Fly Swap Fall 2015


1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- Mohair Nymph
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- TBD
10. tewart- white strymph
11. pmelle- CDC Caddis emerger
12. wzembik- Caddis Nymph

Well guys we're full! Let me know what you think about the date we could either push it forward or back depending on everyone's schedules. I can't wait to see everyone's ties!

Feel a little out of place tying a clouser but its my go to around home not a huge amount of just trout water.

Thanks for including me. In looking at the roster and the ties, I see other nymphs, so if you don't mind, I think I will change it up and submit a soft hackle tie.

Will get them tied up this weekend.


Here is a little background information on the Sparrow Nymph. This is just an all around super buggy looking fly that I would definitely put into the "confidence fly" category for myself. The Sparrow was originally designed and tied by Jack Gartside to imitate a wide variety of aquatic/terrestrial critters depending on what color and size it was tied in and how it was fished. It's kind of like a nymph, streamer, wet fly and even potential drowned hopper pattern all in one. There are many variations of this pattern and I'm sure most of them would catch fish. I'm tying this fly for the swap (in memory of his innovative style of fly tying) very close to Mr. Gartside's Original Sparrow that he designed and tied sitting on the banks of the Madison many, many years ago.

There is a part of fly tying that I still really enjoy about tying with totally natural materials in a day and age where we are constantly inundated with some really great synthetic tying materials. This version of the Sparrow is tied with all natural materials. Fooling a fish with a fly that is tied with just simply fur and feathers bound on the hook kind of has a small way of taking me back in time.

There is a lot of information about Jack Gartside on the internet today and his many creations and innovative style of tying flies. Good luck with the Sparrow.

Sparrow Nymph

Hook: Mustad R73-9671 size 8 (2XH,3XL)
Thread: Unithread 6/0 dark brown
Tail: Pheasant Marabou
Body: Rabbit and gray squirrel blended. Two parts squirrel to one part rabbit. Dubbing is brushed out to give the body a very ragged and buggy look. I also blended in a bit of olive rabbit fur (trimmed off of an olive zonker strip) to give the blend just a tint of olive because Gartside's Original Sparrow was tied with an olive body.
Hackle: Blueish-green well marked back feather from a male ringneck pheasant. Tied in soft hackle style extending back to the tail area.
Head: Pheasant Philo plume (aftershaft feather) tied in front of the hackle collar.



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Thats a really good looking bug John. Well done.

^yup, I agree.
There's not a problem with you tying that at all wzembick!

1. dsj12354-Bead Head TBD
2. LetortAngler- Evil Olive
3. dc410- Sparrow Nymph
4. laszlo- Mohair Nymph
5. J55tyger88- foam cricket
6. Kill3ducks1deer- Red midge
7. Volksnurse- CDC and Elk
8. melvinp- Clouser Minnow
9. GenCon- TBD
10. tewart- white strymph
11. pmelle- CDC Caddis emerger
12. wzembik- Soft Hackle

Here are a couple of the soft hackles. I'll send in both patterns - a doz of each. Had fun tying them up... First is a silver wired ribbed herl body with quail hackle. The second is orange floss body with partridge hackle, and a tiny bump of angora goat behind the hackle.



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All right, so now that my good friend Pmele stole my pattern. LOL.
I will tie breadcrust nymphs. Which is really more of a wet fly. I was a bit reluctant to do these only because I was feeling lazy. They do not take long to tie but the prep work takes quite a while. I will give some history on this fly a bit later. It was also my best producer last Spring and Summer. When fishing wets.

GenCon wrote:

I will tie breadcrust nymphs.


Beautiful! I think I'm gonna frame that one!
Ok, so breadcrust it is. This is a Pa. pattern with a history that I like. It also has a special place in my heart. It was one of my Dad;s favorite wet flys. It was developed back in the 1940's by a man named Rudy Sentiwany. His idea was to imitate a cased or free living caddis. Rudy was also a big fan of the Brodheads river. Which I am as well. It is tied with a grouse tail quill split and soaked to make the body. The hackle is just a simple grizzly wet fly hackle. PABrookie asked us to do a confidence fly. Well this is one for me. I also have confidence that if you guys give it a try. It will be a good fish catcher for you as well. This is going to be a fun swap. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

Hey guys!

Just wanted to touch base with you. I had a question about the due date and November 10th is the day that the flies must be postmarked not the day that they need to be in my mailbox. If you have any other questions just PM me!

I have decided to tie a variation of the prince nymph called the psycho prince nymph. Tim Cammisa ties it in one of his Youtube videos and I will be tying it with a much less subtle color than the UV purple (though that one does work well!). I will post pics sometime after the weekend!

Thanks to everyone participating! I can't wait to see what everyone has tied up!

sounds good...can't wait to see them all as well. Loved the write ups thus far with the history of the 2 flies...never realized that the breadcrust had all that feather prep until I searched on it...Alot of steps to get the quill and fibers right.

Never fished one, but will need to try!

The Strymph is a combination streamer and nymph. I use the pattern from Harry Murray. The picture of this fly is attached.

Hook: Mustad 9672 or Tiemco 5252 sizes 2 through 10
Thread: 8/0 to match the body
Body: Black, Olive, and white rabbit fur
Tail: Ostrich herl
Collar: Natural Grey mallard flanks
Weight: Lead wire.

I use this fly in the late February here in MD with great success.



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Here is how the Sparrow Nymph got its name. A friend of Jack Gartside commented on looking at a pile of newly tied flies that they looked like a "flock of sparrows". Well, here is my little "flock of sparrows" all ready for their departure (just need a destination).


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Nice flys guys. Well done.

Ok, my breadcrust are done. Just need an address to send them to.

Hope you guys like them.



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