3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!


You da man! I'll bring Evan along to help wash down the donuts...

Free beer, AND DONUTS. Yep, cheap, easy= me.

I'd probably knock down and old lady in a crosswalk for free beer and donuts!
It's a great marketing strategy! I think the casinos use the same tactic...LOL
If the fishing isn't too good this weekend, I think that April Vokey is doing a tying demo at Lake Erie Ultimate Angler on Saturday from 4pm-7pm...just sayin'.

I'll be at some couple's wedding that I don't really know...so it sucks to be you guys ;-)
If any Jammers in town Fri nite are interested in meeting up @ the Elk Creek Inn, it's now open. It's 2 miles and change from Folly's End
and about 20 yards from Elk Creek itself.
Weather-wise, it has yet to do much more than drizzle on and off.
At 3:30pm today it kinda 'sleeted' for a few minutes, then fizzled out.
Fished some of Elk & Crooked creek for the past couple days and they remain clear, LOW_LOW & @ 50degreesF. Fish are loitering under logs and stumps, but are there.


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Is THAT the same Elk Creek Inn that I remember?The old wooden fire trap that was closed for a couple years?If it is they did one heck of a lot of work to the exterior.Big question....how's the food?
Won't be driving to Erie until/if/when they get some rain,but I fish near there and it would be nice to eat near by.
Wait April Vokey is going to be in Erie this weekend!? Uhhmmm yea I will find her and get picture.
Wish I could make it, but family duties got me all booked up... If anyone is still up Monday, Im planning on giving it a go.

If you could leave a donut or two, that would be nice...
Just a heads up

Fished Elk from Streuchan flats to Follys this morning. Numbes of fish aren't too bad and the ones holding in any sort of current are catchable. Got two about half way down to Follys. One on a 16 blood dot and one on a 14 copper john. The water is obviously extremely low and clear but the fish are there. Probably could have caught a few more but fished the section in about 3 hours because a I wanted to check some places on 20 mile as well. There were some fish building redds, that was pretty cool to watch. One hen looked to be pushing 30 inches and was in about 6 inches of water.

Went to 20 mile to check some favorite places of mine and was dissapointed. The last couple of weeks had a lot of fish between the top of the spring ridge water and Rt 20 bridge. I fished between I-90 and Rt 20 and managed one small fish. Didn't get to fish below I-90 today so there might still be a lot of fish down there. Most of the fish I did see were smaller than average too. Hopefully we get a good rain soon.

Good luck this weekend.
I'm up for the day fri. Me and my brother in law. See ya on the eastside.
April is doing a womens tying class, cost is 50 bucks. I don't need her picture that bad, 50bucks will buy a lot of beers at the avonia, not to mention all the beauty queens that will be present when they find out we are in town!!
BUT, maybe she would just want to hang out with some super cool fly fishers after she gets done?! if some one could get a message to her and maybe, just maybe she could find her way to the avonia!
yeah, I'm dreamin, but it's a good dream!
Biker, I think that she is doing a womens FF clinic in the afternoon but the tying demo is open to anyone willing to part with $50.

Go easy on the Avonia women. I turned 21 in that bar. Went to school with the owner's (at the time) kids. Thats my old stompin' ground. Another good place to lounge is Chico's in Fairview on Rt. 20. Good food.
turkey, there were some good looking women, but they were all married, the single ones? well, I think becker nailed it when he said they looked like chaz bono. perhaps we just hit it on a bad night, guess we'll find out tomorrow!
as much as I'm in love with her, I'm not giving April 50 bucks unless it's to pay for our dinner together!
I'll join in for a little bit of Steelheading and have dinner with everyone tomorrow. I'll plan to be at Folley's in the early afternoon, sometime between 12-1pm.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone :)
See you there, Mikey! It'll be nice to see you again.

Check this out. The plot thickens.....


Good luck to all - wish I was going.
We'll miss you Bruno!

I'm out the door in 15 minutes. Should be to Folley's by 7.
We got a little snow on the roads up here in Crawford County.
Be careful driving up....
we've got snow here in lawrence co! ugh. leaving in an hour or two, see you guys later!
Rt 79 is snow covered in places. Be careful!