Bad news for virginia

Like I said, snobbery has raised it's ugly head. Learned a long time ago, some are book smart and sheet simple! Some have just proven that to be true. Hammer on bigots!!!!

Perhaps if you Native aficionados should have your own website. You can then pat each other on the back while belittling those for whom you show great disdain.

BTW, let me know when all the stocked trout are gone and only natives are left. I am in my late 70's so I doubt I will still be around to see it. Many of you won't be either!

I'm done, this is an issue that never will be solved.

I do however, enjoy the intellectual camaraderie you hypocrites share.
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I learned a long time ago that some people will attack the person rather than the point when they've run out of arguments on the subject.

You posted about a disease outbreak in a hatchery in the conservation forum. I'm not sure what you were expecting the conversation would be about? Were we supposed to be sad that a bunch of sick hatchery fish had to be euthanized?
I learned a long time ago that some people will attack the person rather than the point when they've run out of arguments on the subject.

You posted about a disease outbreak in a hatchery in the conservation forum. I'm not sure what you were expecting the conversation would be about? Were we supposed to be sad that a bunch of sick hatchery fish had to be euthanized?
Yea lol good point. Staunch unabashed hatchery apologist posts example of common hatchery problem/repercussion and calls us bigots for for pointing out this is what you get when you do stupid sh*t like raise invasive species in crowded aquarium like conditions its like what the hell did you think was going to happen??
You missed the whole point . I never ever said anything about feeling sadly about the fish being killed. I merely posted the article, then the **** storm began. I wasn't the one who began the attack!

Again, some are book smart and **** simple! Some just keep proving it to be true!
You missed the whole point . I never ever said anything about feeling sadly about the fish being killed. I merely posted the article, then the **** storm began. I wasn't the one who began the attack!

Again, some are book smart and **** simple! Some just keep proving it to be true!
Hatcheries have disease.

No they don't!!

Yes they do here is proof.

They always get euthanized!

Actually they don't.

Yes always!

No. Here's proof and stock trout are bad anyways.

What about battered women and handicapped people!!!
Lol seems pretty sh*t simple to me!
Like I said, snobbery has raised it's ugly head. Learned a long time ago, some are book smart and sheet simple! Some have just proven that to be true. Hammer on bigots!!!!

Perhaps if you Native aficionados should have your own website. You can then pat each other on the back while belittling those for whom you show great disdain.

BTW, let me know when all the stocked trout are gone and only natives are left. I am in my late 70's so I doubt I will still be around to see it. Many of you won't be either!

I'm done, this is an issue that never will be solved.

I do however, enjoy the intellectual camaraderie you hypocrites share.
You do realize there are other trout besides native trout and stocked trout in pennsylvania right? Like wild brown trout, wild rainbow trout etc.
Just wondering (and always looking to stir any pot I can)... 😉

Do all of the holier than thou types; you know, the natives only, wild only, "never-stockers", PFBC haters out there only target and fish EXCLUSIVELY for wild fish and native species and NEVER, EVER, EVER dare tread on ANY waterway where your tackle may be soiled by inadvertently catching a non-indigenous species or heaven forbid...

...a stocker (which in my non-hypocritical book includes warmwater species)??

You know, places like Penns, Big Springs, Letort, Fishing Creek, Brodhead, Little J, Pine, Cross Fork, Hickory Run, etc...

If not, why not...?

BTW - Takin' your kids or grandkids to the local Stocked Trout Waters crick on Opening or Mentored Youth Day isn't an excuse if your line touches the water... 😎

I mean if you aren't a phoney...

So ARE there any TRUE purists out there with the total conviction to actually practice what they preach (constantly) or are some of you just funnin' the rest of us?

Just wonderin'....

And IF you cheat sometimes...

Why?? 😉
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Why do you "assume" that all hatchery fish are disease ridden? If hatchery fish are found to be infected, they are destroyed, not stocked and, the hatchery is shut down period!
There are plenty of "native trout waters" for you native only guys!
So, the solution is, end hatchery fish. Those who are prefer fishing for "stocked" fish for whatever reason are punished. Those who chose only natives get to enjoy the sport.
Yes, everyone can fish for natives, but, many are not able to because of health and other reasons. To hell with them?

Watching our "expert intellectuals" on the site demean and belittle those who disagree is actually pathetic.
Maybe you just inadvertently started the mud-slinging and sunk a little too deep in it?
Just wondering (and always looking to stir any pot I can)... 😉

Do all of the holier than though types; you know, the natives only, wild only, "never-stockers", PFBC haters out there only target and fish EXCLUSIVELY for wild fish and native species and NEVER, EVER, EVER dare tread on ANY waterway where your tackle may be soiled by inadvertently catching a non-indigenous species or heaven forbid...

...a stocker (which in my non-hypocritical book includes warmwater species)??

If not, why not...?

BTW - Takin' your kids or grandkids to the local Stocked Trout Waters crick on Opening or Mentored Youth Day isn't an excuse if your line touches the water... 😎

I mean if you aren't a phoney...

So ARE there any TRUE purists out there with the total conviction to actually practice what they preach (constantly) or are some of you just funnin' the rest of us?

