Fly Swap Fall 2015


Nice looking flies - Can't wait to fish them!

Thinking I will tie up Tim Cammisa's Jig Style Prince Nymph and (since my flies aren't up to the quality of the other tiers in this swap) I'll also send along a jig style mini-bugger.

Would any of you be willing to post a picture of my clousers if I emailed them a one. I cant post pics from my yak spot.All I can say is taste the rainbow.Ive tied 12 clousers in 12 different 3 color combinations.Dont no who will get what but i'm having fun.Iam pretty confident in a clouser no matter what color.
I think I am going to tie a down and dirty nymph that I am sure has been tied up before but I sort of just grabbed a few materials and threw it together. All I will say for now is that it is tied on a jig style hook and uses SLF Spikey squirrel dubbing. Pics will come this weekend.
Pabrookie, can you please PM me an address?

GenCon wrote:
Pabrookie, can you please PM me an address?


Yep, we're all going to need that address. The sooner the better. Bowhunting is shortly going to consume a lot of time.
melvinp wrote:
Would any of you be willing to post a picture of my clousers if I emailed them a one. I cant post pics from my yak spot.All I can say is taste the rainbow.Ive tied 12 clousers in 12 different 3 color combinations.Dont no who will get what but i'm having fun.Iam pretty confident in a clouser no matter what color.

PM Sent
Here's the pic's for MelvinP

Nice looking ties!


  • MelClouser 1.JPG
    MelClouser 1.JPG
    45 KB · Views: 6
  • Melclouse 2.JPG
    Melclouse 2.JPG
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Alright everyone I sent you all a PM with my address! Sorry for the wait, tests and homework have been getting the best of me....
Clousers look great Melv

I made an update, I will be tying half Evil Olives and half Higas SOS patterns. More or less they are generally the same pattern to imitate blue winged olive nymphs/midges.

1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive/Higas SOS
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- Mohair Nymph
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- TBD
10. tewart- white strymph
11. pmelle- CDC Caddis emerger
12. wzembik- Soft Hackle

LetortAngler wrote:
Clousers look great Melv

I made an update, I will be tying half Evil Olives and half Higas SOS patterns. More or less they are generally the same pattern to imitate blue winged olive nymphs/midges.

1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive/Higas SOS
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- Mohair Nymph
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- Breadcrust nymph
10. tewart- white strymph
11. pmelle- CDC Caddis emerger
12. wzembik- Soft Hackle

I updated list as well./ My flys are done and will be in the mail shortly. PaBrookie94, thanks for hosting.

Thanks for posting my clousers DJ They are the first pictures I have been able to get on this forum and I have been bouncing here for about 3 years.,Got the address brookie will mail them out tomarrow.

My flies are in the mail. You should see them on Friday, I expect. Thanks for hosting this swap. This will be a real interesting mix of patterns.
Brookie, with all these "packages" arriving to your mail center. Don't be surprised to hear a knock on the door and find drug sniffing dogs.

A dog would not want to stick his nose in one of those boxes.
On a rare day off in the middle of the week I fished four streams, Yellow Breeches (run),Letort, Mountain Creek, and Codorus. I caught four Browns, YB=1, MC=2,C=1, I only spook trout at Letort. Get this, I fished many flies, but ALL four trout were taken on the Mohair Nymph I'm tying.
laszlo wrote:
On a rare day off in the middle of the week I fished four streams, Yellow Breeches (run),Letort, Mountain Creek, and Codorus. I caught four Browns, YB=1, MC=2,C=1, I only spook trout at Letort. Get this, I fished many flies, but ALL four trout were taken on the Mohair Nymph I'm tying.

Nice, I 'm anxious to see it.

That's what I like to hear lazlo. That's exactly what happened with the fly I am tying on my last steelhead trip.