Bad news for virginia



Fixed it.

It's not our fault you cant delineate between two seperate concepts. In context:

Fishing is the act of catching fish.

Conservation is prevention of wasteful use of a resource, preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife and preservation and repair of archaeological, historical, and cultural sites and artifacts.

You asked if we fish for invasive fish.
You didn't ask if we practice conservation for them.

I asked them if they fish and as I expected, they do!!!

Hypocrisy is posting in a conservation forum that shucks, it sucks we can't stock invasive fish.
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I'm not wrong 🤷‍♂️. My life is worse for clicking on this thread
A broken record everyone is forced to listen to when the same burgler apparently brakes into all your homes and shoves the barrel of their gun in your face and forces you to click on a conservation thread despite you hatchery fish apologists being the antithesis to conservation……hope the cops get this guy soon
Prolonged sun exposure not only causes thinning hair but also thinning skin.
UV protection should be as paramount as the drift boat.
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Conservation is prevention of wasteful use of a resource...

Do mean like NOT deliberately killing stocked fish that are paid for with license fees and raised & stocked by employees of the Commonwealth and using them for fertilizer...?

You elitists are all phonies...

You fish for stockers or where stockers reside while telling everyone how much you hate them AND belittle the folks that don't.

In the meantime, you WASTE a resource and figure that because you are NOT willing to walk the walk and fish elsewhere it's OK, and not a threat to the phony image you try to create...

Maybe hunters should just shoot stocked game and leave the carcasses in the woods for fertilizer...

Or better yet, maybe we all should toss some brookies (because we can't be 100% positive they are truly wild strains) on the bank to feed the native raccoons...

As I expected, the results of my "show of hands" experiment validates that the "wild" crowd are hypocrites when it isn't convenient to be the purists they profess or PRETEND to be...

Carry on...
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Do mean like NOT deliberately killing stocked fish that are paid for with license fees and raised & stocked by employees of the Commonwealth and using them for fertilizer...?

You elitists are all phonies...

You fish for stockers or where stockers reside while telling everyone how much you hate them AND belittle the folks that don't.

In the meantime, you WASTE a resource and figure that because you are NOT willing to walk the walk and fish elsewhere it's OK, and not a threat to the phony image you try to create...

Maybe hunters should just shoot stocked game and leave the carcasses in the woods for fertilizer...

Or better yet, maybe we all should toss some brookies (because we can't be 100% positive they are truly wild strains) on the bank to feed the native raccoons...

As I expected, the results of my "show of hands" experiment validates that the "wild" crowd are hypocrites when it isn't convenient to be the purists they profess or PRETEND to be...

Carry on...
Just to be clear, advocating for native fish conservation, taking the state to task for not doing the things they said they would do for native trout, pointing out the problems with stocked trout, and the issue of nonnative trout has nothing to do with fishing or being a purist. You understand that right?

So if I go fish for native brook trout in a blue line and catch a stocked brown trout that swam in from the stocked water downstream, that disqualifies me from speaking out against how the state stocks over brook trout? 🥴 Same applies to deliberately fishing for wild brown trout. I can C&R brown trout in my local stream in SC PA (because it’s required by law) enjoy it, and still understand they’re bad for brook trout in a stream in Potter Co.

Fishing for, or inadvertently catching a nonnative trout doesn’t mean I can’t separate what’s fun from what’s best from a conservation standpoint. 😂 They’re two completely different things.
Not sure why people are against native trout????

PA Fish and Boat clearly know they need money versus resource first.

I’m not against stocked fish but not everywhere.

Feel free to stock Allegheny, Butler, Washington, Greene, parts of Fayette and Westmoreland, Indiana counties. Not Penns. Not Little Juniata.

These are the counties nearest me and they have already been ruined by industry.

So we should do nothing and let poorly educated dictate??

And I’ll never listen to a guy who makes living off of taking his sports to fish for big evasives because that’s what they want a big rainbow in a big brown oh boy. Self interest. Meh. And he knows where his bread is buttered.
Do mean like NOT deliberately killing stocked fish that are paid for with license fees and raised & stocked by employees of the Commonwealth and using them for fertilizer...?

You elitists are all phonies...

You fish for stockers or where stockers reside while telling everyone how much you hate them AND belittle the folks that don't.

In the meantime, you WASTE a resource and figure that because you are NOT willing to walk the walk and fish elsewhere it's OK, and not a threat to the phony image you try to create...

Maybe hunters should just shoot stocked game and leave the carcasses in the woods for fertilizer...

Or better yet, maybe we all should toss some brookies (because we can't be 100% positive they are truly wild strains) on the bank to feed the native raccoons...

