Annual Spring Jamboree - May 17-19, 2013 - Seven Mountains Campground

IdratherbePhishing wrote:
I will say that I saw a hell of alot of snakes on spring! Place is crawling with them.

I didn't get a pic of it, but I wish I did...We saw a snake in one of the bird boxes along the banks of Spring. Its head was sticking out of the hole! Clever little fella. I was in the process of getting my camera out when it stuck its head back in.
I'm sure everyone has seen trout before, so I'll just post my biggest trout of the trip which was caught on Honey Creek. I was also able to cross a fish off my "bucket list" which I didn't really expect to do on Penns...


Honey Creek brown


Penns chain pickerel


Bikerfish on Standing Stone Creek
I'm really sorry I missed you guys.

I did manage to have a nice evening out w/ my dad on Saturday-in tribute to the JAM I guess.
krayfish wrote:
I really like the photo Ryan put up except for the fact it looks like the bugs were quite bad. Hope you had plenty of OFF in the vest.

Holy hell is that a hatch!! Looks like someone might have to make a suicide run after work in the next day or so.

ya, your nephew made a really bad call. next time regulate him for his own best interest.
Actually, I made an excellent call. If the young man wasn't f'n up my mojo, I would have had my best day ever in 25 years of fishing up there. 20" brown on the first cast, hooked/lost 3 more fish in the next 1/4 mile. My fishing time was reduced to 2 hours or less for the entire day and I hooked 15 fish, landed 9. One was a brown that was in the 5lb class that threw the MB nymph on the 3rd jump. I spent most of the day trying to get him hooked up. Without him, I'm guessing I could have had the day of a lifetime.

That Sulphur hatch on Spring is pretty sick though.
Just so you guys that couldn't make it (Andy, Tony, DaveS, Tom G) don't feel too bad, not everyone had the best fishing of their lives. LSoult, gfen, and I managed to set up on the only stretch of Spring where nothing really happened. We saw some bugs, nothing major though. We worked really hard for a few fish. One day of fishing up there never seems like enough.

Had a great time seeing friends and meeting new ones as well (gfoledc, Phil, Osprey, LSoult, etc). Shakey was great as usual on Saturday night and the raffle was excellent. FI's painting and CSoult's rod case were both stunning. I feel very lucky every year to have become involved with this group. Until next time...
"by pcray1231 on 2013/5/20 11:33:23

Phil, how'd you guys do yesterday?"

We nymphed for a couple hours in the afternoon. I managed 3 but Pontus/Pete had 7 hook ups and was psyched...

I couldn't stay for the evening hatch but did find one consistent just need dryflyguy to come down to the stream and they will start rising haha...was fishing downstream and yanked it out its mouth on the hook set
Turkey, our section of Spring never really popped on Saturday either, but we got the hatch everyone was talking about on Friday.

Phil, you're flattering me too much. I only landed 5 of those fish.
A great time indeed.

My own fishing report is actually a bit mixed. Arrived Friday evening and, after the campsite set up and obligatory chat, I only had about an hour before dark and just decided to head toward Penns. Found a pull off with nobody around and, with probably only about 40 minutes to fish, I blundered into one of the densest sulpher hatches I've ever witnessed and had great fun till dark.

On Saturday, I fished hard on the Little J upstream from Spruce Creek but, at least where I was, there were no bugs and no rises. I worked very hard for hours just to stick a couple on nymphs. After lunch, I joined dkile and Maurice and we went down to Baree. It was still slow - a few rises and a couple hook ups, but not much happening and nymphs didn't produce for me. Dave and Maurice stayed later after I left and did better. After driving down to Huntington to gas up the car, I drove back up to Spruce Creek and watched from the bridge by the church: there were a lot of fishermen but nothing happening. On a hunch, I decided to go check the George Harvey section of Spruce Creek: only one car and I had the whole lower end to myself and the sulphers started to pop. It wasn't really fast but a steady pick in the riffles and I think I stuck every riser I saw - all cookie cutter wild browns about 10 inches. A #16 parachute sulpher did the trick. It was a tough day on the LJ but Spruce Creek in the evening more than made up for it.

