Fishing goals for 2022



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
My main goal for 2022 is to fish much more often than I have in the past. I've retired and sold my home (got while the getting was good), so that should make this goal pretty easy to attain.

My other goal, which is never ending, is to better my best (13.5") native brookie, This will probably be more difficult to achieve. lol
What are your 2022 FF aspirations?
WT -

Congrats on your retirement!
I went a little over a year ago now, and don't miss work one bit.

And did fish more than I ever have last year.
So nice to head out on a trip - and not have a deadline to be back home to go to work.

And the best part - I was able to "get while the getting is good"
When conditions deteriorated, just went home and waited for things to improve again.

My goals for the new year? To hopefully - if the latest pandemic surge slows down - take more big trips again.
I was invited on western fishing trips by several people last year, and passed.
Just didn't quite feel comfortable getting on a plane again.

I'm thinking that by summer, maybe we'll get back to more normalcy
My goals are always the same, but never quite reach fruition. I want to be a better nymph fly fisherman.

I have taken euro nymph fishing lessons, and have even caught some trout with this method, but know that I am not very good with all honesty.

I took two fly fishing courses this past year to improve my casting and knot tying. I am getting better.

My new toys are cooking equipment at the primitive cabins(propane only). And, Map and compass, and GPS to go for walks in 820 acres of woods.
-Lake trout
-Get better at tying, especially dries. I caught fish on my own flies for the first time this year, and I've been really pumped on tying lately. However, my favorite dry flies are Catskill duns and elk hair caddis; dry fly hackle and deer/elk hair have presented a real learning curve.

Overall, I had probably my best year (though I've only been in the game since 2014) in terms of numbers, getting fish on all my favorite NEPA and NY waters, and fishing a lot of new scenarios/techniques. Here at the end of the world, my fishing is thriving!

Looking forward to the fishing side of 2022 (and I already took my inaugural skunking while hiking along a brookie stream with the fam today)!
Retiring end of March:
1. Meeting & Fishing the Hatches - Charles R Meck
2. More nymphing while waiting for the hatches
3. Catch a few Big trout
4. Catch my first Steelhead
Catch a trout on a nymph in every calendar month of the year in pa and ny. Got pa done this am. Second cast. 8 in brown. Next 4 hrs ya ummmmm. Not a hit.
Congratulations on your retirement!! Let me know when you are out this way.

My goal is to fish at least 5 new streams and have one of Maxima’s burgers.
Spend more time fishing for trout. Have a lot of trout water around me, but bass are a short walk out the door. Second goal is steelhead. Wanted to do that in 2021 but a hunting trip took its place.

Trying to catch a few more of the remaining natives in the United States on the list.

Either a western trip to California for Little Kern and Kern river rainbows and possibly some cutthroat fishing in Colorado. There is a cutthroat that has long been thought to be extinct that has been found in a tributary to the Arkansas river. More research needed on this. Or a trip to Maine to fish for land locked Atlantic Salmon , Artic char and lake trout. Probably nail this down in the next month. Good luck to all fly anglers.
Enjoy the time on the water more by being in the moment. Work sometimes places stresses on me that I take from the office to the river. I need course correction when on the water and need to remember that each time I am blessed to get out.
Retired in April, 2020. Will greatly increase my time on the water and explore new areas. Recently bought an e-bike and want to ride it down through Pine Creek Canyon and fish along the way.
Figure out upstream wetfly fishing
Fish trippin more with my fishbuds
Organize me gear and flies so I carry less
Learn the waters of Sarasota bay
Prospector wrote:
Congratulations on your retirement!! Let me know when you are out this way.

My goal is to fish at least 5 new streams and have one of Maxima’s burgers.

I try to fish a few new streams every year too
Exploring different water is always fun.

So, Maxima ties leaders - and makes good burgers?
To fish more and at more places than the last two years which shouldn’t be hard to do.

I also hope to do something I haven't done in eons; have an Opening Day flashback memory on some old haunts in Delco using my old spinning gear & bait!!
my goal is to catch one of those big browns near the out flow of kinzua dam...and down toward dixon island
My biggest goals are to get out fly fishing more and help my son (he will be 3 in a few months) get into some fish again using conventional tackle. I didn’t get out a lot last year on my own trips as he enjoyed tagging along but it was a great season introducing my son to the outdoors.

I’m also hoping to spend more time tying flies over the next few months.
Fish with family and friends. Fish more local
Funny how life life changes, my two goals this year are to get my 13 year old out more and help him rig up on his own. I'm now limited to fewer than 15 days on the river a year. Coaching my boys baseball teams that go spring summer and fall completely eliminates 3/4 of my fishing opportunities. The times I can get out hopefully my older one will be with me more than not.