my side, with palms facing away from the dog. He ran to me, then backed off to about 15 yards or so and repeated this process a half dozen or more times while the winded owner was running towards him. The owner apologized and I accepted the apology and moved on. I generally don’t mind the occasional unleashed dog playing with his owner, but these dogs were well out of sight and the big one bothered me a little bit. I probably wouldn’t have peppered him (with spray or bullets) had I been carrying either, but I was a little uncomfortable for a moment.
Dave_W wrote:
gulfgreyhound wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
lestrout wrote:
I don't carry, but I like to be with friends who do. I like them to carry a net too. Maybe I'll get some bear spray too so they can be better equipped. However, I myself do carry 2000 flies.

At the jam, I usually fish with Gulfgreyhound. I'm sure he doesn't carry, but at least I don't have to be faster than the bear.

Just wait till I get my new knee,eat my dust! Lol G G

Almost [d]fell outa my chair[/d] tripped over my hurrycane laughing. :pint:

There, fixed that for you.

sal said-
"I really got to get off the website. "

Me too.