Big PA Brown

OMG you would think it was the middle of January and -30 degrees for the last month!
Kray, I also posted a 30.5" brown last year on the original 30" plus post that I caught in 2010 from a well known cental PA limestoner. That was a total stream only 30" plus.

You are correct about this years 30" though.

LOL though man no harm no foul, you seem like a heck of a good guy.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
I am unsure of the fishes origin, but i have seen him pull in the biggest ive seen out of penns (i was there for it) as well as the biggest ive seen out of spring. (He texted me at work)

I wasnt looking for any validation of it being 30" i sincerely thought it was a cool shot. Hes a great photographer IMO

Very hostile in here unfortunately

Heberly's hostility, especially towards Foxtrapper, makes more sense now...

not sure i follow ya.. what do you mean
Heberly caught the fish.
Oh yes now i understand. Sorry.
Oh yes now i understand. Sorry.
Krayfish2 -

The fish was caught somewhere in PA. There you know where the fish was caught.

Why would I or anyone else give up the information on a public forum where the fish was caught? With all the entitlement crowd that fishes in PA the hole would be fished out in one day with most if not all ending up in someones freezer. Whether its stocked or wild...its still a beautiful fish.

Wait - are we talking about a fish? I just see a kitten on the original post? Fuzzy, hard to tell if it is stocked or wild..
catfish on a fly-that is exciting.
Was that fish fattened on bread? Maybe it was caught down below the area where the people like to feed the fish. Something tells me that might be the case. Nonetheless beautiful cat.
Not asking for GPS coordinates, just asking if it's come from private club water. Yet again, nobody wants to answer that question.

What if I rent out a section of Spruce, bring along a professional photographer, catch many corn-fed slobs and post some really nice photos? I'm sure I'd get a mix of "Wow, great job" and "Why don't you fish in a raceway?". That's to be expected. Once again, I'll state my position... It's a big fish, a pretty fish and a stocked fish. Does catching a stocked fish from a private water diminish the accomplishment in my eyes? Yes. Not everyone will feel like I do nor will everyone feel like you do. That's what makes America great, we can have different opinions.
krayfish2 wrote: I think many on here would feel catching a wild 20” brown or a wild 12” brook trout is a much greater feat than catching a 28” stocker.
I absolutely feel that way. Stocked/holdover trout, regardless of size, do nothing for the angler in ME.
The last time I posted some pictures someone gave me crap for my tippet, I don't get it, I like being prepared and I do carry more tippet than him. I also enjoy taking pictures of fish and if you don't guy like it well I dont care. Youre not a more evolved fisherman because you don't, we are just different. The guy in the picture writes a blog that I really enjoy reading. He has some pictures of some beautiful fish amd writes some stuff that's gets me to better analyze some of my techniques. So before the bashing continues check out
ryansheehan wrote:
So before the bashing continues check out

Because having a blog contradicts everything Foxtrapper, or Krayfish, brought up?
ryansheehan wrote:
The last time I posted some pictures someone gave me crap for my tippet, I don't get it, I like being prepared and I do carry more tippet than him. I also enjoy taking pictures of fish and if you don't guy like it well I dont care. Youre not a more evolved fisherman because you don't, we are just different. The guy in the picture writes a blog that I really enjoy reading. He has some pictures of some beautiful fish amd writes some stuff that's gets me to better analyze some of my techniques. So before the bashing continues check out

I don't think the angler holding the fish is either Pat or Dom, the two regular writers on that site. I stumbled on the site about a year and a half ago, as it was one of the few places I found posting about wintertime night fishing in PA. Pat's article about catching the same fish multiple times should at least prove that some fish survive the supposed arduous ordeal of being photographed and live to do it the second time around.

The claim (generalized) that people post photos of their efforts only so they can be validated or have their egos massaged should be taken with a grain of salt. That is some folks' motivation for sure, but some folks seem to be trying to validate themselves and massaging their own egos by bashing everyone else.

Shame on someone for sharing a story, right?! I share stories and photos because I enjoy writing, I myself enjoy reading others' stories and maybe a person or two might enjoy reading mine. If someone doesn't like the color of my fly line, they're free to express that opinion but it is not going to make me wring my hands and go buy a different color line, or whatever other silly nit someone calls out. I respect others' opinions and their right to have them but I feel no obligation to conform to them.

Fish your own run, your own way. Post photos, write stories if you like (or don't, if you don't like). There's no need to be confined by others' negativity.

krayfish2 wrote:
Not asking for GPS coordinates, just asking if it's come from private club water. Yet again, nobody wants to answer that question. .

Some of those fish on that blog are definitely yough fish, some of them I don't know.

BrookieChaser wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
So before the bashing continues check out

Because having a blog contradicts everything Foxtrapper, or Krayfish, brought up?

Well geez since they think a blog is a "look how special I am" I guess he should stop writing it. Do what makes you happy but maybe once in a while think outside the box, you just might learn something.
Nailed it, Salmonoid.

Overall, I love PAFF, but this thread is nuts. Reminds me why I almost always just post on Instagram these days. A whole lot more people there who respect the fact that sometimes you just wanna share a photo or story without having some selfish motivation behind it.
Great shot. Awesome fish. Silly thread.