Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Lol I don't but I do expect to live. It was just an example. I actually haven't fished spring since that encounter. However it seems, other than the woods, it's happening more and more every where one might fish. Ex schuylkill River trail muggings.

Of all the times I've been on the Letort I've never been bothered. There's some homeless in the park, but they keep to themselves. I'm not judging sal's actions regarding the car incidentbecause I wasn't there. But getting involved with stuff like that, regardless of being well intentioned, can easily escalate the situation.
Spot on, five weight, spot on.

"I didn't think he had a gun."

Only a fool would risk his life on "I didn't think..." Only a fool would pretend he was armed when he wasn't.

It seems to me that a lot of these "carry guys" watch a lot of TV & John Wayne movies...

Now I'm NOT against people carrying. If you are law abiding it's your, and my, right.

But when I read foolishness like "I didn't think he had a gun." and "if he got out of the car with a gun in his hand I'd try to pull mine..." I wonder if these people have had any training in reality.
Unfortunately not all may be as tough as tomitrout and may prefer to carry in order to feel safer and perhaps protect themselves or others.

If tomi feels that flexing his muscles is a better way out of a potentially life threatening incident, so be it. I wish him luck with that.

vilifying those who choose to legally carry is in my opinion uncalled for.
Sorry, reaching for your gun while someone is holding you at gunpoint is nothing but suicide.

But hey, to each his own.
LOL you are naive. There is a difference when someone says "gets out of the car with a weapon" and then you twisting it saying "holding you at gunpoint".

Get used to that if you aren't already. All one can do when they dont agree with a life choice but haven't been in your situation is twist words or accounts.

Let me tell you if you think I'm a fool for what I did at spring then so be it, you can think that. What I can tell you is the guys clothes were shredded to the point one pant leg was torn from nut sack to calf, he had dirt caked on his face, 4 out of five toes were exposed through his shoes on each foot and he was bathing himself in a creek that smelled like a sewer. What he saw was me alone, with expensive gear and thought I was ignorant to his presence. I think made him think I was armed and let him know I knew he was stalking me.

Clearly the guy was armed with a 600 dollar gun and an excellent marksman from all time time spent practicing at the shooting range. I mean just look at him. I said i would never normally do what I did but yeah focus on twisting words and situations cause all you muscular bad fly fishers can take down an mugger with your broom stick sages.
I'm fine with what I did and my choices.
Ok then why don't you enlighten me on who stops a psycho with a gun....

Somebody who fights back, whether they have a gun or not?

Tomi obviously doesn't understand self protection and just wants to sit back and throw out the same old jargon he always does.

Good luck with that! Cheers

Yeah, so enlighten me then?

Where, in any of these threads, other than the actual rabid raccoon a few years ago, has someone actually cited an example of having to draw their weapon to ward off a streamside threat/human attacker? Where are all of these muggings happening along our trout streams that make ya'll feel it's a necessity to be armed while out fishing for the evening? Please share these actual stories.

Sorry, I just don't get that attitude that you need to carry a concealed weapon 'just in case...' Just in case of what???

And that's where I'm coming from, just basically bothers me that so many people live in fear nowadays.

You saw some stupid sh!t go down, you did the right thing, you spooked them away, reported what you witnessed. You got spooked by a couple shady characters, which resulted in nothing actually happening. Bamboozle has seen all sorts of things too, not once has he said that he was actually in a life or death situation...they didn't even bother to slash his tires.

So, what, exactly am I to be afraid of when I go fishing?

And can we just leave it at that?

Good luck with your decision Sal, it's not one to be taken lightly. Apologies for not being a cheerleader on this.
Well Tomi I never asked you to be a cheerleader or for an opinion for that matter. I mean I didn't post this as a what do you think thread or click that little ? Box did I ? All I did was give an account and reasons why Iam choosing a choice, ya'll are the ones that decided to interject, have a debate and try to do whatever it is you are now didntcha?

As far as accounts of things happening along trout streams? You do know there are other types of fishing to? I mean I did give one example of the Schyulkill River trail muggers and there are plenty more. Please don't ask me to do your homework for you because I already did mine and I was lazy in school as was.

As far as "living in fear" well I already explained that one earlier so you can go back and read it.

So what are you to be afraid of while your fishing? I dunno you tell me. Personally I'm afraid of snappers but I choose not to speak for ya and tell you how to feel like so many on this thread have tried to do.

There ya go , left at that.

Oh yeah and shorty if ya are gone quote me, it's best to actually quote something I said.
Are a lot of outdoorsmen being murdered lately? And when was the last time a hungry bear went after a fisherman in PA? Coyotes? Mountain Lions? Dopesmokers? Rattlesnakes?

