3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

wbranch is exactly right, that brown came from alongside those first deadfalls. from there up was good water. even swung some through those riffles with some takers.
Just wanted to say it was nice to meet some of the guys in person at the jam. I wish I could have made it up before everybody hit the water and spread out. My younger brother held me up by not being ready to leave when I was so I got a later start than I wanted to. lol I also wanted to extend an invite for next fall to fish Oak Orchard in NY. Its 3 days and everybody fishes as friends. We had 30 guys this year. We locked up some nice holes so we didn't have to worry about getting crowded. It was non-stop fish all day. I think the biggest brown was around 17 pounds that was caught. I'll try and make the 3 day steelhead jam next fall for all the days.
Get up to Erie NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got home today...... Rain cats and dogs monday..... Elk got blowed out.....could not fish tuesday because it was to high..............Went to the nut wednesday for some combat fishing, now big deal in a way I was in the Army.LOL. Fish every were in the shuts and falls..Caught about 6 or 8 lost that many or more... Was only there for a couple hours... The water today which is thursday has a green tint and real nice flow.... Wife had problems with waders so fishing of bank was rough.... Water real good might last a little longer... Glad to meet everybody at the jam
Thanks again Ryan for the jam and big donuts..
Happy Thanksgiving!

Short movie from:
3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13
