Just wondering (and always looking to stir any pot I can)... 😉
Do all of the holier than thou types; you know, the natives only, wild only, "never-stockers", PFBC haters out there only target and fish EXCLUSIVELY for wild fish and native species and NEVER, EVER, EVER dare tread on ANY waterway where your tackle may be soiled by inadvertently catching a non-indigenous species or heaven forbid...
...a stocker (which in my non-hypocritical book includes warmwater species)??
You know, places like Penns, Big Springs, Letort, Fishing Creek, Brodhead, Little J, Pine, Cross Fork, Hickory Run, etc...
If not, why not...?
BTW - Takin' your kids or grandkids to the local Stocked Trout Waters crick on Opening or Mentored Youth Day isn't an excuse if your line touches the water... 😎
I mean if you aren't a phoney...
So ARE there any TRUE purists out there with the total conviction to actually practice what they preach (constantly) or are some of you just funnin' the rest of us?
Just wonderin'....
And IF you cheat sometimes...
Why?? 😉