Annual Spring Jamboree - May 17-19, 2013 - Seven Mountains Campground

It looks like I'm out.
Taisetsu wrote:
Just want to say hello for the first time! I'll be attending the jamboree this weekend and hope to be able to replace a cyber howdy with a smile and a few handshakes. Wife and I have Cabin and hoping some rising fish. ;)
Welcome aboard and perhaps I'll see you there.
We're down to counting the days. :)

Should be a good time as always. Just a couple brief reminders (that you already know.....but I'll reiterate anyway):

-Our goal is a good time but let's remember to treat the site and the other campers who are there with respect and courtesy. Last year the pavilion looked pretty good on Sunday morning but a few of us had to pick up a bit more than we should have. Please keep using the trash can and when they start to overflow, the dumpster is in the courtyard near the restrooms.

-We'll cover the costs of the pavilion, firewood, etc from the proceeds from Saturday night's raffle. Leftover funds will be donated to an appropriate PA FFing charity.

-Quiet hours are at 11pm. Since we will be up later than that, please keep this in mind. If you're playing a musical instrument (which is encouraged), please leave the electrical amplification devices at home.

-Be careful navigating the intersection of the campground entrance and Rt 322. It's an open intersection with good view, but people drive on the road downhill faster than they should.

-If you're attending the jam for the first time, it's very informal. There's no overall fishing plan. Just get together with whomever you want and go fish. You're on your own for food etc.

Note tanker crash, and fire, at interchange of 81 and 322 in the Harrisburg area. It melted the road! Some ramps down indefinitely.

I'm tryin to figure out how it effects me. From the best I can tell, coming from the east, 81 South to 322 W should be ok. But 81 N to 322 W is closed, as is just passing over 81 on 22/322 from Harrisburg (the heat from the fire warped the supports for the overpass, too). Can any locals confirm those details???
One lane going west. Taking 81 to 322 you should be fine. But expect delays.
As of yesterday, and at least until tomorrow, 81 south is closed at the 83 split. Nothing like a two hour commute with heavy traffic to get your day going. If it's still closed, which it shouldn't be, I would recommend those coming from the SE to hit exit 90 and find your way to 443 through Ft Indiantown gap to avoid the craziness that has been and certainly will be all alternative routes in Harrisburg. For those coming from the south, 81 north is closed at 581, but at least you can still get on 322 west by going 581-83-81s/322w.

Boyer has got it. Take the 443 exit will take you through fishing creek. You will skip all the traffic. There is one lane open from 81 south to hit 322 so it should not be terrible depending on time of travel. They are rumor'd to have the bridge open by tuesday I know they have been working around the clock so I will give update as I hear/see them.
The lane from 81 south should be open by then, but currently the only access to it is from 83 north. Going south on 81 they are routing everyone to 83 south, at least for now. It's probably moot for me, as my buddy lives in ravine, so we'll probably just hit Tower City and go 325-225-322.

Heading up for Saturday. Power fishing from 10 am - 9 pm. Might have the nephew along and gochs said he'd school me this year. Bing it son!! Anyone looking to hit Penns or Spring? My liver has requested a break after the Catskill Chaos.
Any locals from the area have a good hatch report of the streams?

Greg and I will set up camp around 11am and will be out fishing after that. Looking forward to seeing everyone this year and it looks like we'll have some pretty good conditions to fish. Gonna be a long 4 days at work this week.
Agree with Ryan and would be nice to get some stream reports this week on stream conditions and hatches. Sort of expecting the usual mix of hatches, but it would be nice to hear a little more this week if you get out that way.
Scott and I will start fishing Wednesday evening. We won't have access to internet to post reports, but feel free to call me, I'll give a report via phone and someone can post if they want.
Idratherbephishin, leftycraig an I will be up Wednesday early evening. Might hit a close brookie stream if anyone is gunna be up there early an want to get on the water.
Just heard on the news that lanes of 81 are opening up now and in the very near future. I don't foresee any issues with making it to the Jam for any of us coming from the SE with that interchange mess...
Well my life on the road this summer is putting me close enough that I'm gonna make it to my first jam this year. I should be arriving Wednesday after dark. Is there anyone getting there early willing to meet up and go fishing? I've never fished the area before.
see you at the Seven Mountains Campground


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A buddy and I will be in tomorrow (Wed) afternoon. We'll set up and then go fishing till after dark. Likely get back to the CG at 10 or something, so you'll likely beat us back. But when we get there, stop over and say hi. We'll be the ones in the canvas tent. We'll either plan something for Thursday, or at least point you in the right direction. I know the area pretty well.

Our preliminary plan for Thursday (subject to change): We won't get around real quick. Late night probably on Wednesday and expected on Thurs, and we'll have some camp organizing to do as Wed. is just gonna be a rush. We'll likely get out of camp late morning. Maybe hit a brookie stream or two. There's a few I know and a few I wanna try, not sure what we'll do. Then late afternoon/early evening we'll eat somewhere and hit a bigger stream for evening hatches.

Hi guy's,

Looks like I'm in for my first Jam. I'll be in the Bellfonte area Thursday eve until
I've met a few of you in the past, PennKev, bikerfish, ryguyfi, sky bay....
and look forward to meeting some others.

Hey guys,

havent posted in awhile, just lettin you know my brother(possibly 2)and I will be at the jam for the first time this weekend. Well be up there Friday sometime in the am. Weather looks just about perfect, except for a chance of rain on sunday. Looking forward to meeting/fishing/bs-ing with some of you guys.
