Big PA Brown

Beautiful fish either way and credit the angler for keeping his fingers in the hand closest to the camera out of sight. A veteran of many fish pics!
I love how people jump on the picture conspiracy bandwagon immediately!! Can't just admit its a nice fish regardless of the camera angle.
If your going to get a picture taken, every fisherman alive wants the best picture possible, and that's what he got.
There's a fish in that pic? I can't get over all that tippet.

LOL! This would make a good ad for Trout Hunter tippet!
wow, cant we all just say "dang man what a nice fish, i would love to have caught that fish"
Nice fish. Regardless if it is wild or holdover or 27" or 30", that's a nice brown.
Nice fish! Although, I do prefer old school fish photos without making it look like unicorn.
To clarify - I was not suggesting the picture has been photo shopped in any way as is often the accusation when big fish photos appear on here. I do think the way the fish is being held, the position of the fisherman and camera angle give an already large fish the appearance of being bigger than it is. It's a well known fact that if you hold a fish out at arms' length from your body it will appear larger. Something similar was done here.

That being said, it's a beautiful fish and one I would be ecstatic about catching. Sure beats photo after photo of 6" gemmies on moss. :cool: I would like to know what it measured though.
A 6" native brook trout is not gemmie, it is a monster.
I know that fish and its homewaters are at the Harrisburg East Mall!!! :-D
East Mall? They dumped that name in the 90's...... I'm calling BS. LOL.
That fish would have looked a mile long regardless of how that photo was taken.
Old guys=ignorance!!!!!!!!!!, boo hoo you caught a fish bigger than I ever will!!!!! So I'll say it's not long enough, it's not colorful enough, it was stocked, I can't catch a fish like that 10 feet from where I park, thank god I left Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!!
Kid, don't let Krays avatar intimidate you, it's just a selfie of himself from about 20 years ago.
No worries! Not targeting him!
Caught my fair share of stockers and wild! Caught some crazy beautiful wild fish,caught some awesome stockers on dry flies, around a bunch of spin fisherman, lol! But if you respected me, I respected you,never said anything wasn't a nice fish, that is ignorant and jealous, you want to catch nice fish go find them!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a beautiful fish!!!!! Wish I caught it!
kid wrote:
Old guys=ignorance!!!!!!!!!!, boo hoo you caught a fish bigger than I ever will!!!!! So I'll say it's not long enough, it's not colorful enough, it was stocked, I can't catch a fish like that 10 feet from where I park, thank god I left Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!!

Young guys= disrespectful flat brim wearing punks!!!!!!!!!

My statement is just about as asinine as yours.

It is definitely a nice fish. There is a huge difference whether it is wild or stocked. Not many streams in PA can produce a wild fish that size. That is why stocked versus wild is always debated with big fish.

Also, a lot of fisherman these days hold fish like that to make it look bigger. That is not debatable. That is fact.
kid wrote:
you want to catch nice fish go find them!!!!!!!!!!

Go find them.......hmmm. What if we found them but can't afford to fish at Homewaters (SRC) locations? Hand fed pet trout aren't nearly as impressive. Try locating / catching a wild fish that's remained off everyone's radar for years, not quite as easy to do.

Was that fish caught on Beck's private pet fish section?? Hmmmm. Why not head to Spruce for the pellet hatch and get some slobs posted on Instagram / Facebook??

If you're going to try and approach it from the angle of jealousy, wrong again. I'm just fine with my fishing and catching. I'll catch a few dozen wild fish 18" - 23" this year. May get a few smaller and a few bigger.....have to wait and see what the years gives me.

There's no doubt it's a nice sized fish and a very high probability that it's stocked. Those factors make it less of an accomplishment in the eyes of many. I'm not desperately in need of praise, attention or chasing fame that I'll put a pet fish photo on the net. To each his own.