Centre County in late May


New member
Dec 4, 2023
Eastern Massachusetts
I’m a relatively new member who lives in New England, but earlier in my life I spent about 15 years in State College so I know the central Pennsylvania area quite well. However, that was at a point in my life when I wasn’t fishing, and I’m looking forward to returning to central PA for a week of fishing in late May this year. I’ve rented on Airbnb near Bellefonte and had a few questions I hoped you could help me with:

(1) I’m planning to mostly focus on Spring Creek, but also plan to fish at least one or two of the other famous streams in that area. Which of the other area streams would you most strongly recommend? For what it’s worth, I’ve been fly-fishing again, after a long hiatus, for a couple of years now, and would classify myself as an advanced beginner, or early intermediate in terms of my skill set.

(2) From what I’ve read, it seems like I can probably fish Spring Creek without a guide, but I’m planning to hire a guide for at least one day to fish one of the other local streams - in connection with question (1), are there places where it would be especially helpful to have a guide?

(3) Any other specific advice about how fly fishing in central PA might differ from fly fishing in New England? Or just general advice about fishing in the State College/Bellefonte area in late May (e.g. fly patterns to be sure to pack, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.
Late may is a great time to fish central Pennsylvania. Spring creek hatches are primarily going to consist of caddis and sulphurs so I would have dries in 14-16 for both and emergers in 16-18.

Penns creek is going to be slammed at the end of May because of the green drake hatch. The spinner fall won’t happen until after dark. This would be a good place for a guide if you wanted to fish Penns. They will put you in the best position to catch fish but there are no guarantees .

I would personally check out Bald eagle creek and some other small streams around spring creek as they are more friendly for beginners.

Have fun!
Yo, MA-Fish! Late May is a perfect time to be in central PA. On Spring Creek, take smaller fly patterns, and make sure you have lots of scuds, sow bugs, etc. I haven't fished Spring in years, but I used to often. You definitely want to have midges (both dries and nymphs), scuds, sow bugs, and some type of caddis dry.

If I were going to be in Bellefonte, I would go fish Penns as my alternative. Penns is, in my opinion, vastly superior to Spring Creek in basically every way. The streams are very different in characteristic, but both are jam-packed with trout. On Penns, hatches of anything and everything are possible, and fish could rise or totally ignore them. Penns Creek can be temperamental. On Penns, you should carry lots of bigger flies, especially stoneflies. Having a guide on Penns would be a good thing, but certainly not a necessity. I have never personally hired these guys, but I have heard good things about Jonas and his guides at the Feathered Hook.

HopBack gives good advice about streams such as Bald Eagle, and Bald Eagle is very, very close to Bellefonte, but you really should make it to Penns for a full day. You can fish Bald Eagle and Spring Creek in the same day.
I’m a relatively new member who lives in New England, but earlier in my life I spent about 15 years in State College so I know the central Pennsylvania area quite well. However, that was at a point in my life when I wasn’t fishing, and I’m looking forward to returning to central PA for a week of fishing in late May this year. I’ve rented on Airbnb near Bellefonte and had a few questions I hoped you could help me with:

(1) I’m planning to mostly focus on Spring Creek, but also plan to fish at least one or two of the other famous streams in that area. Which of the other area streams would you most strongly recommend? For what it’s worth, I’ve been fly-fishing again, after a long hiatus, for a couple of years now, and would classify myself as an advanced beginner, or early intermediate in terms of my skill set.

(2) From what I’ve read, it seems like I can probably fish Spring Creek without a guide, but I’m planning to hire a guide for at least one day to fish one of the other local streams - in connection with question (1), are there places where it would be especially helpful to have a guide?

