Catskill JAM 2011, August 12-14, 2011

btw - I'm gonna try for this now that its in august... depends on schedule and funds.
gochs wrote:
jdaddy wrote:

so u ruled out half the people who went last year

True. But you and Andy are rooming together, right? lol

No way! Too many medical abnormalities to be exposed to.

Re: raffle, it MUST be done with 1st prize down this time. Poor dude won a pack of JayL drunk leaders and was no longer eligible for rods, reels, etc.

Let me know if you need help securing prizes.
Any help would be appreciated on securing prizes. I really can't afford to fund the entire thing myself. Hoping for someone else to step up and help. BTW, drunken twisted leaders don't qualify this year.... sorry.

I'd be willing to donate a pack of leaders that I... er um won. I can not necessarily vouch for the integrity of said leaders, except to say I've never gotten around to using them.
I have a 4 inch fly box that i never use. It's a waterproof double sided one. I could possibly fill it with some nymphs that would be useful for the trip? I'm not a great tier, but they might catch some fish. at least the box would be useful.
Latest update:

Looks like we'll have 1-2 rods for the raffle (depending on funds). Also, a few shirts, leaders, fly box and a fly selection from local guide.

Here's a new option for those who'd like to do a little exploring....I've talked to a local NY State guide and he's willing to lead a group of wade fisherman (at no charge) on the Esopus or into the Neversink Gorge. Nympher specials.

Things are looking good so far.

krayfish wrote:

Here's a new option for those who'd like to do a little exploring....I've talked to a local NY State guide and he's willing to lead a group of wade fisherman (at no charge) on the Esopus or into the Neversink Gorge. Nympher specials.

Things are looking good so far.

I'd be into that!

Anyone looking to share a room at the capra? I'd like to make this, but need to save $$ Anyone going PM me if you have a spot in your room.

I just got a call from the motel. They are now offering fisherman a preferred rate. $55 for a single, $65 for a double. Those are last years early season rates. They told me they prefer fisherman because we are so 'well behaved'. I hope we don't change their opinion. It may have also had something to do with Troutmaster bringing those kabobs last year. Ines really like them.
Yum....kababs were amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

krayfish wrote:
I just got a call from the motel. They are now offering fisherman a preferred rate. $55 for a single, $65 for a double.

Anyone up for splitting a double?
I can vouch for the leaders I tie while sober in a well lit area. I am not sure of the quality of those. I will tie you some sober this time, Dave.

Anyway, I should be able to make it.
Jay, Glad to see you're going to make it. Brandon is going to lead some "nympher specials" groups on the Esopus and/or Neversink. The gorge is 3-4 miles of remote walk in fishing. Lots of pocket water for you fly sinkers!

Coz just called me and is willing to host the group on Saturday morning for the raffle and a little pep talk. He'd like to do it 9-ish in case he's got a client booked for an afternoon float.

Any chance you're gonna bring a few hand tied brewiskis? I might like one of those more than a leader!

Gonna be tough to brew some new ones with the montana trip between now and then, but I'll probably dip into my reserves. I saved a few of them to do vertical tastings with next year's version.

Hope you're not opposed to big, gnarly porters and stouts. The lighter fare didn't survive the spring fishing season. :lol:
going to try and make it. now that I know how to get my free movie!
and I have to use my Mirabito Loyalty SAVINGScard.
This sounds like a good time. Are you guys opposed to newbies?
The last JAM was 50% first timers to the Delaware. All are welcome and it's a good time. I'm hoping mother nature gives us better water by going 45 days earlier this year. With the amount of water to fish up there, it's shortens the learning curve when you pair up with somebody that's fished it before. Come on up and we'll see you in Hancock. !
Hell we're all newbie once. I'm a newbie with one trip under my belt. Gonna be a long time before I'm an old salt on the D...

fwiw, i'm definitely in.