So let's back track a bit.
I'm confused about people advocating for native fish species as being snobs and elitists. So caring about the environment makes you a snob/elitist? Ummm... ok.
I also am still confused why people don't understand the difference in conservation and fishing preferences?
So far I have yet to hear one logical explanation for how stocked trout are a benefit other than that people want to fish for them and apparently handicapped/disabled people are inadequate at fishing for wild/native fish and need stocked fish to benefit their quality of life because there totally aren't other hobbies than fishing that they could also partake in.
I'll take this as a big WIN for the brookie-loving trifecta. We did it boys, que the music..
I'm confused too, don't you fish the Tulpehocken...
Stocked fish have a place which is obvious based on how 100% of the anglers in MY survey catch them despite denying they are targeting them while fishing a place with a known population.
And not every trout angler wants to go blue lining OR use fly tackle. I know a ton of guys who sit in a chair with Power Bait and have as great a time as some doofus with a backpack & two rods catching 4" brookies.
It's a choice, like anything else but your license gives you the privilege to make that choice and getting bashed for that choice shouldn't be part of the process.
If the elitists stop fishing places like Penns, Tulpehocken, Big Springs, Spring Creek, Yellow Breeches, Saucon, Monocasy, etc., and never set foot on a cold winter's day at some local stocked Special Regulation stream because the "tug is the drug" and it's easier fishing Big Springs than hiking up to some Class A in the snow....
...then I'll shut up and stop calling then hypocrites...
Bottom line, despite their denials they are fishing for and enjoying catching stockers & invasives while telling everyone they are wild/native fish advocates who shun anything else while they belittle anyone who doesn't drink the Cool Aid.
...I am still confused about people being mad about trout being used for fertilizer when the individual doing this followed harvest protocol and can do with said fish what they want to do with them. The trout are killed either way if consumed or used for fertilizer. Are people mad that those fish didn't see time at the dinner table? Who cares? Personally I think fertilizer is a better use for stocked trout as they are quite bland tasting creatures that require 27 herbs and spices to give them flavor (the herbs and spices exceed the weight of said fish being cooked during said process).
Tossing fish up on the bank is wanton waste done out of attrition or a dislike for a particular species. That mentality is childish and nonsensical....
So lets create a little scenario and see if anyone can figure out why this kind of behavior is selfish & wrong...
Stream "A" gets stocked with 100 fish and is utilized by 50 anglers, most of which (according to statistics) who practice C&R and the rest keep a few because they like to eat trout (yea, people do even though you don't) and quite frankly they are cheaper to harvest than to buy in the store.
Along comes someone who takes his catch and feeds it to his cats, JUST to make a point thereby denying the C&R guys additional opportunities to catch & release trout and also denying the folks that harvest a meal more opportunities to eat trout they feel they are entitled to by virtue of buying a license & a trout stamp.
To ME, that's a waste, and really no different than killing a stocked pheasant and leaving it to rot in a field because you really don't like hunting, stocking game or don't like pheasant...
Bottom line, SOMEBODY who does like hunting or pheasant would love to bag that bird but may not get the chance because some selfish person wants to show their disdain for something by wanton waste..
Or look at it another way, it's throwing away food when there are people who are are hungry or would appreciate the meal...
...because you want to make a point...
I have a better idea...
You want to do something noble; if you feel compelled to kill fish you don't want, offer those stockers to the guy with an empty stringer or take the fish home, clean them and take them to a food bank or homeless shelter....
...Then you can use the BS you espouse as fertilizer instead of fish.