3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!


If she's up for a tying demo... I'm gonna take a wild guess that she's probably going to be doing some fishing too.

That's where the free beer is on Friday... you could always ask the owner to see if she has any plans for the weekend........
sorry to dissappoint guys bvut im not making it this year due to medical problems...
Extremely disappointed Nello! Hope you're ok. I'll catch a few for you tomorrow.

I'll be up again on Black Friday. If you're well enough to go then let me know and we can meet up again.
Might save you fellas some walking, fished Elk Park rd. today and it was terrible. Very few fish and the circus was in town.

Mabee look up a little higher on Elk.
Leaving in few hours, see you at the Folly's


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I'll be heading up to fish tomorrow only. I fished Oak Orchard in NY last Saturday and it was amazing. So many huge browns.
Last minute update list. Should I be expecting anyone else over the weekend?

Tim Robinsin
Heritage Angler
turkey - maybe
David - maybe
PatrickC - maybe
Well my dog is coming, but she doesn't post on the forum, so you don't really count her.
Ryan I think a bunch of people on the list are not coming. I see atleast 5 names.
SBecker wrote:
Ryan I think a bunch of people on the list are not coming. I see atleast 5 names.

bunch of jackholes. but you are going. so it's a whole bag of jackholes.
Well, we found fish today. Hooking them wasn't a problem, but landing them was.

The stream (Elk) seemed to be coloring up, and was rising a bit. Tomorrow should be decent.

It's already better than last year's Jam conditions.

Dinner at Avonia Tavern was a blast!

One of the nice surprises of meeting people in person at PAFF Jamborees is discovering the difference in real life personalities versus forum personalities.

No one at the Avonia Tavern expected the "Real McFinn". He'd be the life of any party, and he surely was for this one!

To all that missed this night, you really missed a classic.
To heck with fishing reports - Anyone spot April ? Pictures please
Me & Bilg25 fished 20 mile yesterday. It was low and clear to start but with snow run of it had a little color by mid morning. Caddis pupa ( black and orange) and tan san juan worm were what we had luck with. I managed 3 fish. Two decent sized ones. All of them look good in the smoker!


My buddy got 2. I wish I was up there today its probably gonna be better conditions than yesterday. Good luck and dont get too rowdy!
we fished elk today (s.becker , heritage angler, dave s and i ) i landed one no other hookups until we went to 20 mile i lost 2 and had a few other hookups the fish upstream were super spread out and super pressured the water was extra low and clear im hoping for some rain this upcomming week to get back at it this weekend anyone local want to join? all the luck i had today was with the color yellow (thanks to bikerfish)(size 10 marabou muddler) and size 8 yellow wooly worms
McFinn is an Erie native who lives near Philly now. CSoult and I fished Crooked with him and had a ball (McFinn on the left and CSoult on the right). CSoult is from Clearfield county.

We also got to sample the finest in local Cuisine at Chico's (mmm perch sandwich).

The last is a shot of Biker on the left and Heritage Ed on the right at the Avonia Tavern.

I have a couple on stream photos to get off my camera. Look for them later today.

Thanks to RyFiGuy for for organizing the event this year. This is always fun, even when the fish are not cooperative...


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Paco, that fish is a hog! Nice pic.
Thanks, there are some real hogs comin in this year. I hooked up on 1 that I think was bigger but the wind was reakin havoc on my leader. It busted the leader had to be a wind knot.
still here if anyone wants to meet and fish this evening and tomorrow morning. we're supposedly getting some decent rain tonight so I might have to bag math class tomorrow if things get good otherwise I'm leaving after fishing around 9am.
Steelhead fishing, Saturday, Nov.12, 2011
PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM
Folly's End Campground base.

Here are some pics from Saturday.
I wander where the SBecker and Heritage Angler went?

After Follie’s I went fishing; landed 3.


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