Bad news for virginia

If you go back to the beginning of the thread, it doesn't take the three of you very long to turn it from a conservation issue into a personal attack. Somehow one of you weave brook trout conservation into almost every thread and then morph it into attacks against somebody who posts a conflicting opinion.

Conservation is a great thing and being passionate about conservation is even better. There's a clear line that separates passionate and obsessive or insane type of behavior. I know, you can provide me 51 opinions or studies that prove native brook trout are getting the short end of the stick. I can provide you 51 reasons that the three of you should be removed from the forum.
Yes, I'll continue to read but it doesn't mean I care. It's much like a bear riding a bicycle at a Russian circus. Doesn't really mean anything but you stare at it and giggle. Hell, you might even feel a little dirty for even participating in such a thing
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If you go back to the beginning of the thread, it doesn't take the three of you very long to turn it from a conservation issue into a personal attack. Somehow one of you weave brook trout conservation into almost every thread and then morph it into a tax against somebody who posts a conflicting opinion.

Conservation is a great thing and being passionate about conservation is even better. There's a clear line that separates passionate and obsessive or insane type of behavior. I know, you can provide me 51 opinions or studies that prove native brook trout are getting the short end of the stick. I can provide you 51 reasons that the three of you should be removed from the forum.
Yes, I'll continue to read but it doesn't mean I care. It's much like a bear riding a bicycle at a Russian circus. Doesn't really mean anything but you stare at it and giggle. How, you might even feel a little dirty for even participating in such a thing
And that line for you is if conservation inconveniences you at all. And the line about being removed from the forum coming from someone who comes on the conservation thread, doesn’t like conservation, attacks people who do and does so by saying offensive/incorrect things is the most ironic statement I have heard in a while
If you go back to the beginning of the thread, it doesn't take the three of you very long to turn it from a conservation issue into a personal attack. Somehow one of you weave brook trout conservation into almost every thread and then morph it into a tax against somebody who posts a conflicting opinion.

Conservation is a great thing and being passionate about conservation is even better. There's a clear line that separates passionate and obsessive or insane type of behavior. I know, you can provide me 51 opinions or studies that prove native brook trout are getting the short end of the stick. I can provide you 51 reasons that the three of you should be removed from the forum.
Yes, I'll continue to read but it doesn't mean I care. It's much like a bear riding a bicycle at a Russian circus. Doesn't really mean anything but you stare at it and giggle. How, you might even feel a little dirty for even participating in such a thing
Hello McFly,

The first actual personal attack was 16 and it wasn't even any of us 3.
And being unable to stock 40000 fish isn't even a conservation issue, it's a conservation win.

You can advocate for our removal. I encourage it, but trying to discuss actual issues facing our state fish is on topic for the site, and even the current discussion.

Hatcheries cause disease, sometimes those fish get stocked knowingly and unknowingly, and it hurts our wild brown trout and brook trout populations.

The OP disputed this. It's a falsehood.
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Hello McFly,

The first actual personal attack was 16 and it wasn't even any of us 3.
And being unable to stock 40000 fish isn't even a conservation issue, it's a conservation win.

You can advocate for our removal. I encourage it, but trying to discuss actual issues facing our state fish is on topic for the site.
Posting about a disease outbreak in a conservation forum and then chastising people for pointing out how hatcheries are bad for native fish is either deliberate trolling or a misunderstanding of the purpose of recreational hatchery trout.

It’s the same thing every time. A few members turn a discussion into personal attacks and then claim it was the other way around, and then the chief of the peanut gallery wades in and announces his disdain for the discussion. A broken record indeed.
The problem is all these hatchery apologists want to wade into conservation discussions and ignore how it actually works. So often people talk about conservation and their really just taking about fishing “we got (invasive) trout biomass up 1000% with non reference condition stream improvement projects made of wood and rocks that will wash oit in 10 years and the fishery is awesome now”. That has nothing to do with conservation and it harms biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and its just a bunch of people who want a place to catch more and bigger trout. You guys would not know conservation if it bit you in the A** so you come up with all these irrelevant what aboutisms that you think prove some point that doesn’t exist because your foundational knowledge of what your talking about is non existent
“Moderators help the basis for my argument is sh*t and I keep starting it on the conservation forum which I am claiming someone forces me to click on and view”
I'm not entirely sure on that.
I know of some WCOs that have gone after wanton waste and bow anglers.
Yea your right not all WCO’s feel same as PFBC commissioners and ED Timmy. However, if native brook trout caught on fire PFBC brass wouldn’t aim their p*ss 6inches to the left to put them out.
Also shooting a deer in the woods to fertilize unused ground is not the something as using fish to fertilize usable food crops. Your fail of logic here is too much to express.

Please explain the difference professor...?

First of all, why do all of you hypocrite snobs lump ever person who doesn't espouse the same PFBC hating bull$#!+ you do, in the group who mishandles fish and leaves worm containers behind...?

That's just plain arrogance which you all display with pride...

You further flaunt your arrogance and disdain for the folks that want to fish for stockers by throwing away fish they would like to catch and more than likely (according to the statistics), release.

I personally hardly ever fish in stocked streams but once or twice a year but I'm not arrogant enough to want to deny someone else who is also paying for a license the ability to enjoy the type of fishing they choose as long as it is legal.

By the way, is intentionally throwing stocked trout in a garden for fertilizer legal, I know it isn't ethical...

But all of this STILL doesn't explain why your type fish in stocked streams at all?

