3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

Looks like a great time! Dang, wish I coulda been there.
just made it home. decent weekend, dispite the low low low and clear water. thankfully on friday I hooked up to 3 and landed 1, I'd post a pic if I could figure out how to get it here from my phone.
great times at the avonia, always great seeing old and new faces and getting to fish and drink some beers together.
elk was tough, not going back till we get lots of rain.
tig and bowhunter found me on crooked today, so I tagged along with them, bowhunter showed us some of his favorite spots. we say some fish, but they were holding tight under the root balls and log jams.
might head back up sometime thanksgiving weekend if we get some rain!
trying to post my fish pic!


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First off let me just say it was nice to meet finally, Bikerfish, Flipnfly, Heritage Angler, and Tim Robinsin, and also to fish again with SBecker. Meeting people is always the highlight of these things... Especially if the fishing sort of sucks!
To those with whom I did not manage to meet up with, hope to see you next time.
Thank you to Ryan for putting this all together, and for the donuts! Geeze, those things are way more impressive than the fish!
I also had the privilege to watch some really gifted people demonstrate their abilities at the Girard Dinor. You guys are AMAZING!
It was good to avoid another skunk and the leaves weren't too bad, so I won't have to post a "Why I hate steelhead... Vol II"

Looks like you guys had a great
Way to go!
Had a great time with everyone. Thanks to all for making it a good weekend. Ryan, thanks for arranging things and bringing the best donuts in the world...holy moly! (that's no joke folks, if you haven't had em' you need to come to the next Steelie jam!)

Don't believe any of the pics on here, they're either other people's fish that we paid to boodle for photo ops, pics from last year or they were victims of Russian swinging (it's like Czech nymphing except you pull it through the water faster...a lot faster...; ) just kidding.

Biker fish and dave s - we'll have to be sure to take our invisible suits off before we go to the avonia next time...lol.

Looking forward to the next one already and I haven't even left yet!
Boodle was my phone auto-spelling and I have know idea what boodle means. It it was supposed to say borrow...lol. There were no fish boodled in the making of this JAM.
biker in was nice to meet you had a fun day. Fishing wa snot to hot but it was better than sitting at home. Let me know when you plan on coming up and I will keep you posted on the conditions calling for rain tomorrow and tuesday so end of the week might be good.
telling me the end of the week might be good is like whispering dirty nothing in my ear i think im headding up this weekend regardless of rain or not.... ill let you all know the day when i find out what day ill be fishing ... if anyone is intrested in meeting up to fish
Mucho thanks to the Jammers who let me sit @ their table friday nite, and not make me eat in the corner alone, like they usually do at Avonia. Here's some action photos of the jameson - i mean, Avonia nite - as well as some streamside moments captured of Cody & Greg along Crooked Creek. Fishing was so-so, but the weather & company were superb. (Speaking of superb, the large donuts on saturday morning were above average. Never had a donut that squirted juice before... )


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More pics of food and beer than fish guys JK I got hungry and had to eat dinner before I read the rest .Jk Looked like a good time was had by all .
Had a great time. Special thanks to Alby and mcfinn for showing me the ropes of steelhead fishing. It was great meeting everyone and as Heritage Angler said, it's great to put faces, and real personalities to all you guys. I look forward to the next jam.
a quick question, has anyone ever stayed at the cabins at uncle johns? I took a quick drive through there, they look pretty nice and the price isn't bad. folly's has really turned into a muck-hole, don't think I'll stay there again.
Skybay and McFinn I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing! Looks like everybody was having a good time. I look forward to hearing more!

I'll be up next year (unless this baby is still not born!)
Just thought I'd add a couple of pictures....

In the group photo - from L to R:

SBecker, mcfinn (note the stylin' attire), bikerfish, Albatross, flipnfly, csoult, tig, ryguyfi


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Just got back. Here's the evidence:



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Some great pics.

That's a beautiful brown - love those deep black fins.
Nice, "Tim". Missed some good donuts in the morning. Congrats on the brown, I caught one too....... It was only 12" though. Otherwise, I got skunked hooked some steelies but no landing.
there were some donuts left when I got back around lunch, thank god! they were ridiculously good (swoon). I was hoping to fish with you csoult, I couldn't find you so I stalked ryan for a little. That was a man on a mission!
