Bad news for virginia

Not to divert, but whirling disease was a big thing out west about 30 years back. I haven’t heard much about it since. My recollection is that it had greater impact on rainbows than the rest. I’m sure that Troutbert will know.
Yep. I remember. If I recall correctly, it is also responsible for shutting down the hatchery on the North Branch Potomac not long after that.

edit> yep:
So, the solution is, end hatchery fish. Those who are prefer fishing for "stocked" fish for whatever reason are punished. Those who chose only natives get to enjoy the sport.
Yes, everyone can fish for natives, but, many are not able to because of health and other reasons. To hell with them?

Watching our "expert intellectuals" on the site demean and belittle those who disagree is actually pathetic.
The solution here is to have a state aquatic resource agency that is held accountable and operates its hatcheries in a responsible manner.

Not the current way that they operate which includes spreading disease riddled fish and other aquatic invasive species all over the place. They seemed perfectly content to sweep the NZM issue under the rug until it was posted on here. PFBC hatcheries have a laundry list of issues that have closed hatcheries in other states.
Weird that those that "enjoy to fish for stocked trout" enjoy it so much they dust their rods off do it for about 2 weeks, then leave the streams to fish for other species, when the stocked trout waters have a plethora of fish still left in them that are left to die, as we are constantly reminded by PFBC individuals.

They love trout fishing so much, they demand stocked trout be put in streams that already have wild trout, affecting the number of wild trout available and leaving less trout than if they stocked them only in marginal waters.

They enjoy fishing for them so much, they whine and cry, with much resistance to any approved trout water becoming DHALO or C&R to further extend better fishing opportunities.

They enjoy it so much that if the hatchery program was expanded, to make more fish in more waters at more times of the year and license sales went up .02 cents , they would write Harrisburg and threaten votes and purchasing a stamp at all.

They even enjoy it so much they leave worm containers and soda bottles for the next guy!

They love it!

Then again, it could be said they love it so much they hold "kids derbies" and go on "mentored youth day" and fish instead of the kids. So there is that.

Woe is them, the punishment they must endure!
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Weird that those that "enjoy to fish for stocked trout" enjoy it so much they dust their rods off do it for about 2 weeks, then leave the streams to fish for other species, when the stocked trout waters have a plethora of fish still left in them that are left to die, as we are constantly reminded by PFBC individuals.

They love trout fishing so much, they demand stocked trout be put in streams that already have wild trout, affecting the number of wild trout available and leaving less trout than if they stocked them only in marginal waters.

They enjoy fishing for them so much, they whine and cry, with much resistance to any approved trout water becoming DHALO or C&R to further extend better fishing opportunities.

They enjoy it so much that if the hatchery program was expanded, to make more fish in more waters at more times of the year and license sales went up .02 cents , they would write Harrisburg and threaten votes and purchasing a stamp at all.

They even enjoy it so much they leave worm containers and soda bottles for the next guy!

They love it!

Then again, it could be said they love it so much they hold "kids derbies" and go on "mentored youth day" and fish instead of the kids. So there is that.

Woe is them, the punishment they must endure!
Lack of invasive stocked trout in oir streams that cost millions and millions of dollars, spread disease, and have caused/are causing extinctions and extirpations is right up there with climate change for me. I think the entitlement of a fraction of a percent of PAs population who think their fishing depends on these things should be projected onto the entire aquatic ecosystem, tax payers, and license payers so they can have their little sweetheart hole that they can pull 30 rubber bricks out of and hide behind children or disabled as far as the reason it “needs” to exist.

For only 86 cents a day you can sponsor a Pennsylvanian dying from lack of hatchery trout

So, the solution is, end hatchery fish. Those who are prefer fishing for "stocked" fish for whatever reason are punished. Those who chose only natives get to enjoy the sport.
Yes, everyone can fish for natives, but, many are not able to because of health and other reasons. To hell with them?

Watching our "expert intellectuals" on the site demean and belittle those who disagree is actually pathetic.
Woah, there's a lot to unpack here. I'm glad someone finally constructed a paragraph that makes my gear rants sound sane and coherent. Well done good sir!

This really summarizes the deranged thought processes of what I call "stocked fish enthusiasts", if such a think can exist. Well, we are in PA... I don't get the whole punishment thing. Please explain. The only thing here being punished is the creek/river systems themselves.

I've always felt stocked fish to be a building block, and yes, I still target them due to geographical location, but I much prefer the redbreasts, fallfish, and smallmouth, because they look better and fight harder. Stocked fish are supposed to be outgrown, rather quickly, so that anglers can then move up to harder targets. Although I don't agree with the whole kids rodeos, as the environmental impact is destructive and it doesn't teach kids the fun of seeking out quarry and hiking to get to fish. If it at least gets them interested in fishing than that is good thing but it still doesn't outweigh the negative impact it has. Any angler worth their salt SHOULD BE targeting wild and native fish, wild fish because they are harder to fool, have stupid fast reaction times, and fight harder, native trout because they have the aesthetically equivalent beauty of Gillian Anderson. I'm legitimately scared to hook a 20+ inch bow in the Delaware main stem. I don't understand how people can go fishing stocked fish their whole life. Those kids rodeos often have the "parents" just fishing anyways. What does that say about the individual? That they prioritize their own catch rates over a kid trying to catch his or her first fish? Now THAT'S pathetic.

