Annual Spring Jamboree - May 17-19, 2013 - Seven Mountains Campground

Anyone get a count for the Jam?
Definitely looking foreward to seeing everyone. Elk Creek Café Thur. PM? GG
Is there a Boyer News Network traffic update?

You still suggesting 443 from exit 90? I'll be enjoying that area between 5 and 6pm tomorrow, and view smaller roads with some trepidation.
Yeah what gfen said. I will be coming from philly area via turnpike tomorrow afternoon. Is standard route 83 to 322 to 81 to 22 etc viable or should I plan different route?
81 ramp to 322 is open. I came home the past 2 days without any issues. Between 5-6, the traffic will be a little heavy but it is rush hour.
What Andy said...

thank you.
Everyone BEWARE I will be there thursday by 1pm at the latest. :-D
I plan on being there thursday before 1, but you've all met me so, ummm, the Thursday part is certain. At either rate I'll be fishing by evening one way or another.

Wooooohoooooo. Leavin tomorro. See y'all up there. Y'all gunna eat good. At least from me.
Thanks for the update on 81 and the Matt Boyer Interchange. Looks like it might be part of my route on Thursday afternoon.
I'll be there sometime Friday (the sooner the better - is my plan). Hoping to get camp set up in the early PM and get some fishing in somewhere on Friday evening. I have really been looking forward to this weekend and meeting many of you guys and getting the chance to fish with some of you.
Heads up when heading to Penns (from Feathered Hook site):

The bridge is closed! From Millheim to Coburn!
The second bridge from Millheim is closed!!!

The proper detour if you’re coming from the State College is to take Paradise Rd. off of Route 45. Proceed 2 miles to the stop sign at Penns Creek Rd. Then turn left onto Penns Creek Rd. and go 2 miles to the stop sign in Coburn. If you go left, we are on the left.

The proper detour if you are coming from the east is to take Pine Creek road in Woodward. Take Pine Creek road for 6 miles to the stop sign. Go left into Coburn.

The proper detour if you are coming from the north is to come to the light in Millheim. Then go right onto route 45 for 2 miles and then go left onto paradise road and follow the directions as above from State College.

Link to source:

(but the fishing has been good on Penns, according to Jonas at the FH.)
I'll be headed out Friday after dropping the dog off at the kennell, should get there early PM. Next 2 days are gonna be long
Chomping at the bit now. Leavin around lunctime, will be up there mid-afternoon.

Anyone get a count for the Jam?

I did one a couple of days ago. Of those who responded plus anyone specific they named that they're bringing, we had a definite list of 59. And then there were an unknown number of non-specific people, such as "and the crew". There were 7 maybe's on top of that.

Since that time, 1 or 2 of the 59 have dropped out, and some new ones have popped up. I'd guess we're in the mid 60's.

And I'd say the expectation is probably around 100, once all is said and done. Between fence sitters, those who planned on it all along but neglected to post, last minute plus-ones, etc.
That's amazing that we can get this type of turnout; what a resource this site has become.

I remember some years ago, at one jam, there were about a total of 6 guys there, sitting around a campfire at Paul G's camper.

And Maurice yelling at me for throwing wood on the fire :)

I'm heading up early Friday morning, should get there before noon. I'd like to fish the Little J in the afternoon/evening.

Thanks Pcray. I was out of the loop for a bit. See you this weekend. GG
I hope everyone has a safe trip, going up, during your stay, and returning. I wasn't at the first several Jamborees, but have made every one since, for good or bad.

With the increase of attendance, has come increased "issues." Perhaps the most crucial is the amount of noise that can be generated by even a small group. During the campground's quiet hours, we all need to be stewards of the noise being generated. Everyone can have a conversation at a normal tone, so long as everyone else does. But as conversations get spirited, other conversations are forced to raise their level of noise to compete.

I am as guilty as anyone, yet will make the effort to keep any group I am reveling with at a decent level. If the campground owners or managers come by to let us know about noise, please be courteous and spread the word among those around.

I look forward to joining all of you Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Can I shine a flashlight in people's faces if they get loud? :)

Only if the lens is red. :)
ok, truck is packed(yep, no bike this year), beer in cooler on ice, food ready.
gonna drink some beers on my porch so I can get to sleep at a decent hour, get up early, hit the road, fish somewhere along the way, and be there sometime early afternoon.
get settled in, head somewhere, hopefully towards penns, fish the evening away, then head to the elk creek for music and beers, let the weekend begin!!!
see you all there!
wait, what's that noise?? customers calling?? I CAN"T HEAR YOU!!!