Catskill JAM 2011, August 12-14, 2011

Which date set did you guys lock in?
gfen, highlights of the thread minus the broke back mtn stuff....

Well, it looks like the dates of August 12,13 and 14 are the most popular so that's what we will shoot for. I'll probably be up there on the 11th for a little scouting/fishing if anyone is able to do that Thursday.

There are several options for lodging and a few for camping (see earlier in the thread). Each person or pair will be responsible for setting up lodging. I have phone numbers available so PM me if you need them.

Please remember that we will be up there during the "dog days" of summer and the fishing may be slower that usual. We can expect to see the tail end of the summer sulphurs as well as tricos, olives, ISO's, cahills and various caddis. What you see will depend on the section you fish.

Capra Inn has set aside a block of rooms for us. 607-637-1600. Just tell them you're with the PAFF group.

I just got a call from the motel. They are now offering fisherman a preferred rate. $55 for a single, $65 for a double. Those are last years early season rates. They told me they prefer fisherman because we are so 'well behaved'. I hope we don't change their opinion. It may have also had something to do with Troutmaster bringing those kabobs last year. Ines really liked them.

Coz just called me and is willing to host the group on Saturday morning for the raffle and a little pep talk. He'd like to do it 9-ish in case he's got a client booked for an afternoon float.
I'd be willing to give a pep talk as well. But I will under no circumstances share my nuggets.
Pep talk 4x size 8 3xl ISO. Slap the water till you get something then go drink beer and never come back to MY river lol
"YOUR" river??!! Interesting yet hostile. Why don't you show up and show the others how to slap the water with a giant iso-sarus. I hear Larissa is coming plus there's plenty of other hot chicks in town. New eye candy at the diner.
The my river part was a joke. Lol but I will never step foot the circle e again because after you eat that garbage the only circle you'll be seeing will be the toilet bowl.
Bring your grill and do some good ol' fashioned cooking for all us. Don't wear the "kiss the cook" apron on you'll get slapped. :)
The grill is a good idea. I make some awesome steaks and would be more then happy to grill if we can get Jdaddys health insurance business to donate some t bones?
Great! Sounds like you're coming. I'm making 2 crockpots full of an Italian Stew. It'll be pretty quiet up there and you really should join us. Just bring treats for the dog or I'll have him rip your arms off.

BTW, I don't think he's got a life insurance business. Claims business.
Krayfish - wow 630am Friday? Is that confirmed? I'm not staying thursday night, so I'll have to leave at 4am to get up there by then.... But i'm just crazy enough to do it. Let me know if that is confirmed and the meeting place. Heck - perhaps I'll get up at 3 so i can have breakfast at the circle E before i head out :) :) :)
Well, Brandon is an early riser. He likes to be on the water at first light if possible. The Neversink is a pretty good hike to fish the gorge. You don't want to walk in and out during the mid day heat. He also mentioned that the Esopus has been fishing great and would be the place to go if you wanted to run up sheer numbers of fish. Unfortunately, most are in the 5-12" range with many, many being wild bows. That river is a bit of drive to get to though. PM jdaddy. He had a great / strange experience there last fall.
Confirmed my room for Fri and Sat nights. I have no interest in getting up that early to drive to another river. I'll throw floaters on the big river.

I will probably bring my pontoon, but almost would prefer not to use it.

I'll be riding with the noon to nightfall crowd (actually, I won't be riding with more than another fisherman or two, but I will be doing it at the same time as the rest of the lushes :))
This sounds really cool, especially the Neversink Gorge excursion (and I am an early riser.) Money's really tight though (somebody remind me why buying a house is a good investment) but that motel rate is damned good. Might be able to swing this, I've gotta a bunch of ground venison left, makes a tasty burger (mixed with pork trimmings, keeps it from drying out.) If I go I'll probably get a single room, my snoring is notoriously louder than a grizzly bear. I'd probably bring my pontoon too.
i know all about JDaddy's experience there.... ;)
gochs and I have our rooms confirmed for Fri & Sat night. I know gochs is going to get there on Thursday, and I might as well. Should be a good time.

Let me know if anything wants anything from Upstate. I'm gonna bring a few growlers from Empire.
RyanR wrote:
If I go I'll probably get a single room, my snoring is notoriously louder than a grizzly bear.

Talk to RickinPA. He can throw down rather well. Then again put the two of you together and there may be collapse potential.
jdaddy wrote:
RyanR wrote:
If I go I'll probably get a single room, my snoring is notoriously louder than a grizzly bear.

Talk to RickinPA. He can throw down rather well. Then again put the two of you together and there may be collapse potential.

I'm very confident in what my snoring can do. I've been told its so loud it might actually scare a grizzly. I could probably summon the Kraken up from the deep with it. I actually bring ear plugs for anyone rooming with me. Yeah, I'm that kind of confident in my snoring.
RyanR wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
RyanR wrote:
If I go I'll probably get a single room, my snoring is notoriously louder than a grizzly bear.

Talk to RickinPA. He can throw down rather well. Then again put the two of you together and there may be collapse potential.

I'm very confident in what my snoring can do. I've been told its so loud it might actually scare a grizzly. I could probably summon the Kraken up from the deep with it. I actually bring ear plugs for anyone rooming with me. Yeah, I'm that kind of confident in my snoring.

You and Rick will be bff.
Anyone interested in floating with me and Becker? We're doing a Stilesville to Buckingham float. Launching around noon. RowJimmy should be all over that!

BTW, that's a joke.
Are you floating every day? Are there still spots available for your extra pontoon that fits "skinny asses like me"? lol
I'd like to take a float, even if I need to rent.