As for your bit on people being impeded in certain fishing applications due to health problems, you may want to retract that statement as it sounds like you are stating that people with disabilities are incapable of catching wild/native fish, which is a mean thing to say, not that I care personally, but others may. And here's another thing, why do we have to alter nature to create a better (better being subjective here) fishing situation? That sounds pretty selfish to me. And here's ANTHOTHER thing, why do people have to fish to begin with. If fishing in it of itself is too labor-intensive, why not pick a MYRIAD of other hobbies to do? And why is fishing for the species of trout, stocked trout, in general so much better than fishing for other species that inhabit the creek that fight better and have better aesthetic qualities.

What intrigues me most is what you said in combination with your handle in of itself as it refers to the highest echelon of rod one can aspire to own, a style of rod I, your resident gear guru has yet to own, and a rod that has a level of prestige that makes one think or wild/native fish along with truly being in the wilderness. Right now the laughter builds in me at the notion of someone taking a 2k-4k rod to a kids rodeo fully decked out in A River Runs Through it Attire, to shove a kid aside to cast their size 22 pellet imitation to catch a rainbow so devoid of color one would think it were a fallfish (still better than catching one of those god-awful palominos).
My Dad died of stocked fish deficiency.
Every day in the united states 100’s of thousands of kids with ponds full of blue gills, streams full of fallfish, smallmouth, catfish, pickerel, brook trout, carp, wild invasive brown trout throw down their poles in disgust and quit the sport because they didn’t have their rivers filled with stocked invasive trout that remain there for like a month before they die or run off on private property where they are unfishable.
I don't think anyone knows this for certain, but based on the data available (2005 range-wide assessment), there are approximately 5,233 HUC12 watersheds listed as allopatric out of roughly 62,688 HUC12 watersheds in the state. I know for certain a significant number of those subwatersheds listed as allopatric aren't. If I had to wager, I'd estimate it's more like +/- 3,000 HUC12's instead of 5,200.

Regardless, even if we go with those numbers, that means a little over 8% of all the subwatersheds are "native trout waters," and roughly 92% are not "native trout waters."

Hardly what I'd qualify as "plenty."
Pennsylvania flowing water: 86,000 miles
Pennsylvania wild trout water all species:16,000 miles
Stocked trout water : 697 streams at 5000 miles and 128 lakes

Pennsylvania wild brook trout water out of 1313 watersheds:
1 percent in tact: 16 watersheds
9 percent 50-90 percent habitat occupied: 118 watersheds
50 percent greatly reduced occupied: 507 watersheds
Less that 1 percent present: 5 watersheds
34 percent extirpated: 449 watershsheds
17 percent unknown no data 218 watersheds
And counting...
That's older data but still stunning.

"Stocked fish sound bad and have hurt our native trout"


Look sucks I guess, hard for me to even act sympathetic. Virginia will be better off.
The snobbery has raised it's ugly head! Pat yourselves on the back for you truly are the experts.

Someone with health issues and/or disabilities may very well be unable to access streams with only natives. That thought ever enter your filled to the max cranium?
It's almost like those streams stocked don't have other fish, where are these fishless streams they stock?

Are they that polluted?
Id becareful fishing them handicap, age, youth or health.

Is it snobbery to prefer inferior disease ridden fish that are expensive, impractical and detrimental are out of waterways, or is it snobbery to demand stocked trout over all other species in the watershed like the golden calf of true fishing enlightenment and the only path to fulfilling enjoyment?

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The snobbery has raised it's ugly head! Pat yourselves on the back for you truly are the experts.

Someone with health issues and/or disabilities may very well be unable to access streams with only natives. That thought ever enter your filled to the max cranium?
Lol snobbery= trying to prevent selfish people from causing extinctions in your book. Do you pee on peoples carpets when you go over their house or is in appropriately stocking hatchery invasive trout where it feels easy and right where you draw the line on letting your own preferences and convenience drive the bus ?

A disabled person needs fishing access and facilities to catch fish IN SOME cases it has nothing to do with what fish are in the stream if its wild native fall fish, wild native white sucker, wild invasive brown trout or any other. Streams and lakes are full of redbreast sunfish, fall fish, rock bass, catfish, small mouth, pickerel, pike, musky, carp, perch or largemouth bass. Your argument is nuttier than squirrel turds

Not to mention your hatchery fish suppress reproduction and limit opportunity in many cases year round and the hatchery rubber bricks might create an actual fishery for all of two weeks to a month in most cases.

With the expense, harms, and real lack of benefit to fishing in alot cases this argument is silly, spending $27.5 million in one year of tax payer money on this crap is so wasteful and could buy more handicapped access if you really cared about them instead of just used them as a human shield for your weak crappy argument based on selfish desires
Not all disabled people are in wheelchairs Einstein. Some because of age, hip and/or knee replacement etc. just cannot handle the terrain. Heaven forbid they would prefer trout to other species.

