3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

that brown is awesome!
I have unforgettable moments at the Jam and see again SBaker, Heritage Angler, Tim Robinsin, Ryan, Biker (and taste his hot “Irish tea”) by the Follies End.
I’m glad Tim R got home safe.
I wish only to stay longer.

Here is the Ryan’s shoot I took.


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thats an awesome photo! I'm fishing with skybay next time, maybe he can make me look that good! it looks like a simms or llbean ad or something!

this photo deserves a caption contest, what's ryan thinking:
"wait for it, wait for it, pull...NOW!" LOL, just kidding ryan.
By the way, those wings in the pic that mcfinn posted were epic, Jamaican Jerk. Good stuff!
was that at chicos or avonia?
Chico's, I had country fried steak. Mmmmmmmmmmm!
Avonias wings were legit, I had their hot and it was. Chicos has a ridiculous quesadilla I have to try next time.
Just a side note, has anyone noticed the change in Erie tribs over the years? A good example of this is looking at the mouth of elk on the satellite view on google maps and then consider it now. Big changes!
Sorry I missed the jam.However this reply is comming from New Zealand.I am in the land Down Under.No fishing as yet,but I will post more as time pases. GG
Very enjoyable pics, dudes. Seems a goodly % of these pics have have booze somewhere in them as well. Let the record show that my "stylin' " attire is destined to be all the rage @ next year's jam.
Surely an orvi$ en$emble of $hort$/long john$ will the new Folly'$ Uniform. Bikerfish asked about uncle john's cabins: not alot of right angles in their construction, bro. BUT, the location is nice. There's other locations that won't get your wallet - or your butt - soaked. if you come up again soon, then i can recommend a spot or two.
ps, it rained here BIGTIME yesterday... as in tornado warnings, 70mph gusts around Girard. Tribs are blown.
I anticipate a lot of new fish tomorrow and wish I could get myself up there.
Sorry I've been so disconnected from here lately. Been busy at home with the pregnant wife, 1year old, work, and family stuff.

You're welcome to all who gave thanks. I'm more than happy to put this together every year. Just too bad I couldn't spend more time up there with you guys this year. This year looked very similar to last year in terms of conditions, with just a few more fish to go after. I'm glad to meet a few new faces for the few hours I was up there. I fished hard, had 3 takes, and no fish landed. Pretty typical for me lately up there. At around 2pm I decided to push a few boy scouts out of the way (just kidding) in the big hole behind Folly's and toss some streamers. I fished right below the "Swim at your own risk" sign and literally saw 40+ fish sitting in the slack water. Had one anger strike and spooked a ton of fish. There were 3 of the boy scouts jumping around in the water above me and 2 took a swim. The scout leaders weren't too happy, but I laughed. Not much else you could do.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the donuts. Looks like it was a bigger event eating one of those than actually catching some steel over the weekend.

Hopefully next year I'll have work and family calmed down a bit and can stay the whole weekend. I'll put together some better plans then too.

Thanks to all who attended and made the 3rd Annual Erie Steelhead JAM a great success!

Ryan Gouldsbarry
Missed to jam due to work. I am going to try and get up there on Thur/FRI maybe i willhit it right for a change. So where would be a good starting point after heavy rains like this.
All depends on what the streams look like then. If you can handle some crowds I'd head towards the mouths because that's where the fresh aggressive fish will be. Large streams go up slowly and down slowly, small streams go up fast and down fast. Look at Elk and see what it looks like. If the color and flow are nice, fish the west side creeks of elk and walnut. If it's high, then head east and fish the mile streams.
Sounds like a good idea. Figured fresh fish would be coming in but wondered how far they would travel with the high water. I have never fished the mouth of Elk is there good access and parking?
tracker -

"I have never fished the mouth of Elk is there good access and parking?"

The actual mouth of Elk is very slow, almost dead, water. It gets plenty of steelhead but the water is best suited for spinnng or pinning under the float. There is a ton of parking spaces but if you want some fly water walk to where the launch ramp is then walk upstream to where the creek starts to neck down and you see a bunch of dead falls on the far bank at the head of that tree the water starts to move better - you can continue walking upstream and you will find more and more water good for fly fishing.
5RingsBL wrote:
Have safe travels, Art!

Thanks,hope to see you in Fl.