Big PA Brown

Don't know if they still do it but the hatchery's use to release bred out females so that someone [hopefully a kid] could catch a huge fish of a lifetime ,get picture in paper. Good publicity---I had one of those monsters come up and look at a marabou streamer at the dam at Allenberry on YB-didn't take but I remember the thrill 50 years later.
Tend to agree that fish was VERY skillfully posed to make it appear bigger as the depths are not normal..
So what,got motors running.
I just thought it was a nice picture that would pump some people up for this upcoming spring. No angle behind it at all
I'm just fine with my fishing and catching. I'll catch a few dozen wild fish 18" - 23" this year. May get a few smaller and a few bigger.....have to wait and see what the years gives me.

Are you sure you're "Just Fine"? The rest of your post would suggest otherwise.
Devaluing someone's catch in a public forum due to a set of limits you set for yourself is sort of pathetic! Just being able to land a fish of this magnitude is a huge challenge in itself. You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting otherwise. Most people go home with the story of the fish the big fish that ran and snapped the line. This guy landed it. You are just another typical keyboard bully moving from post to post putting your negative touch on things. You are one of those people that give fly fishermen a bad name.
You know a lot of those so called gemmies are really huge fish photographed from the wrong angle
krayfish2 wrote:
I'm not desperately in need of praise, attention or chasing fame that I'll put a pet fish photo on the net. To each his own.

There in lies the problem with all this.

It's not just young people. I know people older than me that are "fame seekers" as well. It seems no one can be happy with individual achievements and their own place in this world. They need constant validation from others.
Stop taking pictures. Just pluck the barbless hook from your fish and set them free. Don't even touch the fish.If that isn't enough for you then you shouldn't be fishing at all. Don't tell anyone about catching a big one. Be one with the natural world. Ego gets in the way of your enjoyment.
Good post foxtrapper. A few of the guys I know, myself included, don't do any of the facebook, internet postings etc. And we are all in our 30s. I did post 2 or 3 large fish on this board and this board only just for the sake of ending the 30" plus debate.

I/we are happy in our own skin catching many large fish each year, and don't feel the need to put it all over the net. Between myself and my father last fall we caught 17 browns from 20" and up. I posted one on this board, and none anywhere else.
As you evolve in fly fishing you won't even have a need to count them or measure them or tell anyone how many or what size they were. At first you may feel uncomfortable not documenting or even keeping the big fish. You may eventually experience a butterflies in the stomach feeling (in a good way) when you slip those big ones out of your net and back in without even touching them.
Ditto to the fox post-
never took a picture of a fish.They're just fish once they are
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Stop taking pictures. Just pluck the barbless hook from your fish and set them free. Don't even touch the fish.

So, so,... would you like people to do a headstand while doing all this also? :)

Everyone got that? No posting any photos in the PAFF photo comp if it's a big fish... Because if you do, your ego is getting in the way of your enjoyment, says the master of all things fishing, foxtrapper.

For questions regarding what a big fish is, or otherwise what the cutoff of acceptability is, please report to Foxtrapper, he seems to have it all figured out.

If that isn't enough for you then you shouldn't be fishing at all. Don't tell anyone about catching a big one. Be one with the natural world. Ego gets in the way of your enjoyment.

Who's enjoyment? Yours? The posters? The Catchers? Get real, you're here posting this to gain approval for yourself, for your friends on the board.

Heberly wrote:
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Stop taking pictures. Just pluck the barbless hook from your fish and set them free. Don't even touch the fish.

So, so,... would you like people to do a headstand while doing all this also? :)

Everyone got that? No posting any photos in the PAFF photo comp if it's a big fish... Because if you do, your ego is getting in the way of your enjoyment, says the master of all things fishing, foxtrapper.

For questions regarding what a big fish is, or otherwise what the cutoff of acceptability is, please report to Foxtrapper, he seems to have it all figured out.

If that isn't enough for you then you shouldn't be fishing at all. Don't tell anyone about catching a big one. Be one with the natural world. Ego gets in the way of your enjoyment.

