Fly Swap Fall 2015



Mar 13, 2014
Hello all,

After participating in a recent swap I have been very interested to do another one. The type of fly I would like to be featured in this swap is a CONFIDENCE FLY. Something that you can turn to that you think "if there's a fish here, I'll catch it".

I would like to do this swap for trout whether it be Natives, Browns, or stockies just a fly that you have something special with.

I would like to keep it to 12 people plus myself just so we get an even dozen flies back, though this is subject to change. Let's just see who all would like to participate before I set any "deadlines" or any dates...

If you want to sign up, just say I'm in and with what fly you would like to tie (if you don't know what fly just say you're in).

Cheers and Tight Lines!

I am in. Bead Head nymph tbd
I'm in. TBD
I'm in. I'll be tying the Sparrow Nymph. One of my "go to" flies that was designed by Jack Gartside. It's a great pattern tied out of natural materials that is real buggy looking and just has great movement in the water. I've caught trout, panfish, SMB and LMB with this fly. I've also used the sparrow nymph pattern to design a carp fly that produced very well for me this summer on carp. Good luck with the swap. I've always enjoyed participating in them.
I'm in TBD
Im in! Ill tie a foam cricket. Although NONE of my flies have been oozing confidence, this one turned in some awesome fish at unexpected times, in the past.

Thanks for hosting JP.
I guess I can make a little room JP, do the midge pattern you were thinking of today.
Awesome Guys!

So far we have...

1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- TBD
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- TBD
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge

I myself am also TBD. I'm stuck between 2 flies...

Let's keep it going! So glad to have some interest.
***** Update*****

1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- TBD
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
Can I jump in? CDC and Elk perhaps?
I`ll jump in this boat if I may with a good old clouser.
Ok sounds good. I am in Pattern TBD. When is the due date? Hope it's not for a bit. But what ever it is I will deal with it.



1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- TBD
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- TBD

This is great guys! Only need a few more and to answer your question GenCon I was thinking about having the due date around November 10th ish? Obviously it is subject to change and if anyone else prefers a certain date let me know.

We can always push it back if need be I am in college I understand that life gets in the way just in tests let alone adult duties. Let me know what you guys think about this!
If you all don't mind a Marylander joining in, I can tie up some white Strymphs which work great for me all winter into early spring. I weight them heavily.



1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- TBD
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- TBD
10. tewart- white strymph

Looks like we're gonna have quite the variety here! Two more people to go I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Same here pabrook, The streamers I tied for the last swap took me a while to get tied up, but I already have 1/2 my flies done for this one.
November 10th sounds good, or even sooner.
Anybody use scud patterns? I have created one that I'd like to add as a bonus fly to anyone who fishes the limestoners.
Just send me a pm, and I'll add it.
I'm in if there's still room. CDC Caddis emerger. Sorry Gencon
^Haha...that fly is a beast.
Dammit Pete! I stayed up all night last and tied them. I guess I will have to tie a green weenie! LOL. Still not sure what I will tie.

Do you still have room? If so count me in. Maybe a caddis nymph of some sort.

