Hit the tipping point today.

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
Swattie87 wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I I wish I would have had bear spray that day, if nothing else just to say to the owner, "I have bear spray and if you don't get your dog under control quick, he's gettin' dropped"

So you can get sued for the vet bills.

Only in America

Had the same thing happen to me Sunday. 4 dogs of varying breeds loose and a good 100 yards ahead of their at the time out of sight owner. I could barely hear the owner yelling at them in the distance.

Three were medium sized 30-40 lb dogs that were wagging tails, kept their distance, and seemed friendly enough. The fourth was at least double their size and looked like a Boxer mixed with a Rotty or something. He was well ahead of the other three and ran straight to me barking incessantly, hackles raised. I stood still as tall as I could and puffed out my chest and kept my hands at my side, with palms facing away from the dog. He ran to me, then backed off to about 15 yards or so and repeated this process a half dozen or more times while the winded owner was running towards him. The owner apologized and I accepted the apology and moved on. I generally don’t mind the occasional unleashed dog playing with his owner, but these dogs were well out of sight and the big one bothered me a little bit. I probably wouldn’t have peppered him (with spray or bullets) had I been carrying either, but I was a little uncomfortable for a moment.

I'll take my chances with the lawsuit. I have no plan to ever get bit by an animal, tame or wild.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:

It is a matter of focus.

Gotcha. Definitely a valid argument.
Swattie87 wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I I wish I would have had bear spray that day, if nothing else just to say to the owner, "I have bear spray and if you don't get your dog under control quick, he's gettin' dropped"

So you can get sued for the vet bills.

You can get sued for just about anything, but it doesn't mean you are going to lose. For pepper spraying an aggressive dog? They likely aren't going to win.

Besides, you usually only have to get close with pepper spray to make the dog back off.

On the flip side of this, a dog owner is liable for any injuries their animal might cause unless you were injured by the dog while attempting to commit a crime. That may be a little bit oversimplified, but not much.

You don't even have to be bitten, and maybe not even scratched.

The law is so strict, I would imagine the owner of that dog would have been liable for a new pair of waders if you had soiled yours.;-)
FarmerDave wrote:
You can get sued for just about anything

Bingo. Most of the time I'd just rather avoid the hassle and keep fishin'.
Swattie87 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
You can get sued for just about anything

Bingo. Most of the time I'd just rather avoid the hassle and keep fishin'.

That was only in context of the dog thing.

As far as the OP goes...

If I see a guy physically assaulting a woman, I'm likely going to act, and it wouldn't be the first time.

I wouldn't worry about a law suit, either. I don't live that way.

I'd be more worried about both of them turning on me. Ask any cop who deals with this kind of thing. It happens.

I gotta tell you a story from way back.

I grew up in a rural setting with old fashioned values. A man just does not hit a woman.

The story was when I was 23 and still a somewhat naive country boy. Had been out of college for only a few months. I was dating my wife to be at the time, and I lived in an apartment near a naval base. Future wife took a job and apartment on the other side of the river.

Anyway, I was driving out of town heading for the bridge to take my future wife back to here apartment. As I was rounding a very sharp and slow turn in a rough section of town, I witnessed a large male of indeterminate race (over 6 foot and over 250 lbs) punch his large companion African American female right in the face. She was nearly as large as him. Her glasses went flying.

Out of reflex, I jammed the breaks and had one foot out the door when my future wife grabbed me by the arm and told me to stay out of it.

It cause just enough delay that I witnessed the woman crying as the guy reach down and pick up her glasses and hand them to her. With that, she hauled back and punched him in the face.

At that point, I pulled my leg back inside, closed the door and slowly drove away. that might have been the fist of many times where I had to say, honey, you were right. And that time it was actually true. ;-)

I'm actually kind of glad my wife stopped me because I got the feeling that they both would have turned on me.

But in the OP case? Damned right I would have yelled at the guy. I probably wouldn't have allowed it to escalate to a physical confrontation especially if I was still wearing waders, but I most certainly would have yelled. You can't get sued for that.

IMO, anyone who would have walked away and ignored it is a worthless waste of skin. Not saying that is you.
If you feel better carrying, then go ahead. It is your right. I'm a gun owner and don't feel the need to. The media and current politicians, in this country have a vested interest in making you believe there is a "bad guy hiding behind every bush". Not so. We have become a society of scaredy cats. All the data indicates that, regardless of what that homeless guy or what that guy of middle eastern descent flying next to you looks like, you are fare less likely to have him be the source of your "bad day" than you are from many of the everyday tasks you are involved in. You are far more likely to be "assaulted" by that impeccably dressed guy on the PA turnpike driving his Audi like a maniac. That piece you're carrying is not likely to help you there. No one gets all hot and bothered by everyday driving or insists that there be more laws to crack down on bad drivers. Many of you reading this are probably some of those scofflaws. How dare anyone tell you to slow down. Folks need to get perspective in this country and stop listening to politicians telling us that they are going to protect you if you elect them, or to the news media who have found they can generate viewership by sensationalizing every story they present.
FarmerDave wrote:

That was only in context of the dog thing.