(3) Any other specific advice about how fly fishing in central PA might differ from fly fishing in New England? Or just general advice about fishing in the State College/Bellefonte area in late May (e.g. fly patterns to be sure to pack, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.
where in NE? I fished in Worcester-sterling-ware-petersham-orange/athol for a few years I can compare- and there is no comparison. although those feeder streams of the Quabbin and ware river had some large brookies. MA also stocks fewer, but larger trout than PA
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Late may is a great time to fish central Pennsylvania. Spring creek hatches are primarily going to consist of caddis and sulphurs so I would have dries in 14-16 for both and emergers in 16-18.

Penns creek is going to be slammed at the end of May because of the green drake hatch. The spinner fall won’t happen until after dark. This would be a good place for a guide if you wanted to fish Penns. They will put you in the best position to catch fish but there are no guarantees .

I would personally check out Bald eagle creek and some other small streams around spring creek as they are more friendly for beginners.

Have fun!
what he said. However, I would throw in olives. Fish are on them between when caddis and sulphurs come off in the same day. It is not uncommon I fish a tandem sulphur-olive combo and catch many on the olive. once they key in on sulphurs I remove the olive.
I know its close, but I would not spend much time on Spring creek.
if your here and don't fish the little J, that would be a mistake
I worked for many years for Motorola out of a facility in PA. But for about a five year stint back in the 2000s I was assigned to work for a Motorola group in North Andover. I still kept my PA office but had to go to the Andover office once a month. To kill time in evenings I was up there I'd visit fly shops in the area. In one shop in southern NH, I asked about trout fishing in the state. Expecting to get some recommendations on streams. The guy said, "Our trout fishing stinks, if you really want to fish for trout go to Pennsylvania. Especially Spring and Penns Creek." I told him I was from PA and my mother lived a few miles from Penns. I also got to Spring Creek a bit then as my son was attending PSU.
where in NE? I fished in Worcester-sterling-ware-petersham-orange/athol for a few years I can compare- and there is no comparison. although those feeder streams of the Quabbin and ware river had some large brookies. MA also stocks fewer, but larger trout than PA
I live just west of Boston - mostly fish in Northeast Mass. but do go to the Swift River in central MA regularly. I've heard from others that the trout fishing in central PA is a cut above what we have here and am looking forward to experiencing that soon!
what he said. However, I would throw in olives. Fish are on them between when caddis and sulphurs come off in the same day. It is not uncommon I fish a tandem sulphur-olive combo and catch many on the olive. once they key in on sulphurs I remove the olive.
I know its close, but I would not spend much time on Spring creek.
if your here and don't fish the little J, that would be a mistake
Is it reasonable to fish the Little Juniata without a guide? From what I read, there's quite a long stretch of fishable water, and I wasn't sure I would even know where to start.
Is it reasonable to fish the Little Juniata without a guide?
The only circumstance I could even imagine using a guide is if your soul would be crushed if you don't catch a ton of fish. I personally could drive 4 hours to fish for the day and not catch anything and be pretty happy on the drive home that I tried and learned some stuff and explored a new place. I also understand that not everyone thinks like me, and if you feel like you need to put yourself in the best situation you can to catch fish or you will be disappointed, then you should absolutely hire a guide.

Otherwise if you are a semi competent angler there is no reason you would need a guide to fish the Little J, or to wade fish anywhere for that matter. There is a ton of information available online, especially searching this site, regarding access and tactics for all the big central PA streams.
Is it reasonable to fish the Little Juniata without a guide? From what I read, there's quite a long stretch of fishable water, and I wasn't sure I would even know where to start.
Do research ahead of time on stream access points, likely hatches, and wadeable flow rates. Check with a fly shop like Spruce Creek Outfitters for stream conditions. Even stop in for advice and pick up a few recommended flies.

There is a good YT video presentation hosted by Dave Kile with Bill Anderson on the Little J.

You might know Dave Kile. Posts on the forum from time to time. 🙂
certainly. Lots of open water.
Although we might be losing access to the stretch between the spruce creek trestle and the junkyard trestle by the end of May. Once in the water you are ok, just can't trespass getting in or out.