Catskill JAM 2011, August 12-14, 2011

Very helpful post, kray. I see what looks like a great outing developing. Best of luck. Between now and then, I may find a way to join you guys.

Someone from Pittsburgh area made it out last year. Andy probably remembers who it is and maybe you could car pool? We had a great time last year. Fishing wasn't great but remember there are a lot of streams other than the D in the area. The tailgate grilling, lots of beer and a great poker game was great.


You should check with the movie theater about screening one of those fishing movies everyone likes so much. We can get hammered and yell at the screen.
I'll check w/ them to see if we can get "Rise" or something like that played. I wouldn't bet on it but I'll ask.


DaveS came out last year from P-burgh. dryflyguy is also in your neck of the woods and he might be tempted. There are options for ya.
Well, it looks like the dates of August 12,13 and 14 are the most popular so that's what we will shoot for. I'll probably be up there on the 11th for a little scouting/fishing if anyone is able to do that Thursday.

There are several options for lodging and a few for camping (see earlier in the thread). Each person or pair will be responsible for setting up lodging. I have phone numbers available so PM me if you need them.

Please remember that we will be up there during the "dog days" of summer and the fishing may be slower that usual. We can expect to see the tail end of the summer sulphurs as well as tricos, olives, ISO's, cahills and various caddis. What you see will depend on the section you fish.

Anyone who's in, sound off so we can put together a head count.

I can't commit yet but count me as a tentative "yes" at this point.
Dave W
I gotta work friday, but I will be up for this.
I am a tenetive yes, depending on someone pairing up with me. I will be on the main Delaware the weekend before for smallies!
If it's the weekend of the 12-14th, I'm in. Anyone willing to carpool from the Altoona area? PM me
tentative yes as well.
Capra Inn has set aside a block of rooms for us. 607-637-1600. Just tell them you're with the PAFF group.
I am planning on coming to the Catskill Jam. Depending on my work schedule will determine when and if I make it. I would like come up on Thursday till Sunday.

looking for someone to split a room fri and sat night. no creepers, please. hah
gochs wrote:
looking for someone to split a room fri and sat night. no creepers, please. hah

so u ruled out half the people who went last year
In but I'll be bassin or brookie fishing. 50 man upper west branch 14 mile float ain't my thing.
jdaddy wrote:

so u ruled out half the people who went last year

True. But you and Andy are rooming together, right? lol
We will be doing a raffle again this year. I've been contacted by St Croix and we should have a brand new fly rod as the grand prize. I was leaning toward a 9', 6wt. Any feedback? Anyone tying flies or donating something for the raffle?
krayfish wrote:
We will be doing a raffle again this year. I've been contacted by St Croix and we should have a brand new fly rod as the grand prize.

Maybe i can with this one twice like i did the last time ;)