Just wonderin'....

And IF you cheat sometimes...

Why?? 😉
Obviously, it's pretty darn hard to avoid them in PA. Ironically, exactly what caused me to start questioning the whole practice in the first place. 😉
Just wondering (and always looking to stir any pot I can)... 😉

Do all of the holier than thou types; you know, the natives only, wild only, "never-stockers", PFBC haters out there only target and fish EXCLUSIVELY for wild fish and native species and NEVER, EVER, EVER dare tread on ANY waterway where your tackle may be soiled by inadvertently catching a non-indigenous species or heaven forbid...

...a stocker (which in my non-hypocritical book includes warmwater species)??

You know, places like Penns, Big Springs, Letort, Fishing Creek, Brodhead, Little J, Pine, Cross Fork, Hickory Run, etc...

If not, why not...?

BTW - Takin' your kids or grandkids to the local Stocked Trout Waters crick on Opening or Mentored Youth Day isn't an excuse if your line touches the water... 😎

I mean if you aren't a phoney...

So ARE there any TRUE purists out there with the total conviction to actually practice what they preach (constantly) or are some of you just funnin' the rest of us?

Just wonderin'....

And IF you cheat sometimes...

Why?? 😉
We fish for non natives all the time we are not “purists” in anything we just want ecosystems that work and invasive species screw that all up. Its like saying someone who doesn’t want to start ripping parts out of a nissan without knowing what they do and trying to square peg round hole in parts from a honda. Just because we don’t want to break the whole functioning vehicle and keep its original parts where we can makes us purists?

Aldo Leopold said something like the first rule of intelligent tinkering is keeping all the parts.
Just wondering (and always looking to stir any pot I can)... 😉

Do all of the holier than thou types; you know, the natives only, wild only, "never-stockers", PFBC haters out there only target and fish EXCLUSIVELY for wild fish and native species and NEVER, EVER, EVER dare tread on ANY waterway where your tackle may be soiled by inadvertently catching a non-indigenous species or heaven forbid...

...a stocker (which in my non-hypocritical book includes warmwater species)??

You know, places like Penns, Big Springs, Letort, Fishing Creek, Brodhead, Little J, Pine, Cross Fork, Hickory Run, etc...

If not, why not...?

BTW - Takin' your kids or grandkids to the local Stocked Trout Waters crick on Opening or Mentored Youth Day isn't an excuse if your line touches the water... 😎

I mean if you aren't a phoney...

So ARE there any TRUE purists out there with the total conviction to actually practice what they preach (constantly) or are some of you just funnin' the rest of us?

Just wonderin'....

And IF you cheat sometimes...

Why?? 😉
I never target stocked trout. Not because I'm holier than anyone, it just doesn't do it for me. I fish one of the Class A's that they stock and do catch stocked fish. It just is what it is. I really enjoy the water type I find on this creek and I do catch some nice fish so I'll continue to fish it.

I will say, if in some magical world, I could opt out of buying a trout stamp and only be able to fish for trout where the state does not stock I absolutely would. Would I miss fishing the Class A I mentioned above, sure, but I hate that I have to support the stocked trout industrial complex. One can dream.....
I don't target stocked trout, but I catch them from time to time.
I keep them to fertilize.
If you want I can mail them to you, since they seem important.

I sometimes target wild brown trout. In mixed population waters I keep them.
I can mail them just the same also.

When I take the kids fishing, we go to a pond or a small wild trout water. My kids hate stocked trout, because they were taught what they actually do.

My son actually laughs at the guys on first day decked out in full neoprene camo standing should to shoulder. Like the fish don't see any of them.

My kids, wife and I generally hate crowds. We also ride bikes without training wheels. Also when we hunt, we go into the woods. We don't go to a ranch with a salt lick in front of a blind with an expresso maker.

When we do conservation work, we generally pick projects that RESTORE a previously decimate thing, as opposed to make an amusement park. We also wish to see naturally occuring events or populations of critters as opposed to artificially induced sportsman parks for artificially inflated wildlife all for the sake of tradition and "fun".

Conservation and fishing are all different things with separate definitions.
I can mail a dictionary too.

Look at the title of this thread and the sub forum it is in: Bad news for Virginia in the conservation forum talking about stocked trout. Fishing wise this year, maybe.
Conservation wise it's probably a win. I don't know where these fish were allocated to go but if it at all was in any native trout water, then it's probably good news for Virginia. If the inclusive crowd wishes, they could put their own fishing experience aside, and take 40000 of their Virgina trout and put them in handicapped and kids areas and not fish for them. Seems like the right thing to do and then no one gets punished to an early stock trout deficient death.

It used to be common knowledge stocking over wild fish, especially brook trout is a bad practice. Now it isn't and some of us after 50 years of seeing the same old selfish behavior, with no change, dont give a rats *** what you think about our words.

Do the right things, advocate for the right things, be better.

Or be annoyed with guys that try.
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You should not be forced to buy a stamp if you don't fish stocked water.
I've been saying this for years but something something about kids, battered women and handicapped people from the mass keeps me having to purchase them.

But us native purist, have it all with our 1 percent and the 99 percent we are abhorrent towards.
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