3rd Annual PAFF Erie Steelhead JAM - November 11-13 !!!

I'm leaving directly after class (10pm) thursday night and driving straight up and fishing till 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I'm gonna feel like death but I gotta make up for the last trip. I'm staying at the sunset till monday and coming home monday afternoon.
Why does it seem all "local honeys" at fishing destinations all look like Chaz Bono? :)

Biker was it you and I sitting at the bar last year with those chicks? lol
Keep your collective fingers crossed for that rain this week. I fished (walked around a lot) this morning and Elk is lower than Barry White's voice. There are fish throughout the stream but they are all packed into the deepest holes. I just can't stand there, with 10 other guys, and harass a pod of fish in 3' of gin clear water for hours on end.

You guys can always hit up the creek mouths too if the streams aren't cooperating...but I think you'll be ok.


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might have been year before last, but I'm not sure, tried to forget about them!
Coming up Friday morning, it's a 3 hour drive so probably be there around 9 or 10. I drive a burgundy Toyota Tundra with a PAFF sticker on it. Staying at Folley's and fishing until Saturday night as of now, may be Sunday morning.
bikerfish wrote:
might have been year before last, but I'm not sure, tried to forget about them!

Come on, what happens in Erie stays in Erie. lol
Hey guys,

I can't make the JAM but I am headed up for the day on

I'll try and put up a quick trip report when I get home if anyones interested.
Of course we would be interested.
I'll be in the green Toyota pickup with the PVC tube on top. Anybody meeting up Friday morning? If I leave here at 110pm thurs I should be there 4-5 amon Friday morning.
Not only am I bringing donuts on Saturday, but I arranged for free beer on Friday. Steve from Lake Erie Ultimate Angler has invited the group to come by his shop and shoot the breeze right after fishing. He said he'd provide a cooler of beer for our group. I plan on having him be more involved next year and maybe doing a talk on streams/flies/general fishing next year but got a hold of him a little too late.

So all you guys have to do on Friday is show up at his place after you're done fishing. (He closes at 8pm) You can toss back a few and chat a while then head to Avonia for dinner. Below is the address and website for his shop. I'll miss this as I'll just be coming up on Saturday.


Steve Brugger
Lake Erie Ultimate Angler
3737 West 12th St.
Erie, Pa 16505

Nice job, Ryan. Do not let that beer go to waste.
ryguyfi wrote:
Not only am I bringing donuts on Saturday, but I arranged for free beer on Friday.


I may have a man crush.
Free beer? I'm in!!!!!
Always wanted to check our that shop anyways! Thanks Ryan! You da man!
Nice! There!
Now HERE'S a forecast.


That's some great steelhead weather if I've ever seen it. Precipitation before the weekend, and cloudy with a bit of a warm up on Sat and Sun. Looks like we may have caught a break.

Dress warm and see you guys on Saturday!
need the rain everyone do your rain dance. All the streams are super low and clear today. Good number of fish but they are holding tight in the deeper holes and not hitting much.
I am really trying to catch a cold - cough
You guys are so easy- free beer! Is that all it takes?

Ryan and all have a great time this weekend. Sorry I will not be able to attend. Please take pictures and do share in all the adventures.