Sunday morning I cleared camp and drove to Fishermen's Paradise. There were only a couple guys on the lower end and I had plenty of room. Saw no bugs and no risers. Nymphing the runs on the far bank under the trees was pretty productive however and I got my best fish of the 2013 jam, a 14" brown.
I usually fish on my way home but needed to get back a bit earlier so my fishing wrapped up at about 1pm on Sunday. Overall, pretty darn good fishing. Other guys I talked to had much better luck on Saturday.
I too had an awesome time seeing old friends and new acquaintances. I can't even count how many folks I introduced myself too that I had met before. Haha...I will try to remember you for next year. :-D

Really enjoyed my special request performed by shakey. The generousity of the folks who brought and made food Saturday was outstanding! Sure the fishing was great and I caught fish so thats a plus. Finally got to fish with Dryflyguy. Man that guy is a machine. can't wait til next year.

Another masterpiece painted by Fishidiot and rod case hand crafted by Cody. And to all the folks who donated the other items in the raffle, Thanks! Even though I didn't win anything....again! THats OK though cuz the proceeds go to a worthwhile cause. The Fly Fishing and Conservation Youth Camp.

Thanks to Dkile for having the vision to put together a vehicle to get these like-minded folks together to enjoy and share their passion.

Top Notch!
turkey wrote:
Just so you guys that couldn't make it (Andy, Tony, DaveS, Tom G) don't feel too bad, not everyone had the best fishing of their lives. LSoult, gfen, and I managed to set up on the only stretch of Spring where nothing really happened. We saw some bugs, nothing major though. We worked really hard for a few fish. One day of fishing up there never seems like enough.

Had a great time seeing friends and meeting new ones as well (gfoledc, Phil, Osprey, LSoult, etc). Shakey was great as usual on Saturday night and the raffle was excellent. FI's painting and CSoult's rod case were both stunning. I feel very lucky every year to have become involved with this group. Until next time...

I don;t feel bad about missing the fishing. If I get off may lazy @$$ I can find good fishing. I do miss the collection of people, food and drink. That combination is a once a year event. I'll try to hit one of the the smaller get togethers this year.
My crew and I had a great time. It was their first Jam. We spent more time fishing than socializing, but enjoyed seeing familiar faces Saturday evening. While we didn't knock it out of the park, we had a couple decent days of fishing. I finally got to fish Penns and caught a few, and we all did well on Spring Saturday. Already can't wait til next year.
Even thoughI was only there for one night this year, I made the most of it - staying up until almost 4 am sat night- which is way past my bed time.
Had a great time catching up on things with old friends.
Found some pretty decent fishing on spring creek sunday evening with Maurice. Thanks again for the stream side cookout Mo!
PhilC and Pontus - things did get better after you guys left.

Another big thank you to DaveK and the moderators for putting this all together. Your hard work is certainly appreciated
Great Jam, great people.
I stay in cabin by Lock Haven for a week, so far no green drakes, all hatches are late and suspicious this year.


  • Bikerfish landing,  wgmiller watching - Spring Creek.jpg
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It was good to see old faces and meet new ones this year. The Jam proved to be a memorable trip in which the fish coopreated and the fly hatches were a new experience. I'd never really seen the activity to such a degree in all my years fly fishing. Spinner falls on Pens and Spring were pretty intense and with fish rising it was a sight I'll long remember.
Thanks to Albatross for all his help getting the Moose and I to some great spots. Hearing him whoop at each hookup on Penns brought a grin to my face. Central Pa. streams certainally are "bug soup" with all the hatches they produce.
Thanks to Dave Kyle for his leadership in making this such a great get together.
A few Pics from New York and Pa:


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    Oatka Creek and Moose flinging flies.jpg
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Great pics. I wish I had gotten to talk to you more, but glad you came, and happy that PA's fish and bugs cooperated for your visit.

That Kettle Creek "brown" is mislabeled. That's a Kettle Creek brookie!
Thanks Pcray., looks like I need an updated id course for trout and insects.
I forgot to say thanks to Sandfly for giving us some needed info on streams in his neck of the woods. Meeting him was a gab fest with lots of good info.
Looking foreward to next year. GG
Thanks Art and Jim for showing me a good time on Friday. It was great to spend the day with you! I think after Saturday night I've taught CSoult the finer points of whooping and hollering, so if I pass on the tradition will continue...