If I felt like I needed a gun to feel safe when I leave home I would never go out.

Please. Don't be a hero.
Sal - I commend you on your willingness to step up and try to intervene in the situation. Also sense the vulnerability you are feeling after stepping up and wondering what may have happened had the offender chosen to fight rather than flee. Taking steps to protect yourself is a wise choice.

I have had the misfortune of finding myself in two situations where displaying a firearm prevented serious injury or worse. One was a mugging attempt in Philadelphia. A far more serious encounter involved a group of three apparent homeless men on a remote mountain stream in western Perry county. I am certain I would not have walked off that mountain that May afternoon had I been unarmed. Evil does indeed live among us.
Carlisle ain't that great of a place. I remember fishing the Letort in the early 80's and not feeling too safe. Granted, you have a better chance of an Amish guy complimenting you on your haircut than you do of being mugged on the stream.

At Paradise 20+ yrs ago, told a guy he couldn't have his 2 Rottweilers off leash and swimming right in the pool at the lower lot. He asked what I was going to do about it and I said I'd walk over the bridge into the hatchery and get a PFBC person. He ran over, pushed me and took a swing, which I ducked. My girlfriend was video taping me casting to a fish and yelled "i got it all on tape". The dudes wife tried to take the camera and repeatedly spit on her. We left and stopped at the first house on the right. Called police, and a state trooper was there in 3 minutes. Gave a statement, showed the tape and both were arrested for assault.

Also had a dandy at the run in boiling springs. Guy stopped fishing for a few minutes so I chucked a cast over his way. I guess that I'd hooked the big rainbow he'd been after. He grew his rod on the bank, ran into the creek. This 'bag' grabbed my line and broke the fish off. He continued across, got in my face and screams "you think that's funny?". I said "you have to admit it was....pretty funny". He grabbed me by the shirt and asked if I knew what he was going to do to me. I said "probably go to jail since there 50 watching the whole thing". I continued to fish til dark and had no further problems as he'd moved downstream a few pools.

Had waaay more confrontations on the D too. Lots of nutbags out there Sal. Don't blame anyone for carrying.
I tried not comment but I can't help myself. You may not agree but parents can still smack their kids around. In the eyes of the law there our differences between punishment and abuse. the police do not owe anybody a "follow up" because someone called them to report an incident that may have been nothing more then someone seeing danger around every corner.

I'm all for people exercising their 2nd amendment right. Carrying an unloaded gun is about as pointless as it gets.

I really doubt a homeless guy was at the creek washing his face in a ploy to rob an unsuspecting fishermen of his fly rod. My guess is he was fighting the hairy eye with a hairy eye. Acting as if you have a gun is a dangerous game. I would have said hello. I have no doubt he was not there to rob you or wish you harm.

I own guns, lots of guns, and have been permitted to carry them for 30 years. It is a damn rare occurrence for me to carry and I have never Carried while fishing. I largely fish urban environments in philadelphia and trenton and their surrounding suburbs and have never felt threatened to the point where I feel a need to be prepared for an armed confrontation. I see the homeless and have never said uh oh a homeless person, I better stare them down and act like I have a gun.

I have to question what you think you are actually seeing when a homeless guy is in the woods. They are there to hide from you and I not to rob us.

X2 on the posting of that video krayfish...and this is really starting to get good, it's Sal's choice and sure give him some advice but to attack him for exercising his right if he wishes to do so is kind of childish...and I thought I was the young one.
Don't carry or have a gun. If I did carry I would not display or act as if I had a gun unless I was 100% going to use it. I don't think displaying a gun to scare someone is a smart defense strategy (or smart in general).
Ummm, its was in the 80's. Anyone have a betamax to wav file converter? LOL.
krayfish2 wrote:
Ummm, its was in the 80's. Anyone have a betamax to wav file converter? LOL.

Where there's a will, there's a way! This sounds like it could reach epic viral status.
Well poopdeck, I spank my kids but don't punch them in the face repeatedly. I understand the police don't owe a follow up but I was hoping for one. Given who this was, what he does etc, I question if they even checked into the situation. But hey, who cares bout all of that Amirite? It's more fun to paint me a villain! I'm also glad that you know what a homeless mans intentions were 2 years ago, from across a sea of time and a keyboard without even being there. Amazingly talented you are and you sir, should have a TV show. Don't worry uncleshorty, I won't be able to turn of my western gunslinging movies to watch poopdeck , gotta get my John Wayne fix.... Oh wait I ain't had TV in over 3 years now....

Any other off base assumptions you wanna make?