Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I took a chance on spring one time when a homeless guy was sizing me up. he was kneeling washing his face as I walked upstream. He did nothing but stare at me the whole time. When I walked past he got up, eyes fixed on me and then was following me. If I stopped to fish he would just watch. What he didn't know was I was staring at him a lot too. You can't see my eyes through my sunglasses. I took them off and looked right at him and reached by my side like I had a gun and I was ready to pull it. His whole damn demeanor changed. He smiled and started making small talk. I walked away, so did he. Being he was homeless I figured he had no weapon. Anyone else I wouldn't have done this unless I actually had one.

What if ....
I had no doubt in my mind he was going to try and rob me.

Pretty close to the most ignorant thing one can do is fake that they have a gun. Its just about laughable. Amazingly lucky is what you are.
Dude had shoes that exposed his toes. Ya I'm lucky he wasn't holding a 9mm in a napkin :roll:
#5. What if you have one, and you decide you need it. Then someone else (the police, the DA, the other party’s attorney) decides you didn’t.

Just sayin’. If you ever end up using that gun on a human being for any reason, at best you are looking at being put through the ringer in justifying your actions – not saying that’s right or I agree with it, just reality. At worst, you’re alive I guess, but you’re not fishin’ any more. I agree the what if game isn’t the reason to base your decision on, but it’s because the potential outcomes are limitless. Not just 4, or 5.

It’s a personal choice to carry, and I respect the personal decision any one individual makes for themselves. But for those that do, as mentioned previously, it’s a big responsibility. It’s your choice Sal, I respect it either way. Gotta do what’s right for you.
Not a decision to be made without serious consideration of the situation one puts themselves in by carrying a weapon. Personally I carry on a regular basis and almost all the time while hunting or fishing. PA is no longer a Castle law state. It is a stand your ground state. a Person in the state of PA “has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his ground and use force, including deadly force if . . . (he) believes it is immediately necessary to do so to protect himself against death, serious bodily injury, kidnapping, or sexual intercourse by force or threat.” See 18 Pa.C.S. § 505(b)(2.3) for the entire statute.
tomitrout wrote:
The only thing that has ever stopped a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


and guess what....I've been a couple situations where a lot of you would feel the need for a weapon.

And guess what again? I'm still alive, not dead like Sal assumes he would be.

of course, ymmv.

Ok then why don't you enlighten me on who stops a psycho with a gun....
Nice fish!

Oh wait, wrong thread.

Welcome to the Jungle!

Carry a cheap pint of gin, toss it to him and yell "beat it"
Nothing in the original post suggest this incident posed any real thread to Sal. Judging by what was written in the OP the guy hurried up and drove off as soon as he realized Sal was there. No confrontation, no exchange of threats, nothing. Just hurried up and left.

Getting an ID on the car and calling the cops was probably the right thing to do if you feel there was something going on that warrants it.

However, attempting to follow or at least intending to follow these people? Really? Geez.

Do me a favor. Don't get a gun. This is exactly the sort of mind set that will lead to it being used.

Lmfao! Best post ever

I was trying to follow TO GET the plate. Nothing more geez.

I never said I needed a gun in this situation but after having watched f'd up situations over and over, yes Iam.

By the way,

No follow up by police.
UncleShorty wrote:

" But what if the guy instead of fleeing, got out of his car with a weapon?"

So he gets out of a car with a weapon. Yours is in your pocket, or in a shoulder holster or in your waistband.

How in blue blazes is your weapon going to help you if the other guy already has his in his hand.

You gonna go for yours? Think your widow will let me have your fly fishing gear?
Idk maybe its just me but I'd rather like SOMEWHAT of a chance, even if slim, rather than be a sitting duck begging a scumbag to not take my life. But hey thats just me. To each his own.
JackM wrote:
Well, if you are going to carry, you should practice your quick-draw for sure.
Amen. Along with every other aspect of gun safety and shooting. Don't carry until you are 100% confident handling firearms IMO.
PocketWater wrote:
Let me ask you gents that carry something. When you conceal carry, do you have the clip in, one in the chamber, and you are ready to go....or have the clip in but would need to put one in the chamber if something occurred?

When Im fishing, I never chamber a round. In the back of my mind, I know there's a chance I could always slip and fall and with some slice of sheer stupid luck the gun could go off. My 1911 has both a thumb safety and beavertail safety but that thought still crosses through the very back of my mind. Ive taken some nasty spills on some sketchy rocks.

I think the main reason I carry when Im in the woods is I fish some wild places where I always worry about bumping into a hungry bear. All things considered, its probably a long shot to ever get into that situation though, but it makes my old lady feel better
but after having watched f'd up situations

So, what are you gonna do? Intervene now that you're the good guy with a gun and be the big hero?

Good luck with that.
Tomi obviously doesn't understand self protection and just wants to sit back and throw out the same old jargon he always does.

Good luck with that! Cheers
Do you expect to not be bothered by the homeless, junkies, hookers, etc when fishing Spring Creek in Harrisburg City!?
"Idk maybe its just me but I'd rather like SOMEWHAT of a chance, even if slim, rather than be a sitting duck begging a scumbag to not take my life. But hey thats just me. To each his own."

SteveG wrote:
Do you expect to not be bothered by the homeless, junkies, hookers, etc when fishing Spring Creek in Harrisburg City!?
Good point, but on the LeTort?