As I expected, the results of my "show of hands" experiment validates that the "wild" crowd are hypocrites when it isn't convenient to be the purists they profess or PRETEND to be...

Carry on...
You seem upset.

Think how stupid your first sentence is, I paid for my license, I caught the fish legally, then turned it into more and better food. And that's a waste as opposed to what, just eating it? If I just ate it would you be ok then?🤣

I think they make great fertilizer and grow my crops. 🤷
One fish makes a heck of a lot more nutrients in corn, strawberries, beans etc than the white mush meat could supply me.

I clearly said, I don't target stocked fish, but sometimes catch them. why should I not target the wild trout in those streams because you guys want an amusement park? Many wild trout streams are stocked.

If anything, it's reclaiming waste and frankly you stocker apologists leave too many of them in the waterways to die.
Now that is a waste!

Also shooting a deer in the woods to fertilize unused ground is not the samething as using fish to fertilize usable food crops. Your fail of logic here is too much to express.

It's much more a waste looking at the hatcheries destroy entire watersheds.
I'm sorry you are upset by the definitions of words. They are what they are though...
No matter how much nonsensical rhetoric you spew.

They way you define fishing vs conservation, waste vs reclaiming, fertilizing crops vs leaving deer lay...

I'll take hypocrite and phonies to mean obviously something different the intended true definition.
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Just to be clear, advocating for native fish conservation, taking the state to task for not doing the things they said they would do for native trout, pointing out the problems with stocked trout, and the issue of nonnative trout has nothing to do with fishing or being a purist. You understand that right?

So if I go fish for native brook trout in a blue line and catch a stocked brown trout that swam in from the stocked water downstream, that disqualifies me from speaking out against how the state stocks over brook trout? 🥴 Same applies to deliberately fishing for wild brown trout. I can C&R brown trout in my local stream in SC PA (because it’s required by law) enjoy it, and still understand they’re bad for brook trout in a stream in Potter Co.

Fishing for, or inadvertently catching a nonnative trout doesn’t mean I can’t separate what’s fun from what’s best from a conservation standpoint. 😂 They’re two completely different things.
Again, he can't delineate between two separate things. Perfectly stated.
Not sure why people are against native trout????

PA Fish and Boat clearly know they need money versus resource first.

I’m not against stocked fish but not everywhere.

Feel free to stock Allegheny, Butler, Washington, Greene, parts of Fayette and Westmoreland, Indiana counties. Not Penns. Not Little Juniata.

These are the counties nearest me and they have already been ruined by industry.

So we should do nothing and let poorly educated dictate??

And I’ll never listen to a guy who makes living off of taking his sports to fish for big evasives because that’s what they want a big rainbow in a big brown oh boy. Self interest. Meh. And he knows where his bread is buttered.
Well stated.
Think I'll take the Dietrich Bros. Dream Catcher over to Big Spring today. I'll throw those annoying little natives on the bank so the mink and racoons can have some good meals!

BTW, to all the "poorly educated" site members, we now know what Aristickid thinks of us. Also take note of the other two elitists who hit his like button..
Think I'll take the Dietrich Bros. Dream Catcher over to Big Spring today. I'll throw those annoying little natives on the bank so the mink and racoons can have some good meals!

BTW, to all the "poorly educated" site members, we now know what Aristickid thinks of us. Also take note of the other two elitists who hit his like button..
Good luck with your fine
Not sure why people are against native trout????

PA Fish and Boat clearly know they need money versus resource first.

I’m not against stocked fish but not everywhere.

Feel free to stock Allegheny, Butler, Washington, Greene, parts of Fayette and Westmoreland, Indiana counties. Not Penns. Not Little Juniata.

These are the counties nearest me and they have already been ruined by industry.

So we should do nothing and let poorly educated dictate??

And I’ll never listen to a guy who makes living off of taking his sports to fish for big evasives because that’s what they want a big rainbow in a big brown oh boy. Self interest. Meh. And he knows where his bread is buttered.
Now you are labeled an elitist and accused for hating all the other members of this site for what you posted here🤣
They have no argument and don’t want to accept the difference between conservation and fishing. People like this are the same as those that support logging, mining, and other extractive self centered practices in the wrong places. Its just about them and what they want
They have no argument and don’t want to accept the difference between conservation and fishing. People like this are the same as those that support logging, mining, and other extractive self centered practices in the wrong places. Its just about them and what they want
By "they" are you referring to the "poorly educated" on the site?
I think when I retire, I'm going to fish and catch my limit every day in stocked streams and expand my garden to 3 times it's size.

Brown Rainbow Farms Organic Produce
"Where we take resource first serious enough to mean it"

Then I'll donate the funds to native fish conservation and turn those damn fish into something good twice over.