But in the OP case? Damned right I would have yelled at the guy. I probably wouldn't have allowed it to escalate to a physical confrontation especially if I was still wearing waders, but I most certainly would have yelled. You can't get sued for that.

IMO, anyone who would have walked away and ignored it is a worthless waste of skin. Not saying that is you.

My post above (#124) was also only in the context of the dog thing. Specifically meaning instead of escalating the situation and peppering the dog (had I had pepper spray) or getting into a leashing debate with the owner (which I admittedly considered at the time), I ultimately decided it was most appropriate to accept the owner’s apology and move on with my fishing.

What Sal came across is completely different. We’re all fight or flight…unfortunately for me I’ve tested my response on a couple of occasions and I’m a fight. Had I come across what Sal did, I would have said something and if things escalated I would’ve relied on the Bobby Allison defense with the police officer afterward (even if I got my butt kicked)…”Sir, I came up to ask how the fishing was for them and next thing I knew he went to beating on my fist with his nose.”

Edit: Haha, just noticed the not allowing things to escalate if you were still in your waders part of your post. Must be a Simms guy! :p
Swattie87 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:

That was only in context of the dog thing.

But in the OP case? Damned right I would have yelled at the guy. I probably wouldn't have allowed it to escalate to a physical confrontation especially if I was still wearing waders, but I most certainly would have yelled. You can't get sued for that.

IMO, anyone who would have walked away and ignored it is a worthless waste of skin. Not saying that is you.

My post above (#124) was also only in the context of the dog thing. Specifically meaning instead of escalating the situation and peppering the dog (had I had pepper spray) or getting into a leashing debate with the owner (which I admittedly considered at the time), I ultimately decided it was most appropriate to accept the owner’s apology and move on with my fishing.

What Sal came across is completely different. We’re all fight or flight…unfortunately for me I’ve tested my response on a couple of occasions and I’m a fight. Had I come across what Sal did, I would have said something and if things escalated I would’ve relied on the Bobby Allison defense with the police officer afterward (even if I got my butt kicked)…”Sir, I came up to ask how the fishing was for them and next thing I knew he went to beating on my fist with his nose.”

Edit: Haha, just noticed the not allowing things to escalate if you were still in your waders part of your post. Must be a Simms guy! :p

Nope. Can't afford them. Try Cabelas.

Here's the problem. They make tall sizes and stout sizes, but not tall stout. Tall sizes are long enough, but not wide enough. Stout sizes are wide enough, but not long enough. So I am stuck 2 or 3X in regular which are barely wide enough, and barely long enough. The strap adjustments are all the way out and I could still use a little more slack.

Now picture me trying to get back up if I happen to fall or get knocked down. I mean without using a crane.

I think we are on the same page on all this.

The dog thing? Well, I would have handed that the same way as you. Stuff happens. However, I can think of cases where pepper spray might be warranted by others.

When wife and I used to live in somewhat rural part of NC, we used to walk our dog on a leash. Occasionally she would walk him by herself. A couple times, loose dogs tried to attack our dog who was at a big disadvantage being on a leash. So I bought her some pepper spray to carry when alone. And yes, she had to use it once. But as I said earlier, she only had to get close.
The one recurring theme on here is the notion that is if you carry you are living in fear. This is absolutely not the case at all. I don't ever carry my gun because i live in fear. I carry my gun because it is my priveledge and have earned the right to do so. I am prepared for the consequences of doing so. I am 38 years old and have carried since i have been 21 and have never even been close to using it. That being said it could happen someday at any time and i am prepared to help myself or someone else who is in need. I hold zero ill will towards anyone who doesn't believe in guns or doesn't believe in carrying. I just can't stand people who think they know better than someone who chooses to carry because they "think" we live in fear. I personally wish more law abiding citizens would carry. If you are ever in a situation where you absolutely need it, it could and probably will be too late by the time law enforcement shows up.
mcwillja wrote:
The one recurring theme on here is the notion that is if you carry you are living in fear. This is absolutely not the case at all. I don't ever carry my gun because i live in fear. I carry my gun because it is my privileged and have earned the right to do so. I am prepared for the consequences of doing so. I am 38 years old and have carried since i have been 21 and have never even been close to using it. That being said it could happen someday at any time and i am prepared to help myself or someone else who is in need. I hold zero ill will towards anyone who doesn't believe in guns or doesn't believe in carrying. I just can't stand people who think they know better than someone who chooses to carry because they "think" we live in fear. I personally wish more law abiding citizens would carry. If you are ever in a situation where you absolutely need it, it could and probably will be too late by the time law enforcement shows up.

mcwillja, First let me say, I don't carry and I don't live in fear. That fact that you chose to carry does not mean I automatically think that you do it out of fear. I support your right to do so. I have friends that carry, and I feel safe knowing they do.