I would without a doubt pee on your carpet!

you draw the line on letting your own preferences and convenience drive the bus ? You don't see your own hypocrisy?
Not all disabled people are in wheelchairs Einstein. Some because of age, hip and/or knee replacement etc. just cannot handle the terrain. Heaven forbid they would prefer trout to other species.

I would without a doubt pee on your carpet!

you draw the line on letting your own preferences and convenience drive the bus ? You don't see your own hypocrisy?
I never said all of them did I bolded the words “SOMETIMES”

Not stocking was not my original preference its a recommendation from fisheries scientists based on solid research that I started supporting because of learning about consequences, I had no horse in the race before that and couldn’t have cared less what people fished for before I knew the cost.

Financially, ecologically, and recreationally you have ZERO coherant argument for why we “need” these things besides you like them. You tried the doomsday argument which was obviously a fallacy so you tried to paint conservation as elitism (despite the fact I heard more sh*t talk about fishing styles euro nymphing ect out of people making your sad argument) and that didn’t work, so now your gonna pee on my carpet and call me a hypocrite.

Look in the mirror…you have nothing to stand on, hatcheries are the inflamed appendix of our sport and the saboteur of conservation. A useless vestigial appendage that only causes a problem at this point now that our rivers don’t catch on fire and produce tons of game fish(wether you recognize them as such or not). If you are volunteering at a coop hatchery or supporting hatchery then holding onto that weak argument and all the damage is part of your legacy when we all go to the big river in the sky….sad.
Not all disabled people are in wheelchairs Einstein. Some because of age, hip and/or knee replacement etc. just cannot handle the terrain. Heaven forbid they would prefer trout to other species.
Who says that they absolutely have to fish? There's other hobbies to do also and why is it that important these individuals catch stocked trout? Clearly they're not really trout heads if they don't favor wild/native fish in the first place, they just want easy pickings. And these sob stories about the disabled not getting access to precious stocked fish really don't mean two farts in a tan can to me. I just realized I wanna be a Navy SEAL. I'm going to contact the Navy and ask if they can make the training program way easier for me so that I can pass all of the training and become one. Who are they to deny me my American rights to become a SEAL? No, if ya can't hack it on a wild/native trout stream YOU SHOULDN'T BE FISHING FOR TROUT PERIOD. There, I said it. Fishing is about COMPLETE immersion, not simply lazily walking up 20ft from your vehicle to start fishing. Nature DOESN'T accommodate, nature doesn't cater, it simply let's what can happen happen. If an individual is unqualified for these rigors then they are no longer in the game, unworthy. Tough luck buttercup.

Here's a solution. Let these individuals that are contemplating ending their own lives without access to stocked fish fish the hatchery itself. I'm 1000% down with the idea. Heck, to prevent stocking general I am down to let anyone fish a hatchery. It'd be a s***show in terms of the crowds but would provide people easy fish, less spread of diseases and harmful fish, and less money would be spent pumping streams full of trout. Holy s*** I can't believe how smart I am sometimes!

If I was physically disabled I'd just fish from a boat, maybe get into the salt flats stuff. There are ways to get around, adapt and overcome, that's how nature works.
Who says that they absolutely have to fish? There's other hobbies to do also and why is it that important these individuals catch stocked trout? Clearly they're not really trout heads if they don't favor wild/native fish in the first place, they just want easy pickings. And these sob stories about the disabled not getting access to precious stocked fish really don't mean two farts in a tan can to me. I just realized I wanna be a Navy SEAL. I'm going to contact the Navy and ask if they can make the training program way easier for me so that I can pass all of the training and become one. Who are they to deny me my American rights to become a SEAL? No, if ya can't hack it on a wild/native trout stream YOU SHOULDN'T BE FISHING FOR TROUT PERIOD. There, I said it. Fishing is about COMPLETE immersion, not simply lazily walking up 20ft from your vehicle to start fishing. Nature DOESN'T accommodate, nature doesn't cater, it simply let's what can happen happen. If an individual is unqualified for these rigors then they are no longer in the game, unworthy. Tough luck buttercup.

Here's a solution. Let these individuals that are contemplating ending their own lives without access to stocked fish fish the hatchery itself. I'm 1000% down with the idea. Heck, to prevent stocking general I am down to let anyone fish a hatchery. It'd be a s***show in terms of the crowds but would provide people easy fish, less spread of diseases and harmful fish, and less money would be spent pumping streams full of trout. Holy s*** I can't believe how smart I am sometimes!

If I was physically disabled I'd just fish from a boat, maybe get into the salt flats stuff. There are ways to get around, adapt and overcome, that's how nature works.
I still think there's a business opportunity with a portable swimming pool and some hatchery trout. Go from Walmart to Walmart with it and charge folks to catch stockers out of the pool.
The snobbery has raised it's ugly head! Pat yourselves on the back for you truly are the experts.

Someone with health issues and/or disabilities may very well be unable to access streams with only natives. That thought ever enter your filled to the max cranium?
Plenty of places with wild brown trout that are highly accessible if you're after trout.