Who's enjoyment? Yours? The posters? The Catchers? Get real, you're here posting this to gain approval for yourself, for your friends on the board.
disagree with the above-
agree with Fox[seldom]..
You see what chasing big fish can do to you?

Oh sure, it starts out innocently enough... You accidently catch your first big fish and it's a really nice feeling, so different and more powerful and intoxicating than when you catch a small fish.

So, you chase the feeling...

Then one day, you wake up and realize how needy you have become. You live to post multiple photos of your big fish on every fly angling forum and social media site you can find.

And you look in the mirror and you really cannot say what the difference is between what you have become and the guy who guns his new Harley at every red light he hits, just so everyone will know he has a new Harley. Peas in a pod. You have become a hollow vessel that can only be filled by the attention of those who respond to your plaintive cry to "Look At ME".

You are out to sea and have become a stranger, even to yourself.

It all starts with that first big fish and spirals downwards from there.

Which is why I have made an angling life of deliberately not catching big fish. It hasn't always been easy. There have been some close calls over the years when I momentarily let my guard slip and almost caught a big fish. But if I might be permitted a moment of immodesty, I have been largely successful at avoiding the life-bending temptations of catching big fish. I am thankful that it is so...
boosted3 wrote:
I'm just fine with my fishing and catching. I'll catch a few dozen wild fish 18" - 23" this year. May get a few smaller and a few bigger.....have to wait and see what the years gives me.

Are you sure you're "Just Fine"? The rest of your post would suggest otherwise.
Devaluing someone's catch in a public forum due to a set of limits you set for yourself is sort of pathetic! Just being able to land a fish of this magnitude is a huge challenge in itself. You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting otherwise. Most people go home with the story of the fish the big fish that ran and snapped the line. This guy landed it. You are just another typical keyboard bully moving from post to post putting your negative touch on things. You are one of those people that give fly fishermen a bad name.

"Keyboard bully!" LOL. I've never met Krayfish but will tell you based on his history of posts on this site there are few people that have been more generous when it come to offering to help less experienced fly fishermen, more willing to share their knowledge and more passionate about fly fishing than him. Far from giving fly fishermen a bad name, I think he does exactly the opposite. Stick around - maybe you'll come to the same conclusion.

On another note - I thought the cabin fever thread had run its course now that spring is here but this one is on fire!
Here's a remedy, if you don't like pics of fish being posted, big or small, or sharing of fishing experiences, then don;t read them, and don;t freakin' comment about it.

This site was developed, in part, to share things like that.

love it Rleep2-- no matter how it was intended- beautiful post.
JF_ wrote:
Here's a remedy, if you don't like pics of fish being posted, big or small, or sharing of fishing experiences, then don;t read them, and don;t freakin' comment about it.

This site was developed, in part, to share things like that.


/\ word /\

miserable. people.
"friends on the board"

Now that's funny!
RLeep2 wrote:
You see what chasing big fish can do to you?

Oh sure, it starts out innocently enough... You accidently catch your first big fish and it's a really nice feeling, so different and more powerful and intoxicating than when you catch a small fish.

So, you chase the feeling...

Then one day, you wake up and realize how needy you have become. You live to post multiple photos of your big fish on every fly angling forum and social media site you can find.

And you look in the mirror and you really cannot say what the difference is between what you have become and the guy who guns his new Harley at every red light he hits, just so everyone will know he has a new Harley. Peas in a pod. You have become a hollow vessel that can only be filled by the attention of those who respond to your plaintive cry to "Look At ME".

You are out to sea and have become a stranger, even to yourself.

It all starts with that first big fish and spirals downwards from there.

Which is why I have made an angling life of deliberately not catching big fish. It hasn't always been easy. There have been some close calls over the years when I momentarily let my guard slip and almost caught a big fish. But if I might be permitted a moment of immodesty, I have been largely successful at avoiding the life-bending temptations of catching big fish. I am thankful that it is so...

ughh, pure, poetry.... barffff...

So im all about my ego if i share this moment with my son helping stock fish? Got it.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:

So im all about my ego if i share this moment with my son helping stock fish? Got it.

Roger that, refer that to Foxtrapper, He's the final say.