I am POSITIVE there ISN'T a single elitist on PAFF who fishes in PA that doesn't fish a stream that is stocked somewhere along it's length or was stocked in a past life and now has a wild population of "invasives."

Anybody here shun places like Penns, Big Springs, Cross Fork, Kettle Creek...?

Why is that?? It IS possible to find streams that were never stocked.

Are you lazy, don't have enough time to drive 2 hours to fish one of those places or are you a phony who doesn't mind so much catching a stocker or two once in awhile...?

I have another theory regarding the "brookie uber alles" crowd; they love fishin' for the gemmies because they are stupid and easy to catch which is probably what they say about stockers...

Maybe they need their egos stroked or maybe they have small fish syndrome?

Bottom line, I really don't care about brookies and i usually avoid these discussions, I just wanted to stand up for some of the regular guys I see fishing some of the stocked creeks I drive past on the way to the places I fish.

As far as being upset, maybe you are because Red October suddenly and unexpectedly became Dead October... 🤣

Sorry, couldn't resist...
C'mon guys......have a conversation and don't fight like kids in the school yard.

Please explain the difference professor...?

First of all, why do all of you hypocrite snobs lump ever person who doesn't espouse the same PFBC hating bull$#!+ you do, in the group who mishandles fish and leaves worm containers behind...?

That's just plain arrogance which you all display with pride...

You further flaunt your arrogance and disdain for the folks that want to fish for stockers by throwing away fish they would like to catch and more than likely (according to the statistics), release.

I personally hardly ever fish in stocked streams but once or twice a year but I'm not arrogant enough to want to deny someone else who is also paying for a license the ability to enjoy the type of fishing they choose as long as it is legal.

By the way, is intentionally throwing stocked trout in a garden for fertilizer legal, I know it isn't ethical...

But all of this STILL doesn't explain why your type fish in stocked streams at all?

I am POSITIVE there ISN'T a single elitist on PAFF who fishes in PA that doesn't fish a stream that is stocked somewhere along it's length or was stocked in a past life and now has a wild population of "invasives."

Anybody here shun places like Penns, Big Springs, Cross Fork, Kettle Creek...?

Why is that?? It IS possible to find streams that were never stocked.

Are you lazy, don't have enough time to drive 2 hours to fish one of those places or are you a phony who doesn't mind so much catching a stocker or two once in awhile...?

I have another theory regarding the "brookie uber alles" crowd; they love fishin' for the gemmies because they are stupid and easy to catch which is probably what they say about stockers...

Maybe they need their egos stroked or maybe they have small fish syndrome?

Bottom line, I really don't care about brookies and i usually avoid these discussions, I just wanted to stand up for some of the regular guys I see fishing some of the stocked creeks I drive past on the way to the places I fish.

As far as being upset, maybe you are because Red October suddenly and unexpectedly became Dead October... 🤣

Sorry, couldn't resist...
And back to fishing from conservation….in the conservation forum. “They paid for it” “for the anglers to enjoy” you have more self entitlement for at all costs use of the outdoors than the pebble mine folks while completely ignoring the consequences
Why is that?? It IS possible to find streams that were never stocked.
Are ya sure? I've seen the claim multiple times on this site that all creeks were stocked in PA at some point because all the weak brook trout couldn't handle logging, mining etc. The same way that they can't handle sediment from dirt roads, camps, fracking and parking lots now. And since they can't handle those things we shouldn't attempt native fish restoration projects in Pennsylvania, Blahh Blahh Blahh.

Anyway, I guess we can just say anyone who hates stocked trout but buys a trout stamp to fish for trout is a hypocrite.
PFBC not gonna stop you
Our wanton waste law (which is really a game retrieval law) only states that you must make an attempt to retrieve and dispose of “game” legally taken. So harvesting stockers, taking them home and planting them in your garden is permitted. Throwing fish on the bank is not. Of course that’s in the “game” section of the code, but does say “or wildlife.” I know in some states wanton waste doesn’t apply to fish at all. No idea how it would go in PA.
Our wanton waste law (which is really a game retrieval law) only states that you must make an attempt to retrieve and dispose of “game” legally taken. So harvesting stockers, taking them home and planting them in your garden is permitted. Throwing fish on the bank is not. Of course that’s in the “game” section of the code, but does say “or wildlife.” I know in some states wanton waste doesn’t apply to fish at all. No idea how it would go in PA.
Especially given I even do collect the meat and feed it to the cats. The carcass goes in the dirt to the roots to produce stronger and vibrant plants.

Unlike shooting a deer and letting it lay in the woods, which apparently some can't tell a difference in doing and have made themselves bamboozled 🙄

As far as I know, bow fishing carp and leaving the carcasses lay can be considered wanton waste in PA, I would imagine so would be banking fish.
Our wanton waste law (which is really a game retrieval law) only states that you must make an attempt to retrieve and dispose of “game” legally taken. So harvesting stockers, taking them home and planting them in your garden is permitted. Throwing fish on the bank is not. Of course that’s in the “game” section of the code, but does say “or wildlife.” I know in some states wanton waste doesn’t apply to fish at all. No idea how it would go in PA.
Yea they will do alot less harm in our gardens
Yea they will do alot less harm in our gardens
This reminded me, wonder what the story was to that mountain of rainbow trout that got discarded on gamelands a few months back? I don’t recall anything else about that. Another hatchery disease outbreak where the fish had to be euthanized?