Big PA Brown

I clip the point off my hooks. I don't even need to get the fish in the net, just the fact I was able to fool them to take my fly is enough for me.

Anybody that needs to net the fish to prove how good they are at fishing has an ego problem.
I post on fishing forums, but don't actually fish any more. Just getting to talk fishin' with fine folks like ya'll is enough for me.
What I need are some instructions on how to get a good selfie with a nice fish. I have no objection to fish photos and have plenty of my own but most of the time I'm by myself and can't take a cool "grip and grin" photo.

In reality, most of my fish photos never do justice to the beauty of the fish.

Still would like to know how long the fish pictured in the OP is. Slinger - did you measure it?
I have no idea McSneek it was sent to me by a friend of mine and it was'nt disclosed
"What I need are some instructions on how to get a good selfie with a nice fish. I have no objection to fish photos and have plenty of my own but most of the time I'm by myself and can't take a cool "grip and grin" photo."
It's called a tripod. One more piece of gear you can add to your assemblage of stuff you will need to carry. And don't forget that dangling tippet dispenser with TROUTHUNTER tippet. Maybe they will sponsor you if you blog about your awesome success.
and M'Sneek- if you knew beforehand that it was a 6" gemmie that you were casting to and not another lousy 5 1/2 incher ,let us know.
oops-that doubled in size-sorry either I or the forum a little slow today
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
And don't forget that dangling tippet dispenser with TROUTHUNTER tippet. Maybe they will sponsor you if you blog about your awesome success.

Oh man, now we are attacking the accessory that damn near every fly fisherman carries on himself. Is the Trouthunter brand the issue? I carry Frogs Hair, Trouthunter, and Rio, do you think any of them will sponsor me? I carry at least 3 more spools over what he has in that photo! Will that make my chances of a sponsorship any better?

Posting a photo on this forum seems a lot like getting up in front of the class in high school! Half the people are cool, the other half search for something to attack you about, just to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities! Classic!
I hope we are all having fun here- TETO
pete41 wrote:
and M'Sneek- if you knew beforehand that it was a 6" gemmie that you were casting to and not another lousy 5 1/2 incher ,let us know.

I don't think I have ever knowingly cast to a fish less than 7" in length unless we're including bluegills. For the most part they are all a surprise to me. You of all people know that sometimes that little rise form is a big 'un and sometimes the little guys can make quite a splash.

I have to go home and check my tippet spools now. First off, I must confess I spent like $7.00 for an Orvis tippet spool holder. Tried a couple home made ones but just wasn't happy and the pen supply in the kitchen drawer was starting to get low. I think I have a mixture of spools on my fancy holder though - Umpqua, Orvis, Rio and Sci Anglers - I don't know. Whatever Sierra Trading Post had on sale the last time I bought some. Sorry for not buying it at my local fly shop but the hipster was working the day I realized I needed some.

I know where the fish was caught and the very hole it came out of... Matter of fact I may have even landed that very same trout last year. All I will say is the guy that caught the fish is a die hard fly fisherman and a darn good photographer. This whole thread is really making me laugh....

Aw, come on Ron. You can't throw bait like that around on a fly fishing forum. How BIG was it?
Strike a pose
Strike a pose
Vogue, vogue, vogue
Vogue, vogue, vogue....
for those of us who still raise our own silk worms its all uppity.
I have a picture of me sitting on the great wall of China back in 1980 wearing Mao cap and jacket-wonder if I posted that on OT if I could get a rise.
Nice fish. Wish I'd caught it.
Everyone be happy there is fish of this size, and many of them like this to catch in the state we live in. Many folks aren't that lucky.

Weather you post photos or not, fish with flies or bait, just be happy. Not worth getting worked up about some of this stuff.

Wow, a lot has happened on this thread since I looked this morning. I had a few meetings and 2 employee reviews to do (aka bullying people).

Slinger wrote:
I have no idea McSneek it was sent to me by a friend of mine and it was'nt disclosed

I’d like to be clear that I’m not giving you a hard time for posting the photo of the fish. Some may have seen it that way but it’s not the case. Is the fish big? Sure. Is it a pretty fish? Absolutely. What I find strange is that several people know this fish / have caught this fish. Nobody has disputed my claim that this is a stocked / pet fish from the Becks property / Homewaters / Beaver and the evil empire. Is anybody willing to confirm or deny the origin of the fish?

Brown71 wrote:
I did post 2 or 3 large fish on this board and this board only just for the sake of ending the 30" plus debate.

If I remember correctly, the 30” thread was questioning the existence of wild, river / stream dwelling fish. A specific exclusion was given to lake run fish. You’ve confirmed that your fish ran out of a lake. A lake that should have a tailwater fishery but that’s a topic for a different thread.

McSneek wrote:
Sorry for not buying it at my local fly shop but the hipster was working the day I realized I needed some.

Quality response. I love it.

Boosted3 wrote:
Devaluing someone's catch in a public forum due to a set of limits you set for yourself is sort of pathetic! Just being able to land a fish of this magnitude is a huge challenge in itself. You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting otherwise. You are just another typical keyboard bully moving from post to post putting your negative touch on things. You are one of those people that give fly fishermen a bad name.

Devaluing the catch? Yes and no. IF the fish is stocked from a private fishery, yeah, I am. I think many on here would feel catching a wild 20” brown or a wild 12” brook trout is a much greater feat than catching a 28” stocker. If you don’t feel that way, great. The last time I checked, I live in #Murica where I’m allowed to have my own opinion. As for being ashamed of myself, nah. No reason to be. I’m actually pretty happy with what I’ve given to the sport by helping new anglers, exchanging methods with seasoned guys, helping others learn the sport and helping people experience new waters. “Keyboard bully moving from post to post putting your negative touch on things. You are one of those people that give fly fishing a bad name.”. I wish I could tell you that the quoted sentence made me do some real soul searching but it didn’t. I did find it amusing though. Thank you for the compliment. “Just landing a fish of this magnitude is a huge challenge in itself”. This statement may or may not be accurate. I’ve caught 16” wild fish that were way harder to fight than others that were over 22”+. The difficulty is often determined by the water in which the fish is hooked…..filled with brush, undercut banks, swift currents, etc. This “feat” is often magnified by lack of experience fighting a bigger fish and it appears that the photographed angler(s) have caught plenty.

I enjoy catching fish and prefer to catch bigger fish. A majority of fish I chase happen to be wild. I do occasionally fish for stocked fish but not that often. I also will photograph some of the fish caught but many aren’t photo and released immediately. If the camera isn’t ready as the fish hits the net… pic. I owe a quick and unharmed release to the critters I’m chasing after.
I am unsure of the fishes origin, but i have seen him pull in the biggest ive seen out of penns (i was there for it) as well as the biggest ive seen out of spring. (He texted me at work)

I wasnt looking for any validation of it being 30" i sincerely thought it was a cool shot. Hes a great photographer IMO

Very hostile in here unfortunately