It is just a personal choice of mine to not carry. That may change some day, but probably not out of fear. But first I would need a smaller handgun.;-)

I actually did have a conceal carry permit years ago, but mostly out of convenience because of the screwy laws in PA at the time. Long story so I won't go there.

I can completely see where you are coming from. "What are you afraid of?" :roll: That said, if I did carry, the anonymous opinions that I do so out of fear would not bother me in the least. Frankly I don't give a crap.

Disclaimer: If I did carry, I wouldn't admit it on a public forum. Not because of fear, but what good would it be if everyone knew it. ;-)

I occasionally carry when on my own property, sometimes concealed (when I am wearing a coat), sometimes open. Never know when one of those sabre toothed groundhogs might attack.

Here is a great example of a "good guy" with a gun helping a desperate cop in need of assistance. This homeowner was not living in fear but stepped up to help someone in need.
krayfish2 wrote:
Ummm, its was in the 80's. Anyone have a betamax to wav file converter? LOL.

This is what I do for a living...I'll transfer that tape to a video file for the masses. Send it on over.
Troll obviously read nothing I wrote. I never did any of the things You listed above. You are on the list of people I don't respond to anymore. Beg as you may, I already started steps to acquire my first firearm. Gl, gg, gn

It's a long list sal. Don't flatter yourself to think I care that I'm on your dopey list. yet you still respond. read what you wrote sal before you start name calling. Your idiocy shines bright. I hope that new gun of yours provides you with the safety you desire. Be sure to get the "insured by S&W" sticker for your car so everybody knows you mean business.

So common to see this on the forums

poopdeck Posted on: 2015/6/26 19:51
"I see more risk by carrying than going without" ????????

What risk is there if you have a gun with you and nothing happens?

Bet the murdered church congregation went to church thinking nothing was going to happen. I'm even willing to bet that at least one of them had a can of pepper spray.

I rarely carry a gun but I always have one available in my home. Which is kind of ironic since its the place I feel the safest. If others want to carry 24/7 it's of no concern to me. It's there right just as its my right not to. If they carry because of snakes, bears, crackheads, or whatever who am I to judge their fears. I'm afraid of lightning. If I thought carrying a gun would protect me from lightning believe me I would carry 24/7. If you have a fear of doing something harmful with a gun when absolutely nothing happens then don't carry a gun but also don't make light of others fears.

I often think about carrying because of the random extreme violence that occurs somewhere on a dailey basis but I guess it hasn't hit close enough to home yet. I'm glad I have the choice though."

I want people to know that this is what you are dealing with here and it happens a lot. People will take what ever viewpoint they want at the time just to argue. In the end they are just words. They only have meaning if you give them meaning.

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

I want people to know that this is what you are dealing with here and it happens a lot. People will take what ever viewpoint they want at the time just to argue. ...

I disagree. :lol:
poopdeck wrote:
Troll obviously read nothing I wrote. I never did any of the things You listed above. You are on the list of people I don't respond to anymore. Beg as you may, I already started steps to acquire my first firearm. Gl, gg, gn

It's a long list sal. Don't flatter yourself to think I care that I'm on your dopey list. yet you still respond. read what you wrote sal before you start name calling. Your idiocy shines bright. I hope that new gun of yours provides you with the safety you desire. Be sure to get the "insured by S&W" sticker for your car so everybody knows you mean business.

I want people to know that this is what you are dealing with here and it happens a lot. People will take what ever viewpoint they want at the time just to argue. In the end they are just words. They only have meaning if you give them meaning.

I don't think that at all. You put a post out there that you apparently felt the need to disclose to the board, and you are not going to find that everyone on this board is going to agree with you. You're pretty naive if you think some folks are not going to call you on it. In the future if it is going to make you upset, and start to call folks "trolls" and such, maybe you shouldn't post that subject. You kind of alluded in your original post that you thought it would be controversial. Voi La.
Whoa there bub.

The reason I called him a troll is because he took an account I gave, twisted it and then used his new version to chastise me. Typical troll behavior. For what it is worth I'm not upset at all but I feel no need to address and try to conversate with a person who does such things.
Especially those who on the same subject deem themselves unworthy to judge a persons fears or need to, but the judge my own.
Really this thread is pretty much done for me. I felt the need to show why people sometimes come to the conclusion to carry while fishing.

I could not careless if someone agrees with my decision or not.
^ This guy hase 4 posts, 3 of which are "guns" "more guns" and "guns?"....TROLL!!!!!